Saturday, December 7, 2013

Adventure story 114. Monster

Nisha was driving in that car.She never believed that one day,she could able to do that.She was driving a car!!She still remembered those days of her young age when her father used to teach her driving but her father was never that friendly.She was scared but still inside her heart.She left that she loved driving but never liked that teaching.Then she remembered that day when she decided to drive on her own.She did it so perfect that even her father was happy with her.She could drive today because she was staying with her parents.She suddenly remembered that Rakesh her husband warned her that she should reach home in just two hours.She looked at watch.She was getting late.She must gave back that car then returned to home.She was sure that Rakesh should phone her in few minutes.Rakesh loved her so much that he phoned her after few hours.Nisha was convinced about it.It must be love why else he did that.She smiled to herself.She was sure that her husband love her.Then she thought one idea that she might take this car with her.She was sure her parents didn't mind it.After all she was their daughter and her brother never get much upset by all these things.She decided that she should take car so she started driving but traffic was so heavy that she couldn't manage to go ahead much.She just sat in car.She was so upset now.She was sure that her husband's phone was ringing at home so she would be sure now that he would get upset.She just wanted to run out of that car.She thought that she might had ran faster than car.She just kept pressing horn.It was just useless.It was just upsetting other drivers.Nothing else could be achieved but still she kept doing it.She once more looked at watch.She was late that was horrible.She couldn't believe it.Then finally worst thing happened.Her mobile rang.She was sure who was it.It was her husband.Rakesh was so possessive from starting and beginning she used to enjoy it and laugh at it.That time his love seemed her so nice and perfect on each and every point inside world.Slowly as days went ahead she got married to him She began to feel those problems which were harmful for her life.He was too possessive and dominating.But still she love him so she had decided that she would stay with him.But only if her right arm agree with her which was hurting when he hold her angrily when she announced in morning that she wanted to visit her parents.She had to visit them because her brother was going to U.S. and she wanted to see him before that it took lot of efforts to convince him.He was finally convinced.But now this happened.She felt that god was not with her.That's why this had happened.Now Rakesh would angry again.She was so scared to pick up phone but finally she took it.
          Rakesh was very upset on phone.Rakesh"Where are you?""I am driving home.""Driving?Who gave you that car?""It is my parents's car.""You can't drive.""I can.""Then why are you talking on phone while driving?You are so..."He start abusing her.Suddenly Nisha felt so scared.She thought that she might be just skip idea of going home.But then she felt that she couldn't avoid it so she said"Sorry."This didn't seem to make Rakesh enough happy but he had disconnected her phone.Nisha was so tense now.When she reached home,she was very scared.She didn't want to enter in that house.But she knew that Rakesh would be tense about her.As soon as she entered inside her house,a chair was thrown on her.She looked at that chair with so shock.Rakesh"How could you do this?""But?I didn't.."Then he began to hit her.She tried to run away from him.Finally she managed to escape and ran into her room.She was not feeling okay today.That was also one reason behind her decision to meet her parents.Now a days she just hated to discuss anything with Rakesh.He was acting like some crazy person.He always began to abuse her.Every time she had to lock herself when he couldn't control his anger.Even now he was abusing her from outside and today she was thinking about giving him a good news.They were going to have baby,That's why she was not feeling okay.It was not confirm but she was sure and today she went with her mom.Then they got that report which she had decided to take and it was confirmed.She was so scared when he started hitting her.If he did something wrong,it could harm her as well as her baby.She didn't want to take that risk.She just phoned her mom and told her everything.After some time when Rakesh finally went away.She came out of her room.She was expecting empty room.But Rakesh was still there.Her guess was wrong.She could see clear anger in his eyes and she could feel that he was going to stay hitting her again.She was still feeling those pains which he managed to give her when he slapped her as soon as she entered inside house.She didn't want to come near him.Now a days Rakesh was out of control.She just didn't understand what was wrong with him.Suddenly Rakesh controlled his anger and smiled.Then she noticed that her parents were sitting there.Rakesh"You are pregnant.You should have told me..."Her Dad "So that you would not hit her."There was strong anger  in his voice but then she looked at her Mom who was avoiding her eyes.Until now they felt that they never shared anything with Dad because Nisha hated it.She knew that her husband was hitting her.But still she liked him so she didn't want her Dad to know about it.She didn't want to go away with Dad.
