Friday, December 6, 2013

Poem 1203. Autobiography

When I read those lines and when I read those thought I just feel one thing from my mind
That I can't be so busy that I don't have time for those thoughts our life is so different which
Give happiness to our thoughts but sometime some chapter touch us so much that we just
Can't keep them away from our eyes and from our heart for me those are some thing which
Are our chords when someone press them we just feel one thing that we need to understand
Every thing from that heart may it be busy time or may it be some unimportant to other heart
But our heart just beat on every line of that thoughts because they will tell us truth of world
Even if they are from totally different world because when world changes mostly people
Just changes their style of living from their heart and on each and every moment we just
Feel one thing from our heart those lines which I read are something out of our future and
Out of our heart so on every point we just feel one thing that is our want of understanding
Those lines which just please our heart when I read those lines inside my world suddenly
I feel one thing that those world are going to open many ways of my world because those
Lines told me one thing important in life they teach me that we can get blamed by people
Even when they are not right our right thoughts will get punished but when we get punished
Inside life at least we know one thing which is important that is justice for our future and life
After all those book which I read sometimes have power to tell me truth of world and life
When writer is honest then story become perfect but inside our world these thing is so rare
In our future and inside our life so from time to time inside our life I just feel one thing from
Each and every point inside life I just feel one thing on each point that our life will not be
That easy but then when I read those lines suddenly I began to feel that problems which
I suffer are not that uncommon for life after all when we do some different in life that is like
Asking for our freedom it will be enough for world to get angry on us many times but there is
One truth inside our life that we all want freedom so we will demand it from time to time
But then when people get angry I feel why don't they understand those thoughts inside life
Then I feel one thing inside mind that we all want to win in life but there are some people
Who want to keep benefit of that victory and fruits of that victory just to themselves in life
Sharing is something unknown to them inside life they just want everything for them and
That thinking is so common in mankind but don't we just to adjust on many occasions
Inside life after all inside our future and our life I just feel one thing that inside my life that
From time to time on those sentence and lines I just understood one thing from our mind
That is our need to adjust with each and every thing inside life after all those words which
That person have written told me inside life some people ask for right thing but people
May oppose them inside their future and their life I just feel on every day those thoughts
Of that mind they seem alive just like thoughts of my mind I just feel one thing that those
Occasions are so different and scene are different inside life but still those thoughts remain
Part of our future and our life so from time to time inside our life when we read some thoughts
We can understand truth of problems inside life how interesting it is too know that such
Different person and from so different Ara understand our thoughts and mind when I saw this
I feel that one thing is truth of my thoughts and mind I just wish from my heart that I will
Just read it for entire time but somewhere in my heart I can't do it in life because I have
To do all my work if I want to see one book on after some time how scary is that thought
When someone write about us inside life I just can't imagine someone writing book on
My personal things and life but when I read that I stood why people do it in life because
They want to teach other that rising is not that easy in future as well as inside their life
Just to teach it world and to encourage people like us inside life those great people just
Forget their privacy and let people write on them inside life but that must so strange to read
Those things inside life I can understand those books which are written after death but
Then we can't trust them in life because when some one is dead then we can't confirm
What is wrong and right but sometimes some people keep that knowledge inside life
So when I read that book which tells about some one's life I just feel one thing from heart
If that book is so perfect from every side not just great is that person who is center of that
Book but also great is that person who write that autobiography so perfectly without wrong thing in life.

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