Thursday, October 3, 2013

Poem 1093. Marks

Sometimes in life some circumstances leave marks on our life but many times
We just think that those circumstances are something sad and sorrowful for our mind
I can understand those things which add pain in our heart and inside our life
They can easily create some marks on our heart and inside our life but those things
And those marks are something precious for our life but I just feel one question
Inside my life that how can even happiness keep marks on our future and life
When sadness enter and goes there are always some feeling of sad thinking
In our future and in our life which doesn't let us live happily which give depression
To our heart inside our life because sadness is something which create strange
Hole in our life and we don't even understand how to fill that hole in our life
So I can understand that sadness create some mark inside our life but after some
Time I found out that not just sadness but even happiness lives marks on our life
Because after getting happiness mostly people began to think so positively in life
That they just think they will win each and every time sometimes when person
Is happy then that person began to ignore other people and their feeling in life
Because their feeling about happiness are so strong that sorrows are forgotten
In our future and our life we can see many marks which tell us that person
Is having happiness in life first mark is that this person began to ignore any sorrow
Around that one and even ignore sometimes tears of others life because those
Sorrows are something unpleasant for our life so that person want to store happiness
And want to keep it intact for their life so they began to ignore sorrows from
Their surrounding and sorrows from their life but those sorrows never leave us
They only manage to keep those people away from them who are part of their life
Because sorrows are part of some people's life and they can't ignore them even
If these people insist on ignoring them from time to time so when we start ignoring
Sorrows suddenly we become person who doesn't care about other person's
Emotion in life and those people who have sorrows are thrown out of our life
So even that happiness keep some marks in life and they are not at all pleasant kind
May it be sorrow or happiness of our life but it is our view that will help us to decide
Some ways which will show some light towards happiness and about sorrows in life
But how hard you may try but both the things keeps marks inside our life so
In our life on every time we just feel that our happiness is something so nice
We don't need sorrows inside our life because sorrows always keep mark in our life
After all our life on every time we just think that our sorrows are some thing
Which keep mark on our thinking and our life but when even happiness began to do
Same thing in life I suddenly began to keep may be marks are there because
It is rule of life to have those marks inside our future as well as inside our life
And they just keep alive in our life because no one can live without marks in life
But one thing is so strange that we just feel those marks which are created due to
Sorrows inside life and forget those marks which are product of happiness in life
Because when their sorrow inside those happy eyes we just never understand it
At all inside our life because on every moment we just think that we are happy
When person get pleasure and happiness inside their life and we feel that happiness
Will never create any problem in our life even when our all friend go always and
We remain alone in our life still we feel that our happiness is not that bad in life
Because no one wants sorrow to enter in their life even when we have big house
And we are alone in it with money we will surely say that happiness is inside life
This human mind it wants just success as part of their life but even when that
Success began to create mark on their mind then people began to think that
They can handle them but they don't want marks of sorrows in their life so
No one claim marks of happiness because sorrows create more deep and painful marks in life.

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