         Suddenly Nisha came ahead and smiled.Rakesh was relieved.He was so sure that now Nisha would convince everyone that he was not monster.He liked this thing about Nisha.That was the reason.He married her.She was so understanding and she obeyed most of his commands.Today she did mistake but he had taught her lesson.But he knew that he did bigger mistake today.She was carrying his baby.But he knew that he would control his anger.If only she didn't met her friends and parents.He hated them both.He still remembered that first time when he hit her with belt.It happened when she engaged in fight with him because of her friend.She wanted to go to that party.But he knew that it was all wrong inside life.He felt one thing that her friend was encouraging her for wrong thing like standing for her own right and those nonsense.He didn't want her to meeting them so he hit her.That day she cried but when he convinced her that her friends were wrong.She confessed that they were discouraging her from marrying him so that settled it.He was wise than her so she did obey him.He liked that idea.Now he just had to keep quiet.Nisha"Dad nothing big happened.We just had small argument and then I got upset so I phoned Mom."Mom"What are you saying?If you are telling truth then what about those marks on your face."Nisha was confused now.But then she suddenly got an idea.She heard it from one maid."Mom it's allergy."Dad"Allergy my foot.Come one let's go."Her Dad took hold of her hand.But she just didn't cooperate.Nisha"Dad I am not coming."Now Rakesh knew that it was perfect time to enter inside conversation.Rakesh"She is my wife.You can't force her like this."Rakesh pretended as if Nisha's Dad who abused her and Nisha also stood with me.Dad"Are you mad?Nisha!!"Mom"Nisha just don't do it."Dad"If you act like that we will never visit you again."Rakesh csmiled.Suddenly things were changing the way he wanted.Rakesh was so happy.He saw that his in-laws would not visit him.He was so happy.He saw that they were going away angrily.After that on each day he could act as her wish. He didn't let Nisha go out as much.Sometimes when things didn't happen as he wished.He came home and started abusing Nisha for bringing bad luck to him.Slowly thing turned into worst for him.One day when he went out for his job,he met his old friend who suggested him.Beauty of some drugs which made him happy.Rakesh was so irritated by everything that he decided to take them.After taking them he felt so perfect that he started coming home in that state every day.It was getting horrible day after day.Nisha was so scared now to stay with him.When one day he suddenly began to scream on her and then he slapped her.Nisha was about to fall.She got scared and ran out of house as soon as he fainted.When she reached to her parents,she clearly saw anger on their face at first.But then they felt sympathy on her condition so she decided to stay with her parents for some days.
