Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Poem 1246. Practical kindness

                                                   Practical kindness
Sometime kindness seem like best gift for life but sometimes it seem that our kindness
Is going to cut our breath out of our life because some people worthy of our kindness
While some just misuses kindness inside our life some just are worthy of so many things
While others are not at all worthy of anything inside life that kindness which we dream
Of doing or all that extra work which we do turn into harm instead of profit for our heart
As days went ahead from time to time we began to think that our kindness is not something
So perfect and nice for our future and our heart because sometimes even kindness becomes
Crime when we do it on wrong heart they manage to hurt us in life then people began to
Think in many parts that our kindness have harmed us and we are stupid enough to be
Kind from our heart because as kindness manage to hurt us our every thought began to cross
Each and every limit we began to see that our kindness is hurting us as human being then
Just one question enter inside our heart how can that person ignore our kindness and still say
Other people are not good and generous by heart those people who just live their life as they
Thought as well as wish we just feel one thing in life as human being feel from heart they
Just remember what mistake other do their mistakes always remain inside their thoughts
And their heart how interesting are those human being who only hate when someone
Speak us right even when some one have intelligent brain they seem hate that person in life
When you say something which don't enter inside others head and they don't understand
Those thinking and those parts suddenly they began to taunt us as if our intelligence is crime
For our thoughts and our heart as days went ahead in life slowly you can understand people
Never like some one who know better than them from their heart they just like some one who
Have brain as much as they like from heart as days went ahead in life we just feel thought
From our heart we feel that our kindness will manage to do us so much harm that we feel
We can win by our heart because when we tell other something from our brain we are doing
That thing just with view to help them inside life on each and every part we can never win
In life we must need to understand that kindness is not that easy art when we tell something
Good to people they hardly like to learn it from their thoughts and from their heart they just
Want to understand those thinking which are good for their IQ and perfect to understand
Their thinking on each and every part as days went ahead from life's every part I just feel
That our thinking will do many good things for our future and for our heart we just never
Understand those thoughts about our heart we just feel one thing from our mind that we need
To understand those thoughts which are always other people's part so when we know something
Better and good still we keep it quietly inside our heart because we want to win in our life
Those friends who find it hard to understand all those parts only if we understand that not
Those selfish friends are true friend of our heart because true friends never criticized us
Before everyone even if they feel we are saying something which goes above their head
Instead of that they admire their friend's brain from their heart as days went ahead you can
See it more clearly that your brain is one who will stay with you in every problems and
On every trouble which touch our thoughts and our hearts after all those troubles which
We face are nothing but just thoughts which hurt our thinking and our heart when we stop
Our brain from thinking and turn it in wrong way that brain began to hurt us on each and
Every part which causes many problems for our heart as days went ahead you can see
Those friends vanish with some rains and only that brain which stay with us can help us
And only other thing that help us is our kindness when you act kind with wrong person
That don't mean kindness is mistake for your heart kindness never brings misfortune but
It can't stop misfortune which is written on your faith by destiny and going to hurt your heart
So on every point I just feel one thing that misfortune written is written why should we blame
It on kindness of our heart there are always many causes but finally one thing always happen
Inside our world on each and every day we just feel one thing in our life that what we want
Is just our power of proper thinking and our kindness so inside our thoughts and inside
Our heart we just feel one thing that our kindness and win only when we act practical by heart. 

Poem 1245. Different fact

                                                    Different fact
Those all facts are interesting inside this world which told me by all people after all in life
Differently people talk and say same thing in different way how interesting it is in world
To know people's different thoughts inside life but question is that in which thought really
You think god is hidden inside sometimes I think every thought have some part of god
Inside our life even evil thoughts show us that we are wrong or we are right we just feel
One thing from our mind that on each and every day inside our life we just feel that those
People who knows many things are not so perfect for our thinking and for our life as days
Went ahead from time to time I just feel one thing from my mind that those thought which
We keep inside are not that perfect for our life because when we go ahead on each and every
Moment in life we just learn new things as part of our life when people don't understand
At all our mind still they can teach many things inside life some teach you good things which
Open our eyes while other teach you things which are wrong for our future and our mind
As days went ahead on every time we just feel one thing in our life we feel that we can
Never fail in anything inside life because new things are so different that we feel we can
Never win inside our life but just give yourself some time slowly new thing become so
Perfect part of you that you forget that they were once new inside our life so when people
Tell you different things which hurt inside of your mind I just feel one thing from my mind
That at first we may feel it is hard to understand but after some time we can see that
It is not hard to understand those things inside life because at beginning they are so new
And we can't see them as our future or as our life so when some tell me different I hear it
With some interest for sometime but then after sometime I just reject it from our future
And from our life because as days went ahead from time to time we just feel one thought
From inside of our mind we feel that those people don't understand those different things
Inside life they just keep on boosting about those things which are important for our life
But as days went ahead from each and every time we just feel one thought that we are
On totally different planet inside our life I know that we can't change the planet but still
When we try to accept new thing it feel same way inside life we feel that we are not winning
That game because new things are disturbing us in life but now a days I just feel one thing
Inside life I feel that our life is dependent on our thinking about our ups and downs inside life
Because new thing will enter in your life after some time we can't change anything until
We feel that we are so happy about each and every thing inside our life as days went ahead
From time to time we just feel one thought that will enter our mind we feel that we are on
Wrong side of our mind our thinking can never take us on right side of our future and
Our life as days went ahead from every moment of life we just feel one thing from our life
We feel that those new things are not that hard to adjust only if they stay inside life but
Sadly those new things just don't stay with us at all inside our life we just have one feeling
Inside life that we can win only when we see that bright and sharp sunshine which will
Look at lovely and pleasant for our life as days went ahead from every point we feel from
What other people told us that only sun shine is not just one source to shine we can always
Have resources to shine bright inside our life because as days went ahead we feel that
We are on wrong part of this life that our life need more resources to develop that just
Our sunshine which seem so bright so when we began to ask people about other sources
Of that light we just find out that all people are not that nice and ready to tell us those truth
On our future and our life as we went ahead we feel just one thing from our mind we feel
That those resources which we see are not that nice for our future and for our life as days
Went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing that many people are not even willing to
Share their sources inside life as our days went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing
Winning is not easy like just accepting new thing in our life after accepting it's need we have
To find that thing but problem is that how can we win if we feel that after accepting new
Thought or thing we can win in some time when it take lots of efforts and time inside life.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Poem 1244. Looking at clouds

                                               Looking at clouds
When I watch that sky I will see many things in life they look so perfect to me and
To my thoughts and my mind as days went ahead from time to time I just feel that
In my sky I don't see just true I can see false of this life I have one thought from my mind
It is that when in that sky I will see different clouds inside with each moment I can see that
Sky and admire it's beauty inside life because that sky have so lovely sights which change
From point to point in that sky I see those new destiny which will become part of my
Future and my life that sky have different colours which look so perfect inside our life
We feel that in sky we want something so special on each and every time but when
I look at sky I feel so shock to get everything as I like even I can diamond ring or
Sometime ruby ring inside life those things which I see in sky are better than those things
Which I will see inside my life because on each and every day I observe that sky with
It's perfect thinking inside life on every point I just feel that sky have so much beauty
Inside it will give me many thoughts which will shine inside my life as days went ahead
From every point I feel just one thing in life that in every picture sky look so perfect
Inside life those sights look so perfect in our life I just like those dreams inside our life
After all those dream which are something I see inside our sky on every time we just
Never understand those scene which we inside our sky and inside our life as days went
Ahead from time to time we just feel one thing from our mind we feel those beautiful
Sights which enter inside sky on each and every time those sights are something so
Important and precious for sunsets as well as sunrise when I told this then everyone
 Said I must be loved sky and it's beauty inside life on every moment I just feel
That sky will have some beauty from every point inside our life those sky have many
Things inside our life after all those sky are beautiful which are nice for our life after
That sky will look so pretty inside my mind that from one position we can see those
Sky which look nice and pretty inside my eyes on every point when I watch that sky
For hours I use to feel nice but strange thing is that I never use to like to watch cloud
When I am child how can I hate that game and still now I like sky in life so on every
Thought and point I feel that our thoughts are something pleasant for our life as days
Went ahead from every point I just like to watch those colours on every point of life
I just never understand how much I have change inside my mind but on some spots
I feel it's for good and it's for bad on some spots inside life on every point I just feel
One thought from mind that those good and bad things are just points of my life because
Some time I act so good that my destiny changes for good on that point and sometimes
But when it turns into bad sometimes I just to change some part of life when I was
Just child I use to play with my toys and use to take out all those feelings which hurt
My mind or hurt my heart because on each and every part on each and every time
I just feel one thing from my mind that when I look at that sky I can see many things
Inside it but I can see them not in part because they are not true part of our future and
True part of our life as days went ahead on every time I just feel one thing from my
Thought and my mind I feel that I can never win inside my life unless I take our those
Wrong thoughts out of my mind but sadly now I can't play with my toys because
After some time we have to ban all those toys so after that I started for searching those
Things which are perfect and nice inside my life which can take my stress away out of life
Since all other childhood games are banned from my life just one game remain that was
To watching clouds inside life so when I watch clouds I feel so nice because all other
Games which use to take away my tensions are always from my thoughts as well as
My life because on every spot and every point I just feel one thought from my mind
I feel that I can't win inside my life unless I learn to play one game which take away
From that life on every point inside life our life we just feel one thing that clouds are
Not something so nice for our future as well as for our life I just love to watch those
Clouds inside and on every occasions inside life I feel those clouds look so nice
Because when I watch them I forgot my stress every time and after some time I just
Feel one thing inside life those clouds are something with them I forget those stress from life.

