Sunday, October 6, 2013

Poem 1096. Different

I have one dream which was near to my heart I use to struggle daily to get success
Inside life and inside my mind I know I have power to win if I prefer and like and
I use to plan my schedules just according to that thing inside my life because that thing
Because I have check my strength and my brain for that work inside my life and I feel
So sure that I can win it all inside my life because I have done so much practice to get
That thing properly in my life I tried it on each day I just don't remain depend on my brain
But I have taken so much efforts in my life that I feel my work will give me success
Inside my life on each and every point so inside my life I work on details about that
Thing in life and I don't forget even my confidence turn into overconfidence in our life and mind
Because I started from one point and then I started to work for it day and night even
Every adviser told me I am doing it so perfect that I got it just properly in life so
I tried all days and nights but still on day of results things don't turn as right because
Instead of getting success I get one big failure in life I just never understand that
Result but some says that it is not my mistake but bad luck always comes in life
But after doing so many efforts some wish that how can we forget those efforts in life
And many says that since that work is half done I must complete it in my life but
I have just one question how can I take that risk again in my life because once
When we fail sometimes trying  again seems impossible for life many people says
Inside our life failure is first step to win in life so when we done half work we must
Finish that work in life and half work is something which is just wasted in our life
We can't win until we get success in our life so when we do half work we must
Finish it until then we must need to try it but when we are best and still we don't
Get that thing inside life so never in our life start again that work because we have
Lost our faith in that system or in that type of work in life on that one situation
I just never understand what is wrong and right some says stick to that work but
Many times I found that we need to change our side sometimes because if some
System have some fault don't you think we need to find some other way in life
Some says that is running away from crisis I think I can agree with that mind but
I have just one question show me a person who never run away in life you can't
Find such person because even those brave persons have weakness inside mind
So inside my heart inside my mind I think we don't need to be brave each and
Every time when use our bravery is skill of our life because it will take us ahead
In our mind on each and every time so inside our life on each point we think
That we need to be brave but sometimes I think bravery just increase pains in mind
Because sometimes we need to use different ways in life and when our life don't
Move properly then we need to use our mind instead of walking in our life
We can have many sources inside our life which will take us ahead on each
And every point so if we change our route and use other source in life then
Why did we have to use same source in our life after all success is some thing
Which changes from one side to other side and it will take us ahead on each point
In our future and our life after all in our life we need to act brave when sources
Manage to trouble us in life then don't we have to change our thinking about
Those sources in life if one time we fail and then we decide to try other side
Do you really think it is coward I don't think that at all in life because your other ways
Is most common thing in life and we mostly use them because we want happiness
In our future and our life those days and those nights are something important
For our future and our life so in those days and nights if we choose to use different way
I don't think it is wrong for life coward are those who don't use any way and
Just stay on one place in their life but those who try other ways are person who
Enjoy their life and every day try and adjust with their failure in life are also
Different thinker but still brave people inside our future and inside our life.

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