Sunday, October 13, 2013

Poem 1109. True past

                                                      True past
On that moment I heard that song and then some other song enter inside life
At first song I was so attached that even after hearing next song inside our life
I just can't force my self to stay attach to first song inside my life after all in life
On each and every time I feel those song which have enter inside  our heart and
That song can't go away from my mind I heard many times people say this thing
Inside life that some thought just stays inside their mind I can understand about
Thinking or moral but I can't understand about person who says they are attach
To some concept or film inside their life that they able to see it for ten times because
Inside my life on every time I just prefer to change things on each moment in life
Whenever something new enter inside our world's some part I feel as if something
New must get first chance some people just remain faithful to those old thought
While my heart want to see something new inside my world as it's part so every time
I just think that something is wrong with new thing I just wish that I should have
Seen only that old thing because old thing is something which will touch my heart
And it will give rise to my nice destiny which will always remain my life's part
Inside my life on every moment I just feel that I must understand what my heart
Felt when I watch new picture I think I just want to stop curiosity from my heart
Because sometimes curiosity just began to rule my thinking and it manage to rule
My thoughts which are alive inside my heart but when I go to new thing then
Many times those things are not best they just manage to get think which are not
At all suitable for me to have my time invested so inside our heart and inside
Some part I just feel that what don't some time I remain to stick and watch that
Old thing which I loved from my heart but sometime repetition seems like waste of money
And sometimes repetition began to harm you and me sometimes inside our life on every part
We just feel that why did we manage to start something from our heart because
Inside our life on each and every part I just feel that we are on doing same thing on each and
Every point and then we feel that new thing never manage to get some chance so inside life
On every point we feel that we need someone or something nice inside our life on every point
So sometimes I feel inside my life I must give thing once a chance in life but sadly something
When I give chance to new thing it turn out to be so wrong in life that I began to think
I should have stick to old thing inside life because they are beautiful and they are nice
But still next time when I find new thing I just want to try after all people have made so
Much effort to make that thing work in our life so maybe watching it is not waste of time
While watching it we are just giving value to other person's time so inside our life and
On each and every time I just feel that new thing are also nice and without trying them
How can I able to guess what are they in life but some people are just so attach to that old
Thing that they think watching new thing or using new thing is some sort of crime for life
Because whenever we watch that new thing we suddenly feel that we are on wrong side
Because they told us that accepting new thing is dishonesty with old thing in life but I have
Just one question if it is so then why these people are not living still in old cave age style
If they change new things for their personal benefit then why don't we use new thing just
Because we want to try inside our life so in life on each and every time I feel that I have lost
Many things including my positive thoughts inside my future and inside my life every time
Because I told myself I must not use new thought because that is wrong with old thought
In my life but do you really think that old thinking and new thoughts can't move with each other
Inside my life but then someone said that old thoughts are true and new one are wrong sides
Inside life but I have just one question how can we guess new and old in life after all we don't
Even know our full past inside our life we assume things just on our guess we do thing as
We are told again and again but did we really know everything about our past behind our life
I think we hardly know anything beyond one line so I feel that new and old are something
Which are beyond our thought because we don't even know our true past and our old life.

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