Sunday, October 20, 2013

Poem 1120. God's advice

                                                        God's advice
From your view you see that how nice are those people and from my view I see
Their totally different nature neither you are god nor me then why force someone
To think just like you or me let people decide whatever they want to do forcing
On another person is never seem fair because correct is none of our views because
I am not right but that also don't apply to you just always keep one thing in mind that
Everyone have their own view may it be school or may it be place of work I just never
Understand why some people feel they knew whole world may be I am not expert but
I have my thinking maybe I have not seen what you saw but nor you have saw what
Happen inside my life and what is seen by me so why should we always insist on another
Person to choose between you or me may be you wish this way but that is not my thinking
We can have many fronts in life then why every time just jump on one thinking after all
Our life is never that small that every time we need to jump on just one wall sometimes
In life we can stay together without arguing only if we stop those subject which hurt you or me
But some people say that we must tell these things to all but I just have one question that
This is so big world do you really have knowledge of all because when someone start from
One side that person can hardly manage to come on other side with that person's thinking
Because you understand whole world is not possible for you or me but do you really think
That it is theory or if you ask your heart I think we don't even know what is happen in house
Of our neighbou fully I think that is what truth of our life we don't know what others face
And what is truth of other people's life because inside our future and our destiny we just
Make tall claims but we will not receive any success in that thinking and views fully so
When you say that you know something fully just try to understand you never understood
Anyone or anyone's thinking fully so inside your life you can't tell anyone that you know
Whole world and life you just can't tell anyone how to act in their life until you know fully
Well their views and side you may feel that are not understanding you but truth of life is
That neither you can understand my thought nor I can explain it to you because inside
Our life we can't just share our that type of views there are many stories inside many lives
Which know far better that us about our life but still those thoughts never attend to us
Because those thoughts are something which always enter inside our future and our world
But still we on every moment inside our life we feel that we need to other person how to
Act in their life I just want to say that is mistake of our life when we don't know about
Our neighbor how can we know about those people who live far away from our life
Inside my life on each and every point I just feel one thing people don't need that much
Our advice if it is pleasant one then go and give it in life but when you tell someone to leave
Their concepts you need to clear first your concept of life because when you don't know
Someone how can you judge that person's life that mistake will just cause you in losing
Your friend inside your future and inside your life because when you do that mistake then
That person will never like you in their life because that one will just think one thing that
How can this fellow give me this advice when this fellow don't even know about my life
So on each and every time you give some advice think twice that do you know that person
Fully even that person's life but it is not important for our life to know that person and
So those problems inside their life you can never understand because we hardly know
Someone who knows about that person inside their life that person just feel that you just
Give advice because you never care about other people in your life we never think this way
When we give advice we just feel that we all know about life but sadly in this life on
Every part inside our life we hardly know anything about others  life because our life will be
Something which will be just centered on our thinking and our lifestyle those people who
Says that they care for other even don't know properly about those people's mind so
Inside our life on each and every point we just think that we know every thing in life so
Always inside your life just live as you like you can always suggest someone but never
Insist when that person don't like because it will just cause problem to you and to that person
Inside life since we never know problems of every person how can we able to give advice
So always remember we are not god so never try to act like god because you have
Some part of knowledge inside your life god is something so great if god want then I believe
God always have his ways to give advice god don't need you to do that for him inside life.

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