Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Poem 1221. Convincing

I just hate so much when someone told me how I suppose to walk I can convince to myself
To accept god's decision and can say if I don't accept then it is all my fault but how did I suppose
To convince others about these truth of world and this truth of our heart that we can't able to
Adjust inside our life on each and every part because when we walk on some way we just
Feel one thing from our heart what was our thought of having that kind of walk which look so
Nice and perfect for each and every heart because as days went ahead we just feel one thing
From our heart that it was god's decision but still everything was forcibly put on our shoulder
And all blames were landed on our heart because as days went ahead on each and every moment
And on each and every part people just tell us because we have done some mistake from heart
So on every moment inside our life I just feel one thing from heart that why did people like
 To blame it all on our shoulder maybe just because they want to think that this problem
Will never enter inside their home and inside their heart on every day we walk we just feel
One thing from our heart that we can never win anything but just small things which are give
To us by destiny and in this life we have to play so limited part but people prefer to show
Every one that they rule their life as well as their thoughts and no one can control them and
That was only wish which force them to hurt other heart because when you find some fault
In other human being you will just feel one thing from heart that was thought of having
Something so perfect for future and for heart because as days went ahead we just feel one thing
From each and every part we feel that we can walk safely because that person have made
Some mistake which may hurt their thoughts and hearts so on each and every day from each
And every part we just feel one thing from this world which tell us that on each and every
Point we need to understand those things inside our life we feel that we must understand
Those thoughts which began after some time that how can we change our routes if god have
Made them same way as part of our life we can never understand those thoughts which will
Effect us on time to time inside our life on each and every point I just feel one thing from
Thoughts and from mind that when we walk some way because we are force to go that way
Inside life it is not our mistake that we went that way in life because sometimes even without
Faults and mistakes we are force to suffer inside our life even without thought of success
We feel that problem will appear before us inside our life as days went ahead after some time
We just feel one thing from our thought and from our mind that we can chose our ways
Of our future and of our life so on each and every point we just feel one thing from our mind
We feel that we are responsible for all those wrongs things which happen inside our life
And on each and every time we just feel one thing from mind we feel that if we can change
Then we must try hard to change it in life but sadly it is not possible in our life on every point
We just feel one thing from our mind that even after trying hard people are blaming us in life
But then one day I ask my teacher why did we get blame in life I understood one thing from
Our future and from our mind every time when we walk inside our life we just feel that
Our happiness is dependent on what we hate and what we like because as days went ahead
On every time I just feel one thing from mind that was happiness which we get in our life
Which is always part of our future and our life because after some days and after some time
We just feel one thing from our mind that when our life went ahead we just can't change it
But still we get blame in our life after all in our future on every time I just feel one thing
From mind that our future is not dependent only on what we do in life because it will effect
Our many things inside our life it will tell us that we need to understand all those thoughts
Which are part of our life can't just change our future every time so how can I convince
This to people who blame me and hurt my feelings every time then my teacher gave me
A smile and tell me don't convince them I need to convince my thoughts and my mind
Because my mind is going to do things inside life which will help me on each and every time
After all if I am totally convinced that I am right why did I need others to convince me
About my rightness in my life we need just one thing that was to convince our mind and
Then all things turn in proper way inside our future and inside our life on each and every time.

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