Sunday, October 20, 2013

Poem 1121. Background

I always feel one question in my mind why people think people's background
Matter so much in life why when someone comes ahead they just say something
Inside our life some says that when you are born in poor background you just
Can't understand something wrong in your up bringing you can't match to rich people
And on many points you can't be part of their talking until now I felt just one thing
If you are poor then people will treat you differently but then slowly I got when
I understood other thing people who born rich and people who have silver spoon
In their mouth so they are also disgusting after all inside life on every moment and
On each and every thinking just never give respect to them because in this world
They knew nothing so poor are shameful because they just can't properly understand
The thing because they learn in rich ways and rich are wrong because they never have
Time or capacity to understand poor and their poverty so inside this life on every
Moment in every society complaining is one habit which is common to every body
Some people just tell you what are your fault and then it seems as if whole world
Believe in those faults whatever you may do but still it is not satisfactory because
There are some people who are part of our society who just have one habit of complaining
Inside our life on every moment and one every thinking we are not satisfactory but
I just have one question inside my mind on every moment inside something which is that
Why don't we give that person first try and then start our thinking just because some person
Belong to some background how can we judge them by it inside our life how interesting is
This type of thinking just because they like someone they admire their background and say
They are so great human being sometimes I wish to those people just put their facts before us
Some of them don't know the world and some know best way of insulting but in my eyes
It seems none of background is nice and satisfactory because that background will always
Something behind our life but people just began to admire or blame background of life
Whenever they want some one to taunt in life I feel many time even when we don't wish
To do that thing in life but still sometime when we hate someone we began to point out
Their background in our life but I just feel one thing background may have some effects
But most matter is upbringing of one person inside that person's life but people think
Diamond are always just in coal mine so when some one come from mine that one can't
Be stone but just diamond in their eyes while some people believe poison can't be grown
In well kept garden in life I don't agree with this because any thing is possible in life just
Background don't matter what really matter is the things which person does in their life
Some rises from stones and some rises from palace in life but just believe me some rises
From home in which you and me mostly live in life when person become big that depend
On what that person does inside that one's life just because some one is rich or some one
Is poor that thing don't make them great in life what matter most is their values of life
Because demon also rises with angel many times because inside our life we can see
Many people rise but someone is ahead just doesn't assume that person is good from
Each and every side because inside our life some people have bad thing in life so these
People have something which is totally bad for their future and their life from each side
We feel we can win only if we have goodness inside life that assumption is totally wrong
For us from each and every point some people have wrong skills inside their life and
Then with any background they use it and achieve success in their life while they win
Their badness still remain inside but it is not about background in life but it is just about
That person and that person's life so on every point we just think one thing that success
Is something shows us that this person is nice and we must respect that one because
Success is on that person's side but that is not always truth of life just like angel even
Demon get big success inside their life they will lose at end but it will take long time
So never just look at someone background and assume them good or bad in life
Sometimes poor and sometimes rich can do brutal crime so never in your life
Just see background of that person inside that person's life always ask your conscious
Did that person did as that one said in life of course you can do it only if your conscious
Is awake and fully alive in your life if it is sleeping then everything is useless in our life.

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