Poem 1243. Explaining pains

                                                     Explaining pains
I just want to say one thing from my mind that when I heard people many times I feel that
They are so right when we heard one side we feel it is fair and when we heard other we feel
That one is also right and we must support that person inside life so we went ahead and
Start to claim that this person is so fair and right inside life because as day went ahead
From time to time we just feel one thing from our mind we feel that others are on wrong 
Corner inside our life we feel that we never have understanding which will help inside life
That no side is that perfect and that right but still sometimes some sides becomes so wrong
That we are forced inside life to live our life just as we wish from time to time inside life
Our life is sometimes so nice on many points that we just feel one thing from our mind and
That is our one thought inside our life that some people are so wrong that we are force to
Accept other side because when we take on side we know what is bad in it and what is 
Wrong inside but when that side is unknown we hardly know anything about that side as 
Days went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing from our mind we feel that we are
On wrong point inside our life as days went ahead we feel that we can't understand every thought
Of our future and of our life when I just took one side how much I work on it for days and
Nights so now I know surely how wrong is that side but some people are so strange that
They accept inside their life that days pass slowly our life become something so perfect 
On each and every point I just feel one thing inside my mind that some people just never suffer
So they never understand those truths of their life they just keep going ahead from point to 
Point inside their life after all those thoughts are something so perfect for their mind we just
Feel that they will understand those pain but they never understand it until they suffer in life
And I just never wish from my heart that those people should suffer in life because they are
Those people for whom I use to care inside my life and as days went ahead I know they are
Wrong and that is truth of our future and our life that even wrong one are our friend and
We can never explain them those pains inside life and even sometimes telling truth become
Something totally wrong for our future and for our thoughts we just want one thing from
Each and every point that people should understand that they are not doing right not because
That side which is other have anything right but by standing on this side sometime we understand
More than them inside life but as life went ahead I understood one thought from life just 
Because we keep on telling people feel that we are irritating them in life those who want to
Understand can grasp it in just one time those who never want to understand never believe
On all those truths which we feel are true part of our future and our life as days went ahead
On each and every point we feel that only destiny will tell them truth so we need to wait in life
But that waiting is those moment when most of harms happen inside our life and we just
Began to feel that we are standing on completely wrong side inside our life as days went
Ahead we just feel one thought from our mind it is about those hopes which once we had
About our future can destroy due to this mistake inside life so once again we began to jump
Around with one ambition inside life we feel that those thoughts are something not that nice
Those thoughts will turn around wrong way inside our life we feel that our thinking will 
Never change us inside our life as days went ahead from time to time we just have one
Thought inside our life we feel that we are wrong side on every point we have one feeling
Of dissatisfaction inside our life as days went ahead from every side those thoughts are
Something important for our mind we feel that inside our life those wrong wish will harm
Me on every point inside life because as days went ahead from time to time I just feel 
One thing inside my mind I feel that those thoughts are something so wrong inside life
That why did we suppose to fight every time on each and every point we need to understand
Those thoughts of our mind I feel that I can't explain someone pains inside life and wishing
For those pains is not right inside life but as days went ahead from time to time but in life
Some people never understand those pain so may be we should stop explaining inside life
We can always search for those people who can understand those type of pain inside life.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Poem 1242. Best weapon in life

                                              Best weapon in life
From one moment I feel one thing inside life that when something happen on some
Thought and on some point I just feel one thing inside my life that I was never going
To touch anything from mind as things went wrong inside my life I feel that maybe
I should just get upset on some point inside my life I feel that maybe from point to
Point I just have one thought inside my mind those things which happen on each and
Every point are something not that right for our life as days went ahead from every
Thinking and every point I feel why did I have to fight on every occasion inside life
But when I look around I saw just fights some are small one and some are bigger fight
But I just feel one thing from my mind that when fight began it don't matter inside
My life if our fight is bigger or just small fight because on each and every fight we have
To decide inside our life that those fight which we have started inside our life those
Thoughts are something so strange for our mind those thinking is something so nice
For our life but then suddenly when fight enter in our life we feel that we are victims
But do you really think we are victims inside our life because if you think clearly about
Your life there are so less number of people who are that innocent in life that they can
Say they don't deserve fight but even such people don't object their fight because such
People are wise enough inside life to know that we must understand those things which
Are called fight inside our life when fights start on any moment I think we need to be
Prepared not get upset by that fight and just running to other person shows that you have
Never know rules of fight because biggest rule of fight is that bravery needed inside life
On every moment we just feel that we are on totally wrong side inside our future and
Inside our fight when life turn in wrong way we just feel one thought inside our life
We feel that we need to understand those fights which are so perfect in our future
And in our life as days went ahead from time to time we need to understand those
Important fights because whenever we walk inside our life we need those fights
Which are important in life after all inside on each and every fight we just feel one thing
Inside life we feel that our fights are something totally wrong in our life after all those
Fights are always wrong inside my life because when I start them I feel injustice
Somewhere in life I feel that those fights are part of their life as days went ahead from
Time to time I feel just one thing from mind that those fights are something not
Just fight when injustice start only then we began to fight I just wish sometimes that
Some people should stay away from my life and when injustice start we need to
Understand for our future that kind of fight on every time as days went ahead on
Many times I feel that I can't avoid those fights because I am not going to that people
But they are coming to me on many times I just have one thought from my mind
That I can avoid some one only if I am trying to enter in that person's life but when
People start coming to us how can we manage to avoid them in life so when such things
Happen we feel our need to fight and on many points we feel that we can't just avoid
So on those occasion I try to talk sweetly with them in life but I just hate to see those
People who prefer injustice on each and every time I know inside life on many times
I just can't avoid those fight because when some one did something wrong I don't
Know one art how to ignore it and how to avoid because that thing give me at night
Those sleepless and dark nights I just never understand how can people do it in life
How can they just ignore injustice and still happily live in life but I know it very well
When I saw them screaming for some side I know that they want to ignore it just because
They have already decided what is wrong and what is right some people have special
Skill inside their life to win in life on every way as we prefer and we like as days went ahead
We feel just one thing from our mind that we need to understand those thoughts which will
Take us ahead in life but some people just make decision even before knowing what is
True and false inside life and such people never change their views inside their life
Because for them once decision is made there are no turning back inside their future and
Inside their life because their life never depend on truth it depend on just one thought
That is what is their opinion and what is their thought about life truth don't matter much
To them inside their life and screaming is their best weapon for their future on each time
While my truth is always my best weapon for me in life because I am not fighter
But still my life told me that I just can't keep quiet if other can't at least I need to fight for my right.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Adventure story 117. The Best

