Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Poem 1209. Blessing

On every point inside our life we just feel one thing from our mind we feel that we should not
Act this way in life but we can just control ourselves we can't control other person and their life
But still from time to time I feel each one of us making some plans inside life about how did
They can win inside life every moment when we win we just feel one thing from our mind
That we have convinced other and that's why we are winning inside life from time to time
In our life we just feel one thing from our mind that our winning is something we can get
Just because we feel those things inside our future and inside our life so from time to time
In our life I just feel one thing from mind that this person is adjusting we are just small cause
Which mention that thing inside life we are nothing important but small part of whole thought
Inside our life so from time to time in our life every time we just feel one thing about mind
My thoughts are something so nice inside life I just can't understand them until I go inside
My mind every one thinks they are something great inside mind but problems is that no one
Can understand how to give respect to other person inside life we all want to be winner but
Still we can't be winner inside life until we act properly in every way which will help us
In our future on each and every time I just want to understand those thoughts inside life
Why did I always want to look at myself and want to feel that I am better than others
Inside my future and life sometimes I think these thoughts are planted unknowingly inside us
When we are small even by our well wishers in life because they want us to be special
So they all claim same thing from their happy mind I just feel one thing inside this life
That every way we walk as we are told instead of moving as we like inside life and
It all happen just because we hope that we will win inside life this hope is not bad but
There are other wrong hopes which enter with this hope inside our life on each and every
Moment of our life we can't get things which we really prefer on every day of our life
But when we hope for something we want it so much that we forget other things in life
We just hope one thing that we need to find something which will help us inside our life
To prove we are great we need many things in life we never understand those things
Until we began to try on each and every point inside life after all those thoughts of our mind
Don't seem so perfect and right inside our life we just feel one thing from every point
That we are depend on success as much as we are depend on water inside our life
So without success we began to think that we can't able to enjoy anything in our life
So on each and every moment we feel so useless is our life without success on every point
We just feel one thing that we don't need life at all with success any time but I just have
One question from my mind don't you know that many people enjoy  their life and hardly
Get success at all inside life if we get success that is so nice but then even when someone
Reaches on peak of mountain then that person will not have success inside their future
And inside their life when days went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing from
Our thoughts and from our mind that success is not necessary for happiness inside life
Then only you can understand value of truth truly inside life whenever you  feel that
Success will give us a rise inside life I just hope one thing from our mind that is way to
Happiness inside life because since our childhood by mistake we all plant it inside child's mind
Our wishes are good but still we just keep one thing repeating as blessing that this one get
All the success that one way only if we began to say that we wish just for happiness but
When we want to give some one something as blessing we want it to be big because we want
For that one which we think for our life is best so that one is success and money and some
Even say health but mostly we forget to just ask for happiness it comes after all those wishes
But that child just remember those first wishes that child began  that is what needed to make
Happy that elder who is trying them to bless and then that child just want that thing on each
Moment and day that child just struggle for success unknowing we all have started this
Irritating and strange sort of race which will create of want winner on each and every day
But sadly in life we just get winner so limited that most of people get just sadness but
People says that positive thought is that we will win that race but I think positive thought is
We will learn to enjoy that race whether we win or we lose the race enjoying is more
Important for our life because that is one thing inside our hand which we can able to get.

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