Monday, October 21, 2013

Poem 1123. Task

Sometimes some wrong things start inside our life how much we want to control them
But still it doesn't have control on that thing in life on such moment what do you think in life
Someone told me maybe we ignore it and went ahead in life just as if nothing big have 
Happen inside life because when I will scream loudly then it will get more attention in life
May be we just think that inside our life we just need to understand those things which
Are just kept under control inside our life because those things are something which are
Not so good inside our life we think that what should we do inside our life because some
People just say that we are making mistake by keeping quiet and even our mind start
Telling us they are more encouraged inside our life so we must have to say something
Inside our life I feel that I am so confused on that point on one moment I just have to run
Away and try to pretend because I know I am not still ready for fight but sometimes it happen
That I feel it is too much that I feel we are on totally wrong side inside life maybe I must
Learn to fight for my life but then when I decide to start to fight first thing that happen in life
I began to give that person curse whichever I can think from my heart inside because
When we see some person inside our life with whom we want to fight inside our life then
We began to feel all bottled inside after all we don't create enemy so easily in life at least
It is not my thinking and my style but still sometimes inside my life I feel as if I want to
Start fight but on that moment there is lot of anger inside me in my heart and my mind
Which I have kept in check because I don't want to that anger destroy my life whenever
Someone tell anger is wrong thing we just think that it is your mistake that you got angry
And that thing excite you more and more inside your life because that thing can cause
Many problems to you as a human being so inside our life on each moment we just think
That we need someone who understand our problem and feelings starting fight will always
Seem so wrong for our world and not starting seems like we are agreeing with that person
So how should we control our feeling and say no in our life how can we just control our anger
And still say determined for our opposition inside our life so on each and every moment
Inside our life that is hardest sort of work on every spot we just think that we are on
Right side inside our life we all think from each and every side that we are just some person
Inside our life on every spot in life we just feel that we are on totally wrong side inside life
Because when we lost inside our life sometimes in life I just think from each and every
Point that on every moment inside our life I just feel that my anger just take me on totally
Wrong thinking and totally wrong point but can you understand god my mind but still
How can I control that anger which is alive inside life so on each and every point and
Whenever I decide to start fight I just feel one thing which will be not perfect and nice
Because inside our fight on each days and nights I just feel that fight can bring out many
Things which are bottled inside my mind so sometimes I began to think inside my life
I just feel I can never win any war in my life because every time that anger take control
Of my mind so sometimes I think maybe justice can wait for some time because I don't
Want to become like that person inside my life I just want justice but not finding myself
On totally wrong point I just hate to see change in my thinking on every moment inside
My life because this is what our life from each and every point we just feel that we are
Going on totally wrong side inside our life on every moment in my life I just feel that I am
Still not ready for fight because when tides are too strong inside our life we can hardly
Able to see moment of those tides which will affect our thinking and our life so inside
Our life on every point I just feel that I have to wait not because I want to tolerate but
Because I want to fight inside our future and inside our life on each and every time I feel
I must understand importance of our life so when tides are so strong we must not swim
Inside our future and our life so on every point we must understand that we need to
Capture that time or that moment inside our life and we must need to think that can we
Able to swim and then survive inside our future and our life on each and every point
So when I start fight I just want to control my mind but that is most hardest task of my life.

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