                                                          The Best
Seema was enjoying party then she turned around every point in life so then as she started wandering around on every point in life.When Seema was looking around that party was so perfect after all whole Nene family was so rich in life.They had made it in special way. Seema looked around.She saw everything was so expensive then she noticed that decoration which looked more than perfect.But then suddenly she remembered that she had not invited here to visit friends.She wanted to see Ketaki's painting.After all she wanted to present them to art gallery.They must had to look promising to every one's view.She couldn't just present them.She had to take a look first.Then she saw Ketaki.Ketaki had dress in perfect way.She looked beautiful in it. Seema could see that they had spend lot of money on her dressing.She was looking perfect like a princess and surrounded by her friends.Her friends were admiring her with their full heart. Seema noticed that Ketaki was just getting admiration from every side.She looked like someone who was just admired on every point and never criticized. Seema observed her.Then Seema's husband spoke"Ketaki was admired and pampered by her family.In fact she never suffered any problems.After all she was good looking and talented in life. Ketki had even talent of drawing.Her art will look so nice on canvas.She even win many drawing competition in her life.They all admired her."Seema smiled."She is beautiful but in case of drawing competition she won them when she was child but she had not participated in any competition since she grow up.""Come on.There are not that much drawing competition for grown ups.""But she could have participated in exams of drawing.""Come on.She must had some reasons.I have observed her painting.They are beautiful.You will love them.""Okay.Let's go."Seema looked as stubborn as rock.Her husband Om smiled.Seema acted this way every time when things turned into professional.She just never let her emotion dominate her at one point Om hated it and on another point he loved her attitude that was the thing which made her judgements best and truthful.He just hoped that Ketaki should pass her exam.After all he had given lot of hopes to his friend Soham Nene,Ketaki's father.Om hoped that this would be profitable to them all.Seem should sell Ketaki's painting and Soham would make business with Om.Then they lived happily ever after like their fairy tale.Om smiled happily after all they all had their ambitions and it was not wrong to get our ambition fulfilled while fulfilling others ambition.Om saw her paintings.They were really best.He had become fan of her art.Ketaki was not best but she was one of the talented and with help of Seema's guidance.She would become best.She was key to their future and they were key to her future.Om thought that he had arranged everything in best way for all.
       Ketaki's parents greeted Seema in special way.They were telling her everything about their daughter.It had just admiration inside their every sentence.Seema felt something from heart that Ketaki was too pampered.She was just admired by every one.Seema slowly noticed that everyone should start admiring her. All her Uncle and Aunties gathered around her and started admiring Ketaki's talent her nature and her looks.In fact her each and every aspect inside life she felt just one thought from mind.That she must not just trust those admiration.Seema " I like to see pictures."Om smiled"Of course.She was not going to trust us.She wanted to watch by herself."Every one looked tense.Om smiled and put hand on Ketaki's father.Om "Come on.Trust me.In life so on every moment I just watched her judging those paintings.I know that she would love it."Ketaki's father laughed.Then they all took Seema in that room.Ketaki came behind then she was walking slowly.Seema noticed that she was stressed .Ketaki was upset about everything in life.When finally Seema came to room,she started looking painting they were really good but she felt that still few things lack in it.Seema felt that on few spots.She used too bright colours.Those painting could become excellent with small changes.Seema turned to Ketaki"This is good but on that green trees.I feel you should little bit light colour next time and..."Then she gave Ketaki few suggestion.Ketaki nodded at every thing.Seema "So I want you to make approximately ten paintings because I will bring some people to look at them."Suddenly Ketaki looked very scared.Seema"What happen?Don't worry you can do it in perfect way."Ketaki's Mom "Come on.You paint so beautifully."Then they all turned when some guest who came inside started to admire one beach scene painted by Ketaki.That scene was really perfect.She had painted beautiful family with small kids.Seema really loved it.Then she felt that there should be more white colour in water to make it perfect then Ketaki could keep them.Then she suddenly got one idea.Seema"Ketaki why don't you make some changes in these picture and present them?I mean not all but I like few pictures.They are perfect after few changes."Everyone looked happy except Ketaki.Ketaki"No Madam I want every thing to be perfect.I will do everything in new and excellent way."Seema smiled happily.She liked that attitude.Ketaki's father patted on her back and said "Excellent.That's my daughter.She always want every thing perfect."Her Uncle"Ya.She never say no to hard work.."Then they all started admiring with such affection that Seema felt little bit jealous that she never got such supportive family while Ketaki had it.But inside in her heart Seema decided that she would bring out best painter hidden inside Ketaki and make her family more proud of her.After all they were the best so they deserved the best.
         As soon as Seema went away Ketaki felt so thrilled about it all.She was so sure that she wanted to do it.Everyone around her was admiring her painting.Even guests began to enter there all were admiring those painting.But then she heard that some were  criticizing some part.At first she felt hurt but then her mother patted on her shoulder.Her Mom"It is alright.They are outsiders so they will criticize.You need not to feel hurt.You can always win with this.Some people just have habit of criticizing."Then her cousin joined them"I think you are the best since whole family feel this way.They all are best.But still you got to make changes."Ketaki once again felt hole in stomach so her cousin felt that something was wrong.Ketaki"So you feel that it is wrong...""No..No.Not at all.But they are outsider and they will find mistakes.Think about those experts they also do same things.It is rule of world.Bosses always criticize."Ketaki felt scared but then her Mom interfered"Now that is enough.You are scaring her."Her cousin stopped but then suddenly her father joined them.Her father"She don't needed to be scared but if someone criticize her then it is common.She had to adjust it."Her Mom nodded."Of course she will understand it."Ketaki nodded.But when she turned to go back,she suddenly noticed that Seema was standing there and looking at her pictures.Ketaki just decided to run to her room because she was feeling so tired.That night she slept peacefully .But before sleeping she told her Mom that she should set alarm.Her Mom said"Yes."But next morning when Ketaki woke up,she wanted to move but suddenly her hand became senseless.In fact her whole body was moving except her hand.She started to push it.But it stayed there.Ketaki started screaming "Mom..MOm..Dad..Dad."Every one ran to her room.All guests who were their close relatives stayed in their house for that night.Her Mom ran near her."What happen?""Mom my hand is not moving.""What?Nonsense.Try it sweetheart."Ketaki tried hard but her hand was not moving at all.Ketaki"Mom I just can't move it."Her Dad "Come on.Try it."All family was around her.They tried to move her hand but it seemed impossible to do.They all were so shocked.Her uncle"What are you waiting for?Call Doctor."They immediately called Doctor.
        Then Doctor came to visit at home.They all were so shocked.Doctor came near her checked her hand.It was not moving.But still Doctor was so confused.Doctor hit her hand.But Ketaki said"I don't feel anything."Doctor was so shocked and confused.Doctor"I just don't understand.I feel that we have to make some tests.Until then let her take some rest."They all nodded and then everyone started taking care of Ketaki.All tests were done.But Doctor did not find anything wrong still Ketaki didn't able to move her hand for lot of days.They kept applying many medicines on her but everything looked useless.They even used some oil and massage therapy.One days Seema called,they told her clearly that Ketaki couldn't paint explain her condition.Seema was so shocked.She immediately came to visit Ketaki.Seema sat near her and started talking to her about other subject.Om was with her who was admiring Ketaki's courage.When Ketaki asked suddenly"Do you think it will effect my painting?"Seema was so nervous because inside her heart she had same fear.But still she consoled Ketaki"Don't worry you can do fine.Any way painting is not end of life.If something happen you can always choose something else."Ketaki started crying.Seema noticed that every one was looking at her with anger but she had to tell truth.After that for some days Ketaki's hand remained same way.Then finally it was cured.Ketaki started painting.But she started claiming that something was wrong with her hand and it was shaking.Seema visited her again.This time when Ketaki showed painting,she didn't have any confidence.Ketaki"I don't have that talent now.You can still show them.But I think that this is not right career for me.My hand was so shaking that I can't achieve that skill.I did my best but something is missing.I didn't have that talent as I had it in past."Seema felt so sad but she visited Ketaki's room.She felt so sad.She felt that Ketaki was telling truth something was missing.Seema"Don't worry.You can do it alright..."Ketaki nodded.But there was sorrow in her whole house.It was horrible.They lost their so talented artist to such mysterious sickness.Seema was so angry with Doctors.Only if they had treated her properly,her talent could have saved.They just didn't find cause until now.So Seema finally called experts to look at her paintings.Before going there she told them whole story.
        When experts looked at them with Seema,Seema clearly saw that they didn't like them at much.One of expert"They are good but not perfect."Seema nodded.Ketaki was on verge of crying same applied to her parents.When they started going down,suddenly Ketaki's Mom said"My daughter's old paintings were best."Then one of expert asked"Show me one.""Sure."Ketaki's Mom brought it.That expert looked confused.In fact every one of group looked confused.One of expert"Seema what is difference?It is same."Seema was so shocked.Seema looked at them carefully.It was right.They were same.Seema felt as if she was brainwashed.Seema "You are right."Ketaki came down on that moment.Before Seema could say anything that expert stopped her,that expert gave a card to Ketaki's Mom.That expert"Take her here.This is mental problem.We have come across lot of students like this."Ketaki's Mom was so shocked but when she looked at painting.She felt the same.After some days they convinced Ketaki and took her to psychiatrist.Psychiatrist talked with them for long time and then told  Ketaki to go out.Then Psychiatrist told her parents "She is suffering from Conversion reaction.""What?""She was always admired by you for her talent and slowly she became dependent on it.She didn't want to face criticism from outsiders.She was sure that expert would do it.She had desire to escape from unpleasant situation of those criticism so she unconsciously began to prefer this sickness.Then her second motive was to get sympathy and attention she got it all."Ketaki's Mom"So she was pretending?""Not intentionally.But due to her mental problem."Her Dad"You mean her painting was never that perfect but we all thought..""You are her family and you don't got that skilled knowledge.""Now what should we do?""Don't worry she would be fine?Do as I suggest."Then psychiatrist began telling them about her further treatment.Whole time Ketaki was relaxed and reading one nice magazine.She was sure that Psychiatrist must be telling her parent that she was fine.
                                                              The End

