Sunday, December 22, 2013

Poem 1229. Special place for sorrows

                                               Special place for sorrows
How much I miss those parts of life which bring laugh and which for me bring some
Pleasure and smile because those happiness are part of our life I just want to keep them
In my heart on each and every time those smiles and those laughs are part of our future
And our life they make us think that we are standing on totally wrong point inside our life
As days went ahead from time to time I just feel memories of those thoughts which will
Bring happiness in my life but I never remember those days when I use to learn things
In our future and in our life because those are pleasant days for our thoughts and for
Our mind as days went ahead from time to time I just feel one thing that I don't want
To remember those days which look nice for our life so as I went ahead  just those
Days have so much pain and suffering inside life that from point to point inside our life
I just feel one thing from my mind that on those days went I learn I found something
Wrong inside those days of my life but on every part I feel just one thing from mind
That those days have some pain which I face while learning inside life on every moment
I just feel one thought from my mind I just don't want to remember those days inside life
But there is one question always enter in mind while forgetting our pains how many times
We forgot those thoughts of our life but with them we forgot what we learn inside life
As days went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing from our mind we feel that
We are part of our that life which look so perfect and so nice on each and every time
Because as days went ahead from every point I just feel one thing from our mind that
Was my thought about my life it was that my learning was also forgotten when I forgot
Pains inside life because as days went ahead from time to time I just feel one thing from
My thoughts and my mind that on those days went away from my thoughts because
They are some part of my future and of my mind on every day we just feel one thing
From inside we feel that while forgetting our pain we just keep on remembering it on every time
Because as days went ahead I just feel one thing from mind that on those days when I was
Learning inside my life I have to bear with pains that is rule of life but sometimes we feel
That we must forget that interesting rule of our life we just have to keep remembering
That our life will change colours from time to time so when we learn we have to tolerate
Some pain but sadly with that pain we forgot about other things in our life so as days went
Ahead from time to time we just feel one thing from our mind we feel that we can't
Understand those pains which we suffer on each and every day of our life we feel that
Our pains are something so perfect for our future and for our life after all those pains
Are accompany with knowledge inside our life as days went ahead on each and every time
We just feel one thing from our mind we feel that those thoughts which are upsetting us
Are something so important for our mind that we must keep them locked inside our life
But when we keep them lock then we always forget those good things which we learn inside
Our life and on every moment we feel that we are on wrong track inside life because if
We don't learn new things then how can we win inside life because in our life on every time
Learning is one thing which will take us ahead on every moment of life as days went ahead
From each and every time inside life I just feel one thing from every side I feel that those
Thoughts which are related to everything have two sides so just forgetting sorrows will
Many times mean forgetting happiness also in life those things which learn on time of sorrows
Are something so important for our future and our life we just feel one thing from our mind
That those sorrows are also remembered if we want to go ahead inside life because just like
Happiness there is also for sorrows a special place in life we can never have them inside
Our thoughts because we never want them to enter inside our life but still they are our those
Strict teacher who teach us many things which are good and perfect for our future and
For our life as days went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing from our mind
That our sorrows are something which teach us things inside life so never forget those bad days
Always remember them inside life because they will teach you to give respect to other people
Who are suffering like you inside life they will tell you that no one is superior inside our life
Because every one have their portion of sorrows which they will suffer on every day of life.

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