Sunday, October 27, 2013

Poem 1133. Written on paper

                                                     Written on paper
So from time to time I just feel one thing in my mind how much I love it when with
People I began to admire art in life instead of struggling on other issues which are not
Liked much by me and by my heart some people say you can't ignore important things
In world but I have just one question how can you decide what is important in this world
Because many times in life I just feel one thing about our future from views of our life
That we are on wrong side of life how can every thing which is stressful can always
Become part of life why did we want to tell whole world the future will be predicted
Inside our life and how can some people who say that we must listen to world because
It is about reality starts predicting future from time to time because whenever I see
Those realities which are written in our life mostly I feel that after some moments people
Started predicting many things inside their life because when I began to read something
Just after few minutes in life I just feel that they are also selling fantasies at same time
For some they are good and for some they are bad in life whatever may happen but
Why did they have to predict future inside our life because I want to breath happily
At least for sometime and when they say that they know the truth I feel that they know
Future from each and every side inside life because these people just never understand
What is meaning of sunrise they just feel it from inside of our mind that we must understand
That let future come in it's own way instead of just coming from mouth of us each and
Every time that we began to feel every day in life we must understand that we want
People to think that did they know that much about life only one thing that can understand
Our thoughts only one person who can understand our want that one power is god so
Why did in life on each and every time we just feel that we are on one side of our life
And we know so perfectly our life then why don't we become god of this life but if
You want truth then we are so lucky that you are not god in life because if you become
Some power like god I feel my life will something horrible for our life so from time to time
I just feel one thing inside mind that we are nothing useful but just some people who never
Understand what we really think in our future and inside our life on days and nights
Is really our future from any side because if it is a future then I just feel one thing inside
My life I like it to be my future that any thing else inside my life so from time to time
I just feel one thing inside my life that I just never trust what others say but still it began
To upset me after some time because I just began to believe in sorrows instead of happiness
Inside our future and inside our life we just feel one thing that we need some one to tell
Those people that they can't predict our life whenever we walk we always see one big line
Of those people who just feel that they are those people who predict perfectly in our life
From time to time inside our life I just feel that our future changes according to things in life
Because our life is something like boat which can float on any side on any moment or time
We just saw that we are touching that shore and then just on that moment inside life
We feel that we are on totally wrong side inside our future and our life from time to time
Just in few seconds we feel that we have missed many shores inside our life because
Then those shore goes far away from our life but some times it about shore and sometimes
It's about storm inside our life whatever you call it but since you are human like me
You can't predict my future or our future because you are not god so please stop predicting
It from time to time whenever I see someone predicting my future inside my life then
I just feel same way inside my life because from each and every point I just feel in life
That one day we will win only if we keep moving in life because in this life I feel from many
Points that we are fully loser from one side to another side inside life because we always
Think one thing about our life on that paper we can write many things just destiny change
It all in just few moment in our life I feel so frustrated when I saw those papers in life because
When our days go ahead we feel that failures are sometimes invited in life and sometimes
They are just put before us from many thinking and from many sides inside our life
So whenever you read something inside life then you must understand that we need to
Wait until it began full truth inside our future as well as inside our full and whole life.

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