Poem 1241. Without sun every day

                                           Without sun every day
How much I miss those days when my sun use to shine and inside my life it use to give
Bright and perfect light that is one sentence I feel we are saying time to time when we start
Remembering those days which we use to live as child we feel those days are so unique in life
We began to repeat each thing we did on those days inside life how beautiful it look us
On those moment and time that how innocent will seem those days of our life but it just
Not limit to it some times we go even behind that in life we just began to admire our history
From time to time most strange thing is that some admire even wrong things inside past
And that life they just keep telling us that sorrows are part of future even when we fought to
Get so much good in life when some admire some great king from past or some admire
Some great leader from past I can understand it inside my life but when some one started
Admiring those dictators who made us cry just because we are not rich enough it shock me
In my life how can our greed cross all those limit and how easily we manage to call our greed
Nothing but our need as days went ahead from time to time we just went ahead greedily
Inside our life and still we keep calling it our need on every moment of our life as days
Went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing from our mind that our need is nothing
But our thought and expectations inside our life we can never ignore them because they will
Always remain part of our life as our days went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing
In our life it was our thought that we must win inside life as days went ahead from time to
Time our need of that greed become part of our life we feel so sure that we don't need
Those things inside our life we just feel one thing from our thoughts and from our mind
We feel that we need one thought inside our life that we must understood and get those
Needs which we call necessity of our future and of our mind we will never understand
Those thoughts in our life which tell us on every moment we need to change from each
And every point so inside our life on every point we just feel one thought that our need
Can't be fulfilled inside our life on any time when we start thinking about things inside life
We just feel that we are on wrong part of our life because when our needs are shown
If we keep open our eyes we feel that they are not that much needed inside our life because
As days went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing from our mind our need which
Look so perfect are not that normal and nice because we are not ready to work more for them
Instead of that we are busy in asking for things inside our life on every part we just feel
One thing from our mind that if we work hard then we can get success inside our life
Because that success is dependent on our thoughts and on our mind if we work hard
Sometimes we get success and sometimes we fail but that don't mean we need to change
Our way when we are child same sun use to shine and same sun shining now on days
You can say that building or pollution were blocking your way but I have just one question
Inside my life on each way that why did in my life I need to find my way because when
Our sun will shine we feel that sorrows on each and every day as I feel from my heart
On every day I feel that in life we have some complicated ways in which we see those
Lot of problems because as days pass we feel those thoughts inside our life on every day
We feel just one thought in our way that was need to find not our selfish need but that
Small child which use to remain happy on each and every day so inside our life on
Every way we just feel one thought on every day we feel that in our life on every way
That things which outside have changed or we force to change because of our age
But I just don't agree with it any way I feel age just demand maturity not any thing else
As days went ahead on each and every way our need inside life become small and limited
We just feel one thing from our mind in our way that our life will never become so easy
If we live it properly inside our life on every day then we can live as we wish inside
Our life and inside our future and then we don't need to say again that if only in our life
We can manage to get that bright sun ever again because sun is always bright only
We are the one who let it get block because children will still find joy in their life without sun every day.

Poem 1240. A crime

                                                            A crime
When some wrong thought enter inside our mind some people just said that is our crime
And even before we act on it by just doing wrong thinking we have made crime I just never
Understand that thought inside my life because we are all student and we are all learning
Inside our life so how can a student solve a problem without mistake inside life and how can
A student be perfect from starting of our life a student can win and fail from time to time
Inside our life a student can always have success inside life on every point because as days
Went ahead from time to time we just feel one thought from our mind we feel that those
Thoughts which are part of our life are nothing but just part of our crime but how can
Those thoughts will help us inside life how can those thoughts will show us truth on every time
About us in life after all we have not learn to control our mind because it is not easy and
We are trying to do it from time to time in our future and in our mind but just as days went
Ahead on each and every point we will just feel one thing from thought of our mind we feel
That we are on wrong turn inside our life we feel that our thinking is our crime but how
Depressing is that thought inside our life that we don't need to act properly in our life on
Every point we feel that we are on correct thought inside our life we feel that just by thinking
We are creating crime our thoughts which we feel are something wrong for our life since
We feel one thing that those thoughts are about crime inside life but then one question enter
In our heart if we just dream some big crime do you really think it is worth to blame person
Just because that one think inside life because some times some people act wrong way and
That will our mind so inside our mind we want to punish them I just love to imagine maximum
Slapping but some people plan far more crime inside mind so if you consider them all true
Then where should be we on list of crime by just that thought I feel so scared that I began
To think about some wrong crime so inside our life on every point I just feel so wrong is
My thinking inside my life as days went ahead from time to time I feel that someone is
Telling me wrong thought inside life that if someone told me evil thinking is crime and
I should stop them in life then all evil thought enter inside my mind on every point and time
When I think I must stop them instead of stopping they start to run from one side to another
Side inside our life we feel that we have wrong thoughts inside our life I feel that those
Thought inside life are something so perfect for my thoughts and for my mind because
As days went ahead from time to time I just feel one thing when I try to stop it then my mind
Will turn in wrong way inside our life I feel just one thing from my mind that those thoughts
Which I said are something totally wrong inside our life after all those thoughts are something
So important that I feel I am on totally wrong point inside our life as days went ahead
From time to time I just feel one thought about those bad thinking in life that I can't stop them
So is it equal to that crime but then I have one next thought which make so sad inside life
That when people say this they forgot side effects of those crimes because they just never
Understand that when we did that crime we never do it in reality so it may not have other
Side effects in life our brain is some thing out of control from time to time we just feel
One thought from our thinking that inside our life on every point we just heard everything
Inside life will not be so perfect for our future and for our life as days went ahead
I feel one thing in life whatever I may think but what I do will matter more inside my life
Because it will decide my present and my future in life and my thinking just harm me
But not other in life when we think some thing wrong it will just remain inside our mind
And it will not harm us and mostly other people don't understand what we have in mind
Many person will not able to see those wrong thoughts inside our mind they just feel
One thing that we are on wrong point inside our life as days went ahead from time to time
We just feel one thing from our mind we feel that we are having wrong thoughts in life
We feel that we are on wrong stop inside our life as days went ahead from time to time
We just feel one thing from our mind we feel that only if we have that kind of thinking
Inside our thoughts and mind we just feel one thing that thinking is small crime inside life
I know what is truth of lie inside life but I feel that we must think this way because
Each and every person deserves second chance and when we act we get that chance in life.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Poem 1239. To win in life