          Whole time she was waiting for Rakesh but he didn't come to take her.But Nisha was convinced inside her heart that he would come on birth of their child.When her baby was born,she phoned him to tell him that their son was born.Rakesh just laughed and said"I don't care.In fact I don't want you.I am sending you divorce paper sign them.I don't want to spend my money on you and your son.""But it is also your son.""So what?Why should I trust you?""Are you mad?"Then he started laughing.Rakesh"I want divorce or I will disgrace you before every one like this.""But I can prove in court and to everyone this is your child.""Sure you can do it.But before that I can do many things to disgrace you and your family.Just get lost.."Then he started abusing her.She was so shocked on that day even when she knew that she had to eat for her child.She just couldn't able to eat anything.Nurse was so concern that she called Doctor to check her who said that she was perfect.Her lack of hunger was surprising to every one because she didn't tell any one about that phone.Nisha just kept calling him for days.But he didn't answer her.Finally he came one day.It was horrible day in Nisha's life because when he came on that moment he was high on drugs so hospital staff did not let him go inside.He kept screaming.Finally Nisha ran out to talk to him.When she came,he started screaming on her. Rakesh"Sign this paper and free me.I don't want to stay with you and your child.Go away and don't expect money from me.If you did them,you know how painful I can be to you."Nisha remembered all those pains perfectly.Doctor"Madam your husband is disturbing other patients.Visiting hours are over and you will be discharge tomorrow.But he was not listening.Stop this or I will call Police."Nisha just nodded.She took that paper and signed it without second thought.Rakesh smiled.Rakesh"Good girl."Then when he patted on her chick,she felt that he still cared for her.Nisha"Don't you want to see our baby?""No.I am getting late.Bye."Then he went away.Head nurse came near her.Nurse"I will never permit that man to come near my baby.He is taking drugs."After that every one started advising her to leave thoughts of Rakesh.She went home.But still she was not happy.She was staying with her parents now.But she couldn't do that forever so she phoned Rakesh.Nisha"I need a home.""So what did I suppose to do?I don't do charity.Come on don't you remember.You are the one who left me and went to your parent's home.""But I did because you were hitting me and I thought our child..."Stop that nonsense.You never care for me.You are always selfish.Even today you are contacting for money.Okay.Fine you can shift in our home.I will make arrangement for me and Purva.""Who is Purva?""She is the one who took care of me when you left me.You know I was sick with fever.But you don't have time.You were busy with your baby and staying happily in your parent's house.I will give you that house but don't come near me."Nisha was upset.She told her Mom every thing.Her Mom said just one thing"He had to give it because it is rental and he can't pay rent on his own.I think you should stay here.After all your brother is shifted in U.S. so you will be fine here."
          After that Nisha was so upset.Her mother never seemed to understand her problems.In every one's eyes it was all just Rakesh's fault and he never deserved Nisha.Her friends came to visit her and suggested same thing.But she knew from inside of her heart that it was her fault.She was not there for him when he was sick so he got upset.She knew that he did like to give her everything but she never took proper care of him.She was always doing everything in wrong way.Suddenly she began to think that it was her fault that she met her friends so she told all friends not to visit her.They all found it so insulting and strange that they all stopped.Then slowly her Mom noticed that she was just looking at fan whole time.She was not paying attention to anything.At first she used give whole attention to her baby but then her Mom so that she was not even looking at her baby.One day her baby was crying for such long time but still she didn't went near crib.Finally her Mom picked up the Baby.Mom"Nisha what's wrong with you?Why don't you take baby in your arms?How can you act with such cruel way?You are mother of this child."Nisha just siged and said"I felt as if whole world was finished for me.I just can't live this way.I want to make patch with Rakesh""But you can't..""I want him.It was all my mistake."Then she started telling her that how did she cooked food in wrong way one day then she started telling how did she broke one of Rakesh's favourite show piece by mistake."But after that he hit you.""Yes,Mom.But he had forgiven me and stayed with me.It was all my mistake.I want to go to him."Her Mom tried to convince her but everything turned into useless.Slowly she started getting weak because she was hardly eating.Her baby was also suffering due to it.But she didn't seem to care.She just kept looking at ceiling.Finally one day their Doctor suggested a psychiatrist.Nisha didn't agree at first but finally gave up and went with them.She was even walking in strange way.She was complete picture of sorrow.When they went inside,they told psychiatrist every thing who talked with her for some time then called them inside.Psychiatrist"She is suffering from Major Depressive Disorder.It happened due to that difficult marriage with abusive and violent husband.She is feeling that she was not perfect wife."Mom"But my daughter was so kind to him.He was not worthy of her.""I know but we have to convince her and it will take some time."Dad"Only if she acted as I said..""Will you stop blaming her.It was her destiny by blaming her.You are creating more problems.Just cooperate with me and she will be fine."Her parents nodded.They all were just sure of one thing now that they had convince Nisha that Rakesh was monster which would not be easy because she had sadly fall in love with monster.But psychiatrist gave them confidence that they would able to do it because he had did it many times before.So they kept faith on him and went outside to take their daughter back to home.Until psychiatrist next visit would come.
                                                          The End

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