Monday, December 2, 2013

Poem 1194. Warning

Sometimes it is wrong and sometimes it is right but I just feel one thing I never understand
What is life I just feel one thing from every point that my life never look same on every side
Sometimes I feel someone is so great inside life so on every moment in our life we just feel
One thing from each and every point that when I look at every thought inside life that
I just feel life never look same on every point it changes with each colour and with each type
But inside our life we need to understand truth of our mind that things which look as nice
As gold may look next day not as nice for our life because those things which are pleasant
On some moment of life will turn wrong way inside life after some time but when I heard it
I feel so scared on many points inside life that I feel my life will never happy because each
And everything is wrong inside life but then when I think deeply I understood what's wrong
With my life I just read warning and forgot to read other things in life but one thing is so sure
That each thing have little bit negative side but question is that how much negative will be
That side of life I just want to understand those thoughts of my mind which just show me
Wrong thing about my thinking and about my life but still some where inside my heart I am
Sure that my life will be nice when I turn it in right way and don't read just warning inside life
There are many things which are nice inside life but just spending days on warning is mistake
Of our future and life I just want to say one thing inside life I can never understand how much
Time I have wasted on those warnings instead of living my life but as days went ahead and
As life goes ahead I began to learn many things in life first thing I learn is that I need to understand
Need of other things inside my future and inside my life just after reading warning I put that
Packet back on many times or many times when warning is not there I just assume it is best
Inside life but many times warning are not made about risky things in life and we feel just
One thought that we need to have something perfect inside our life but nothing is so perfect
Inside our future and our life but when we saw those warning we will feel scared on each
And every point inside my life sometimes if only those new things don't have so many warning
Inside our future and our life so on each and every time I just feel one thing in my life that is
I can never understand those thoughts which are precious to our future and our mind but
Instead of those thoughts we just get warning inside life from time to time inside life I feel
One thing those warning scare me so much that I just can't enjoy any part of life even if
We thought that way inside our life so on each and every point I just think one thing inside
Life that warning which are written on everything can be ignore from time to time inside life
But sadly sometimes it prove to be so risky inside our future and our life because from
Time to time inside our life we just need one thing on each and every point that is full
Knowledge of that thing but we need to understand each thing have to two sides in life
So if you don't want to take risk then you at least have to ignore those profit from it
But I feel so strange are want of human being they want profit but don't want to take
Any most of risk so inside this world on every spot and thinking we just need to understand
After all inside our life on each and every point we need to understand our thoughts and
Our thinking that we sometimes have to bear with those risk because they are just basic
Of our future and our thinking so inside life as human being I just feel one thing that I must
Try to understand how to handle that warning but inside this life I saw on every time
One thing that people just scream about those warning but after some time we just feel
One thing inside our world and our thinking that on every point we just keep one strong
Sort of thinking inside our world on every day and every morning we feel that we have
Just perfect warning and it all can be fine if people want to take that risk as human being
So inside life I just have one feeling inside life if only those warning are part of our life
Then we can obey it and learn inside life but instead of that at first we feel scared of that
Thing inside life and then after some days we began to ignore it inside our future and life
Because those things become part of life and that went things turn wrong way inside life
We say that we shouldn't have took that risk inside life I just feel one question from heart
That why don't we took proper precaution in life sometimes we act too scared and then
In just few minutes we become careless inside life so on each and every point I just feel
One thing inside life that we should keep those warning and act carefully in life and then
We can live happy life so maybe we should remember this next time that we will not get
Scared but we keep warning inside mind and then we will fight for entire future and life.

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