                                                   To win in life
I start from one pole and then run towards the other pole just world advise me that
It will be best for my world I start some work on every moment inside world and then
When someone advise I get confuse in my world how many times and how many of
My mentor told me one thing in the world that I should run according to people's advice
Inside my future and inside my world but still when people tell me something just start
To run not because I am force but sometimes I got convince by those terms when
Every one tell same thing we feel so convinced that we can never understand are we
Wrong in our thinking but many times in world truth don't shine bright on earth but
That don't mean truth is not that much worth truth have it's power but it just don't
Shine on each and every moment on this earth as days went ahead from time to time
We just feel one thought from our mind we feel that when we get those advise our
Truth is nothing but just part of our life which never shine in our life on any point
We just feel one thing from our mind we feel that our thoughts are something not that
Promising inside our life so from thought inside our life we need to understand those
Advice inside our life as days went ahead from time to time we feel that we are on
Totally different pole inside our life but when we all start to move inside our life but
Then as days went ahead I just one thing in my mind why did I was listening to those
Advice when I know very well one truth of our life because as days passes we feel
Same thing in life that those poles on which we live are not that perfect for our future
And for our life when I start from one pole I was so sure that I was on right side but
Just when I see the truth I began to feel that I am not getting those benefits in my life
So every suggest me I should change my side but when I was about to turn I feel just
One thing from my heart and why did at beginning I have changed my side it was neither
For my benefits nor for my profits inside my life I changed it because I saw a honest
Person cheated before me inside my life so on every moment and on every thought
Inside my life I just feel one thing from point to point that truth never remain hidden
Inside my mind I change the side not for my benefit but for truth of my thoughts
And truth of my mind as days went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing
From our thoughts and from our mind we feel that those truths which are part of
Our life are no more existed inside our life as days went ahead from time to time
I just feel that I feel more value of my truth than other things inside my future and
Inside my life every day when I walk I just feel one thought from my mind I feel
That when I change my side it was not easy for my life people just never accept that
Change inside life because some feel we are wrong and some feel that they are failing
By acting this way inside our life as days pass ahead from time to time I just feel
That I can't change that side inside our life because I change those things inside life
They look so perfect from every time that I just feel one thought from my mind
I feel that those people who are not telling me to go to that side are not wise enough
To tell what is wrong and what is right inside our life because as our days went ahead
From time to time in our life we just feel one thing from our mind we feel that as days
Pass goodness will vanish even from this side and slowly things will change in other way
And on other point inside our life as our life went ahead on each and every time I just
Feel one thought from my mind I feel that why should I change side in just hope of
Something nice when truth is nice enough to stop me on that particular side inside life
As days went ahead from time to time I just feel one thing from thought and from mind
It was my thought about winning inside life I feel that no side can give me guarantee of
Winning inside life because those thoughts can change us on every point inside life
After all we can win sometimes and we can loose sometimes inside our life so I just
Never understand that how can some one win on so many points inside life just because
That person took that side but then as days pass I understood that person win not just
Because of side ways that are taken by that person are against my advice so I will never
Took that wrong side inside my future and life because I can never act that way to win in life.

Poem 1238. That Issue

                                                     That Issue
Once again some one brought that issue once again I started going in wrong way I just
Have one question in my mind why did this happen to me again and again because inside
This life on each and every day I just feel one thing from mind that I am returning to that
Issue again and again it is as if dog is trying to find it's own tail I just don't like to turn
Around like this in my life again and again but still that thing happen inside our life on each
And every day because I just feel that instead of controlling my mind I just get carried away
When that person began to stretch that issue I began to think about it once again and in life
On every moment I just feel that I stood on totally wrong place because those issues
Which we deal are sometimes should remain limited and we should must consider them
As important issue on each and every day as days went ahead in life we feel just a same way
That those issues in which we want to keep behind kept coming ahead and ahead so in
Our life on every point I just feel may be that other person is taking me behind but then
Next moment my heart ask me am I telling truth inside life those thoughts which are truly
Kept behind are really returning inside my life but on each moment inside our life we just
Feel one thing that maybe I have not tried enough inside life because as days went ahead
I feel every time I am bring back that subject on each and every point I am pointing at it
On every moment of my life I am doing it all while thinking other people are pointing it
Inside our life on every point so whenever that chapter come inside our life we just feel
That our thoughts are something from our mind we feel that those thinking which are
True part of our life are those question which keep irritating us from time to time and
When something start irritating us we just feel one thing inside life that only if we fight
Then that thing goes away from life on every moment in my life I was taught this way
About life and I use to think those thoughts are perfect for my future and for my life but
As days went ahead from time to time I just feel one thing from inside of my mind I feel
That those things which happen inside our life are not vanish automatically out of my life
So for each and every point I just use to start a fight which use to effect my thinking on
Each and every point but as we went ahead from time to time inside our life we just feel
One thing inside our mind that our fight will bring us justice on every time so when other
Person bring that question once again I feel that I get encourage for those thoughts again
Because those thoughts are something inside my heart those feelings are something never
Went out of our thought we just feel one thing on each and every day that we want to see
Sunrise again and again but sometimes those fights will bring problems for us on each
And every day and we can't get those things which we feel we want and fully needed
So inside our world on every day we just feel one thing on that day we feel that our mind
Will solve that problem but when I grow up many people told me again and again that
Don't stretch that matter inside your life on any day because some people will just understand
Those thought which start argument they just love insulting people and there is no logic
In those fights on any day I just feel one thing on each and every moment that those thoughts
Which are part of our life should just once said then we need to go out of those things
On each and every day because as we began to walk we just feel one thing that day that
We are giving too much attention to wrong issues and our mouth will maybe open again
Because inside our life on each and every day we just feel one thing from mind again and
Again that why did in our life want to increase those fights on every day because instead
Of answering our questions they are putting lot of questions before us again and again
Maybe we should just forget that subject inside our life many times people will bring something
Before us again and again so inside our life on each and every moment we just feel one thing
That we are not getting answer but they are just throwing those question and they are
Wasting our time again and again so inside our life on every day we just feel one thing
From our mind on every way that maybe stretching some fights is just waste of our time
In every way because if they don't have answer how can they give them so instead of fighting
Maybe I should just sometimes learn to ignore them after all when some one knows something
Still want to speak against it on each and every day we just feel one thing that ignoring it
Best way but still when they comes in life I answer them but after that I must say that I am
So lucky that god have given me those friends who stop me again and again from arguing with them. 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Poem 1237. Pure mind

                                                        Pure mind
Why inside my life on each and every day I just feel one thing that other person's heart
Will think in just one simple way that is about our thoughts on each and every day and
Then they will find logic and truth then they will stood with us again that was thought
Which I use have as child if only I can keep that dream alive today but once our eyes
Open we can't dream same thing again only lucky one can have same dream again and
Again but then when I think about it I feel just one way why did I need to see some dream
Instead of seeing truth on bright day I just love to keep my dream because instead of doing
It in right way we just want one thing from thought and mind we want to show us that
Dreams which are important for our thought and life those dream which shows us
Some thing perfect and bright inside our life we can always give sunshine inside our life
After all those dream which we will see inside those light are something so interesting
Is also those that other side of our life we just feel one thing from our mind we need
To understand that those dreams are something so important for my life that I just need
To know that just truth can't change views of man kind because no one is really after
Truth and no one cares about what happen in other person's life they just want their
Justice and their revenge which make them happy inside life I just never understand that
What kind of thinking is there inside their mind when they don't even suffer much still
They just keep on screaming for justice from time to time inside their life as days went
Ahead from time to time I just feel one thing from my mind that they are not true victim
They just some people who decided that they want some thing inside life and many times
I feel it is thirst of power and benefit which make person scream so loudly inside life
As days went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing from inside our mind that
When we did same thing they told us we have adjust inside life and now same people
Just started screaming because things are not happening as they like inside life as days
Went ahead from every moment and from every thought in mind I just feel one thing that
How selfish people can be inside life they just think about their own motives in life and
How interesting it seems when they show us that they are on our side how good they are
At one skill that is right but I feel so sad when I have just two choice one was to stood
With someone who say that don't agree with me and other who is lying so on that moment
I feel that whole world is against me that time I just feel that I must not say something
But I just can't take it inside life so as time passes from days and nights I feel that how can
I just watch it and keep quiet because as days went ahead from time to time we just feel
One thing from our mind we feel that those pains which are part of our life are nothing
But just one part of our life hearing those wrong words is not easy inside life how can
Someone just ignore wrong words inside life because on each and every word then
There will be question inside life we just feel one thing that those dreams which I had
Are broken inside life but then still when I keep telling truth I understood one thing after
Some time my that childhood dream was never broken it is still stood inside our life
Because after some days I found some people who stood with on that point and when
It comes question of truth number never matter because god will turn it slowly into
Infinity as days went ahead slowly we see that problems are with us on each and every
Thought and point we just feel that one thought of our life is not that truth that our dream
Is broken in pieces inside our life as days went ahead slowly from point to point we just
Feel one thing from our thought inside life that there are still people who like truth and logic
There are still people are stood by our side those thoughts of childhood are not fantasy
Still there are people who stood by our side when I see those people I just feel one thing
From my mind that truth never really care for winning truth will want to remain alive in life
So it will come and enter into any one's heart who will keep in open and wide even if
It is in just one heart for truth it is enough to remain alive so we must understand one thing
Inside our life that truth never count the numbers truth count just heart which have pure mind.

Poem 1236. Problems of our world

                                            Problems of our world
From many views inside our life we just select which  we like but problem starts
When we start using it inside our future and our life so from every day of our life
I just feel one thing from my mind that why did we just can't able to keep our open mind
Someone encourage us and then that we must come together because we have same
Thinking in our life again and again sometimes I feel that this is when we start our problem
Gathering people as friends is not crime but good thing for human being on every day
But then when we start to think that we are friends and outsider are our enemies in every
Thought and on every way because on each and every day we just feel one thing again
And again that those views are something which make us stood against every one who
Don't have same view inside their heart on every point we just put our views before us
Inside our life on each and every part so from those views we made enemies and when
I see this I feel only if we keep inside our heart our own views but this never thought
When we began to come before everyone inside our life and when they began to tell
Their views inside life how easily we began to argue with them inside life because
We think those views are something which are so important for our thought and our heart
Because as days went ahead on each and every point from our thought and from our heart
We just want to tell that truth on each and every heart we just feel from inside heart
That keeping quiet will just harm us inside life but I just feel one thing maybe we should
Keep quiet after saying that point don't you think it will be respectful for all inside our life
But still many times  some points are so stretched beyond need inside our life that
It began to embarrass everyone inside life so as days went ahead from time to time
We just feel one thing from our mind it was our need of that moment in life that we just
Began to get carried away on that point but we must understand our mistake after some time
We must forget that point because after some point there are some thoughts in our life
Which are important those argument inside our life but then I think on every moment
That why did we need to understand thoughts and views inside our life because after
All there are something which perfect for our mind and thoughts which are perfect
For our life are nothing but just some temporary thoughts which look like so perfect
For our thinking and life so we start arguing on each moment inside our life because
As those views are something in which we are just fighting for some needless thing
In our future and life after all those thoughts are nothing important for life when you
Think properly inside life they are nothing but just way of getting away from friends
And breaking heart inside life I just never understand why did we argue for those people
Who never care for us inside our life we just like those power and fame so we get too
Involved in those fights I can understand some argument but how much do you want
To stretch those fights because I think after some point no one is god and no one is
Going to help us that much inside life that we began to insult for some one to other
People inside life each person have view but sometimes I feel that we can have one
Argument which is nice for healthy friendship inside our life but then after some time
We understand those points inside our life that no one will be that good that we began
To feel that other person is so nice inside our world but I just feel one thing that
We must understand first what are our problems inside our own world and can any one
Come and cure them inside our world but I just feel one thing from my mind and from
My thought in my world no one can cure them inside our thought and in our world
Because as days went ahead I feel just one thing in my world only I can solve my problem
Not other people inside this world only if I learn to say no to people with respect inside
Our future and our world we just feel one thing from thought that we need to understand
In this world only if we can learn to say 'no' to wrong things we can win in this world
No one is going to help us or there are no chances of any angel because when god have
Given us enough brain why did we need angel we can use our own brain and make
Proper useful world but still we just tried to find one thing that is our powerful angel
And we just fight for all those devils inside our future and our whole proper world.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Poem 1235. My thoughts

                                                       My thoughts
One thought which enter inside our mind it just kept coming to us on each and every time
Inside our life so from every that thought is just comes and turns on many ways inside our life
That thought just travel from each and every point I just feel one thing inside our life we feel
That those thoughts which are part of my mind are nothing but just trouble for some time
Inside our life as those thought began to hurt us on every point we just feel one thing from
Our mind we feel that those thoughts which enter inside our mind are just those troubles
Which effects in our life those thoughts just manage to change our thoughts on each and
Every points but I just wish sometimes that thought which change us so much should not
Come inside our mind but there are these thoughts always of two types one help us to destroy
Every thing while other help us to create things inside our life because on every point in this
World in life we just need those thoughts which help us to go ahead on every point after all
When we think about our future we need to think clearly about that thoughts inside our life
That thought will be one which will have impact on our future and on our life after all that
Thoughts are something which create bad effect inside our future and our life after all our
Thinking are something which are creating benefits inside life as days went ahead from
Time to time our thoughts become parts of that life which just manage to enter in wrong
Way inside our life those thoughts will help us are something not part of our future and
Our life those thought eat us from inside in our life when those thoughts don't help us
From time to time we just feel one thing from our mind we feel that new things can come
Inside our life only when we let those thought grow up inside our heart but question is that
What did we suppose to do when a wrong thought created nest over our heart as days
Went ahead from time to time we just feel one thought from our mind we feel that our thought
Is so wrong for our mind but still we force to keep it because throwing it away was not
Possible for our heart and our mind as days went ahead from time to time we just feel
One thing from our mind we feel that thoughts which hurt out heart should kept out of our mind n
But do you think it is possible to keep that thought away from our thinking and our mind
After all those thoughts which are part of our life never touch that part of our heart from
Time to time inside our life I feel one thing from mind that this thought which enter inside
Our soul is something which is so harmful for our future and our life after all those thoughts
Which capture some part of our mind are something so precious for our thoughts and
For our life as days went ahead from time to time those thoughts which create nest on
Our heart are something like part of our life as days went ahead from time to time we just
Have one feeling from our mind those thoughts which enter inside our life I feel they can
Touch our soul and touch our mind we just feel one thing from inside of our mind that
Was our one thought which create bad effect on our life as days went ahead from every
View and point we just feel one thing from our mind we feel that those thoughts which
Are perfect and nice have some kind of bad effect inside life but when I decide to throw
Away that thought I feel so sure for some days that this thought will not enter in my mind
But sadly I feel life have one tragedy that it never stay stable on one thought and one point
So for some days when we remain stuck on happy thought we just feel happiness of life
But when we change our thought sadness become permanent part of our future and life
As we went ahead those thought began to capture every part of our mind but I just wish
From heart only if I can change that some times but they don't seem in control of my mind
But then when I think peacefully I feel just one thing about mind that those thoughts which
Are part of my mind so how can I say that I can't control it even if I have tried my best in life
They are not some thing coming from outside only outside thoughts have some bad effects
On them inside life as days went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing that those
Outside things letting enter wrong things in life but I just feel one thing this is our best task
Which should be performed by our thoughts and by our mind because as day went ahead
We feel that our thinking will change from time to time inside our future and our life so
I just feel one thing from my mind controlling outside wrong thoughts is task of my life
Which I do every day inside life but never did it best so that's why I suffer inside our life.

Poem 1234. Fair chance

                                                        Fair chance
One day I saw a girl who have such sweet smile but when she start talking any one can tell
That she didn't have that upbringing which will tell her how to speak with other people inside
Our life so then I feel that suddenly inside my mind I feel insulted by her talk and I want to
Avoid her in life but next thing I feel from heart that is it right inside life to have treat someone
In this way because their upbringing is not that nice but that truth of our thoughts that we hate
When we see much thing in life but I feel that is fault of my upbringing that I can't accept
Someone lower than me inside life people just keep saying that parents teach their children
Everything in life but I feel that many times surrounding have impact on life but I just never
Understand if we want them to talk like us why don't we give them chance like us because
Many times when some one gave them same thing like us inside life I heard people saying
This word many times what is use of them for poor people inside life but I just have one
Thought inside my mind that was how can you know they are useless when you don't
Understand their uses properly inside life when comes question of treating equal suddenly
Inequality  began to rise we can clearly see in our life how wrong something are inside
Our future and inside our life so as days went ahead from time to time we just feel
One thing from our mind we feel that we can't change people's thinking inside life some times
I feel that they are scared that one day those poor people will come and capture their things
In life only if they understand that no one can take your place if you are doing every thing
Properly inside life so on every point inside our life I just feel one thing that no one can harm us
Unless we do wrong thing in life but still on every moment inside our life we just feel one thing
From our thought that is our want of getting things inside life on every day we feel that we stood
On totally wrong point and our life never tell us that we are doing wrong or right but it will
Just punish us sometimes but even after that we hardly seem to understand those voices
Of truth and of our mind equal means someone who can sit and talk with us inside our life
And that means taking those people ahead with us not going backward with them inside their life
Some people says only person who is once poor can understand poverty in life when some one
Says it I just want to laugh on them but I still tried to avoid because how can you claim that
When many people don't remember what they say at morning on next day of life so how can
A person who become rich can understand poverty in life if that person really understand then
Richness never touch that person inside life because that person will spend entire money on
Just helping poor inside life such people never come ahead and claim that they were once poor
And understand their mind because poor are not some object which can be repaired by same
Person every time they also have their own thoughts and their thinking inside life just because
You are once poor you can't understand their mind each person have feeling and each one have
Their mind in our life we need to understand that just because they are poor don't mean that
Their feelings are something which can't be grasp by our mind some says they just want to
Food and shelter inside life other things are not that much important in their life but I don't agree
With them inside my mind I feel that poor want every thing which we have inside their life
If some one gives them the thing which I have inside life they can't use or at least they have
Enough brain to sale it in life poor want to go ahead and deserve full respect inside life but
It seems so sad when people just treat them like some object of use and then use them when
They want and throw them away as they like inside life on each and every point inside life
I feel so sad but I can't change things in life I know that even you can't change them because
It is not in our hand but we can always do something which we can inside our life that when
Some poor spoke with you in different way try to understand that this is their style of life
Don't get upset by that style on each and every point of life just never let your heart think
That they insulting you in life they have just learn to talk that way and that is their life style
So then if you don't get hurt by that and try to talk with them for some time then slowly
You will understand that poor person really need not just fool and shelter inside life they also
Deserve like you inside their life a fair chance after all in life they can do all what you can.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Poem 1233. Pretending

Whenever I walk inside my life I just feel one thing from my mind how interesting
Was my past and my that life but as I went ahead from time to time I just understood
One thing my life is still same but I am not living in that way my entire life as life went
Ahead from time to time I just forgot what I want from my thought and from my life
Because when I walk on those roads I am so busy in pretending one or other thing
Inside my life I just don't want to say too much inside life because there can be risk
On each and every thing in life but still on  some point we feel that we are on totally
Wrong point inside life because as days went ahead on each and every point we just
Feel one thing inside life that we can't tell whole truth because it can cause risk inside
Our future and inside our life as we walk in life on every moment and on every point
We just feel one thing from our mind we feel that we can't win inside our life we feel
That we can always say something and then we suffer due to it for entire life so we
All just love one thing that was hide inside our mind we never want to talk what we
Have inside our thoughts and inside our mind on every moment we just think one thing
That we need to understand those people before whom we talk about our thought and
About our mind as days went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing from mind
We feel that we must be careful in life but sometimes I feel inside my mind that I need
To understand those thoughts of our life as days went ahead from time to time I feel
That while pretending things sometimes our truth get lost because of that thinking
Inside life as we walk every day on each and every time we just feel one thing from
Our mind we feel that we are on wrong track of our life we feel that we are on totally
Different thinking inside life we just have one feeling inside our life that showing other
People that we are perfect inside our life as our life went ahead on every point we just
Feel one thing from inside we feel that we are on wrong track of our life we feel
That instead of telling our thought those thoughts which are lie become truth of our life
Because when we start living for too much days in lie slowly it turn into truth which
Hurt us on each and every point as days went ahead from time to time I just feel
One thing from my mind that instead of telling my thought I am doing every thing
Which situation force me in life and just say it was my destiny when I am not willing
To tell the truth in entire life as our life goes ahead on every point we need to understand
One thought from our mind we need to understand that we can't win so easily inside
Our future and our life we have to move as we wish from time to time so when we
Start dreaming inside our life we just feel one thing from our mind we feel that we are
On wrong track for our entire life we feel that we are saying thing as we like but most
Sad thing is that after some time we even see that we are not thinking that way any more
Inside our life because our life will play such games inside our life that we are force to
Pretend things for entire life so when we choose to think in our way inside our life
It will stay with us but if we adopt other way or choose to hide then maybe that will be
A question not of some days but of our entire life because our life turn in such way
That when person is scared of something it just kept coming back in life and on every
Moment and thought inside life we just feel one thing from our mind that after some days
Those problems will vanish from our future and from our life if we really work hard
And manage to try it as days went ahead after some time I just feel one thought that is
Thinking about our mind how can we keep it shut when that problem will visit us
After some time do you really think that pretending can solve our problems for entire life
If it is possible then every one should have pretended happiness inside life and every one
Should have that happiness as part of life as days went ahead from time to time I just
Feel one thing from my mind that our thought will visit us on every point if not possible
In days then maybe in those dreams of night so how can you pretend in that dream in life
Because dream is not real it is just fantasy so you can't pretend inside that dream in mind.

Poem 1232. Help from outside

                                                    Help from outside
From many roads inside our life I just need to understand on every point there is one need
Inside our life after all when we take some road we need to understand it in life but sometimes
We just never understood when our road will change it's position inside life those roads which
Are important part of our life never goes in such a way that we think we know them properly
In life they have all those mysteries and it doesn't matter if you like those mystery or dislike
Because these roads just take us ahead with those mysteries from time to time inside our life
As those roads seem so wrong inside life I just understood from my mind that our life will not go
Ahead as we wish and like so on every moment inside our life I feel those roads which are
So perfect are those roads which look so nice inside our life when we start from one side
We just feel one thing from our mind that do we want mystery or we don't want it in life
We think about them in such way as if we have right to decide what we can or what we will
Get inside our future and our life as days went ahead from time to time inside our life so from
Those roads which are something precious for our thought and our mind those mysteries
Which are so perfect in our life those mysterious road which look so unique for our thought
Inside life those roads which are perfect have so niceness inside life after all those road which
Are full of life have that mystery inside life on each and every point we just feel one thing
In life those roads which are perfect for our thoughts and life they have those mysteries
Which seem so perfect inside life because as days went ahead from time to time I feel those
Roads on which we wake remain unknown to us for entire life as days went ahead from
Time to time we just feel one thing from our mind we feel that those roads which look so
Nice and perfect for our mind have power inside our life to win from time to time when
We all thought about those roads inside life just think that those roads have those mysteries
Which are so perfect for our future and our life those roads which have that power to win
Inside life are such roads which look so nice but not that nice when we wake on them in life
As days passes inside our life we just feel one thing from our mind we feel that those roads
Which we choose inside life are not that road which are perfect on each and every point in life
When we watch carefully those roads and feel happiness of those roads inside life we just feel
That our life never take us ahead on any point because those roads which we look are so unique
For our life sometimes they give us success sometimes failures are part of our future and our life
When we just began to walk inside our life we feel that those roads of success are so lonely
On many points on those roads when we wake we just feel one thing is with her that is
Our shadow which will stay with us on every time so inside our life on every time I just feel
That those shadows who walk with us are our best companion for our entire life as we walk
In life we just feel that loneliness and often wish in life that we feel inside life those road of
Success are not those roads for our life but at beginning of them we have same thought
On each and every time on those we start walking on every time and we just feel one thing
From our thought and mind we feel that we want success inside life we feel that those roads
Those roads when look so crowded in life we just feel one thing from our mind that those
Road are so lonely inside our life from every time we began to feel that why did we wish
For that success inside life after all those days which are so nice they are something so perfect
For our thoughts and our mind as days went ahead from time to time I feel just one thing
From mind that winning is not easy and after some points we just can turn back inside our
Future as well as inside our life so on every moment inside our life we just feel one thing
From thoughts and from mind we feel that we can win inside our life we feel that we can
Have things only when we reach on that end or we can see our friends when we are near
End sometimes so road of success is always lonely my friends in life I know you can say
Your friends will support you but they are just doing it from outside they may wish you to
Help in every way but finally they don't help you as you thought  inside life because as days
Went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing from our mind we feel that we will
Not win inside our life unless we learn to walk on that path alone in life those friends you like
Are those who are waiting for your success inside life but they can't walk with you because
They don't want to reach on same place which you want in life and if you get some friend
Who will walk with and never get jealous in life then you are lucky person so always
Remain happy to get that friend but question is that is it wise in life because if we fail in this case
Then help will never come for us on any front or other is no chance of getting help from outside.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Poem 1231. Thoughts as child

                                                Thoughts as child
We all start from one point inside our life but as days went ahead we feel some thoughts
From inside of our mind so we go ahead and develop on that point we feel that we know it
All because we are taught that way since we are child we just use our every skill from
Each and every point we have one feeling in the world that was our thinking inside our life
That we can never lose inside our life because our thoughts are something not so perfect
Until we decide to do things which are needed inside life when we are taught something
As a child mostly people keep it fresh and strong inside mind because as days went ahead
From time to time we just feel one thing from our mind we feel that we know it all just 
Because those thoughts are taught us when we are nothing but just a child so as days 
Went ahead we just feel one thing from our mind we feel that we know it perfect because
It is hidden inside our subconscious mind mostly people keep it alive until they see it
Properly inside life as days went ahead we can see many things in life but mostly people
Ignore them and just see what they want to see inside their life because as days went
Ahead on each and every time I just feel one thing from mind that was our thinking about
Many things in life we just feel one thought that we must understand that those thoughts
Which are hidden inside our mind are not so perfect but just something which hidden
Inside our mind since we are child as days went ahead from time to time we just feel
One thought from our mind we feel that we are not repeating those thoughts which are
Put inside our brain as child we feel that we are doing what we think perfect as well as 
Right for our future and for our life because those thoughts which are taught to us as a child
Just take us ahead on one spot inside our life they tell us we must understand that those
Thoughts as a child are something so wonderful for our mind every day we will feel that
We are in right hands in life we feel that we are on totally right side from each and
Every point and those efforts which we make will be just going on one side inside our life
We feel that we are on totally wrong side only if we open our thoughts and our mind so
Inside our life on each and every point we just need one thing that was opening our eyes
But as days went ahead from time to time we will feel once again inside our life that 
One thought which will hurt us on every time I just feel so wrong from my mind that 
When we are taught wrong thing inside our life still we feel that we are getting it wrong
Inside our life because those people whom we thought as god are not that right inside life
But only when we grow up we can understand those things inside our future and inside
Our life but mostly we just like to those child fantasies inside our thoughts and our mind
As days went ahead from point to point we just feel one thing from our mind we feel 
That inside our life those thought which are given to us as child are perfect for our mind
As days went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing from our mind we feel that
Those people whom we consider so great as child are some people who are totally wrong
For our future and for our mind but this thought never cross many minds we just kept 
Looking at that picture from only one side we feel that what things we got inside our life
Are things which are perfect for our thoughts and our mind we just feel that those thoughts
Which are given to us are totally wrong for our thoughts about life as days went ahead
From every side inside life we just have to open our eyes so from every thought in life 
Those people who are perfect can't wake up on time they just keep hugging to those thoughts
Which are taught them in life and stay with them on every day of our life most strange thing
Is that we are on wrong side we just feel one thing from our mind we feel that we are on
Right side and if someone who believe of boogie man of childhood we think it is funny and
Not normal in life when we can't wake up from our wrong thought which are set as child
And then believe them why don't we just believe in boogie man in life because at least it don't
Harm others as our thoughts harm us inside life I know what you taught in childhood have
Great impact but grownup are suppose to live with more maturity in life but some people just
Never understand those thoughts inside life they just keep on doing what they taught as child
I just wish that people shouldn't shut this way their eyes only if we open them there will be
A beautiful and free world stood before us on each and every day of our future and our life.

Poem 1230. Lesson of life

                                                      Lesson of life
Some people just love complaining that is hobby of their life I just feel that when we spend
Our days wasting on them they are perfectly wasted inside life because those people never
Understand still I spend all of my time so inside my life on every spot I just feel one thing
From my thoughts and from my mind as days went ahead slowly I feel that I can win in life
But if only I don't waste my time inside life on telling these people that they are not right
And after doing that I feel I always get depress on each and every time so I began to waste
My money on getting thing as I wish inside life because after depression I want happiness
To become one part of my life and I want that happiness to stay with me on each and every
Time because that happiness will tell me how can I survive in my life so with hope to get
That happiness I decided to spend my money on things which will give me happiness in life
As days went ahead from time to time I just feel one thing from my mind I feel that those
Moment of happiness are something so interesting inside my life that depression become that
Part which can be destroyed only when I spend some money on achieving happiness in life
So at first I wasted my time then I wasted my money instead of using them on proper way
Inside my life so I just feel one thing why did I have to say things to them inside my life but
Then I understood one thing I get from this inside life that I learn on every day I need to
Understand those thoughts which are important for my future and my life as days went ahead
On every time I feel that those wasted hours are not wasted inside life because banging our head
On that wall is stupid but sometimes we have learn ever that thing inside our future and
Inside our life as days passes from each and every side I just feel one thing from my mind
That some people who complain in my life I teach me just one thing inside life that we can't
Avoid those people who are  part of our life so on every moment inside our life I just feel
One thought from our mind I feel that those people who have control over our mind are some
Person who are doing thing which are wrong inside life so we are complaining on every point
I just feel that those complaint which we make inside life are nothing useful for our life so
From every point sometimes I feel that I am also imitating unknowingly those people inside life
So on some moment inside our life I just feel one thing from my mind that when I spend hours
On explaining I just feel one thought in my mind that I must convince that person and when
I can't convince that person I feel that I understood truth of life so hard it may seem but
Explaining don't seem that easy inside life it will just remain as it was before and it will remain
In same way for our life because as our days went ahead from time to time we just feel
One thought from our mind we feel that we can achieve things just as we prefer and as
We like inside life so on every day we feel that our thought will tell us what is so perfect
For our future and our life as days went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing
When we talk to those people that we can't convince every thing on each and every time
So maybe our hours will waste and maybe our money will waste sometimes but still
That lesson we learn is so important for our life just being truth don't mean that we can
Act as we wish inside our life and it don't mean we can convince people from time to time
These people teach us one lesson that we can't win inside our life only because we are truth
Or because we have logic inside our mind as days went ahead from each and every side
I just feel one thought from my mind that when our days went ahead from time to time
We just feel one thing from our mind we feel that we are not getting things perfect and
Right inside our mind because as life went ahead we feel just one thought from our mind
We feel that we are on totally wrong side we feel that our thinking will not help us on any point
We feel from each and every moment inside our life that our life will turn in totally wrong way
If we don't get our things right then after some days we will understand training which
We get by trying to convince these people inside our life so from time to time inside our life
We just understand that convincing is not easy task for life but just remember one thing that
If while convincing this people you can keep control on these people then you can keep
Control on your mind not for just few days but for entire life because patience will be increased
While talking to these people from time to time inside our future and inside our life on every
Thought and on every point inside our life which most precious gift for our thought and life.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...