Friday, October 25, 2013

Poem 1130. Birds

From my window I was watching that beauty those parrots are so nice and it looks so perfect
To me from each angle I just want to keep look at them for many hours because I just don't
Want to miss that moment even if it mean losing everything in world but on that moment
Suddenly I looked at the watch and saw clearly that I am getting so late if I keep looking
So I have to go that was my feeling but I have decided that I will come back to look after
Some minutes but when I finish part of work and come back to see them I saw that all those
Parrots were flew away after all they also have their work to do inside their life and they can't
Just sit there while enjoying beauty of nature inside their life they were so busy before when
I watch them from window even on that moment they want to pull away their food which is
Not that easy for their world so when I was resting and watching they are making efforts
To get their things so maybe I call myself so much busy but sometimes I think other animals
Are also more busy they just search for their food and as well as for their safety and they don't
Even got house like you and me if our home fall how many problem we will see while these
Birds and animals hardly have that much home and safety they just wander around and
Some just stay in groups sometimes even they can be seen fighting so for those parrots their life
Was not so easy after all their food is so limited and that is due our mistake even when they
Don't make anything wrong still they are suffering because we did those forest cutting so inside
Their life in their limited food they do daily fight of managing don't you think these pollution and
Many other things don't hurt they fully inside my heart I feel they are hurting them in many ways
While they don't even get any kind of luxuries look at us we at least get benefit from those things
But they don't even get anything from it they just have to search for their food only need to do it
More carefully because their nature and surrounding have changed because human being decides
To change it for it's benefit fully so whatever stress we see daily do you think animal or bird don't
Face that sort of stress while living daily maybe we need to think what would have if they have
Acted like human being they must until now started many fight and screaming because
They are suffering without reason and benefit from these things but birds never do that and
Nor animal do it so don't you think that maybe it is not due to competition that we feel depress
It is our wrong thinking our brain is one thing which will help us on each and every thinking
Just think this way birds and animal got what kind of security and aren't they suffer from same
Risk as a human being but have you see a depressed parrot or some animal doing suicide
Because that animal is so depress fully so inside our life we feel that circumstances are forcing us
In wrong doing but just ask your soul one thing that do you agree with it totally or maybe our
Brain which is given us to take ahead and development is going in wrong way fully and it is harming
Our thinking on each and every moment because we feel that we are always cheated on every point
By some human being we just never want any injustice to us we want everything so perfect that
We can always ignore others we feel sometimes inside our life that when someone does injustice
Pity towards inside our mind so instead of sympathizing about others we feel one thing wrong
In our future and our life we just sympathise with our self and that will just harmful for our mind
So inside our life we feel every time that we don't have all those things on which we have right
So on each moment in life we feel from time to time that we need sympathy towards us by
All people in life whenever we deserve something we don't get it in life many people began to taunt
Instead of helping us in life and we feel hurt by those taunts inside our life so in life we always
Accept one thing which manage to harm us inside life that is we want others to understand that
We have our right and when someone does something and it harm us inside our life so from
Each and every point we feel until we get benefit we should not receive harm inside our life
So on those points we just keep trying to understand our future and other part in our life
Because we feel it is injustice when others get benefit and we suffer inside life but that happens
Sometimes in life and since we don't accept it we always suffer inside our future and our life
So from time to time we need to understand our thinking about our life we need to find some way
In which we have accept this fact of life because birds have same stress but if they don't get
Depressed inside life then why should we feel this way in our future as well as inside our life
We have got brain to take us ahead in life if that brain is taking us backward we need to train
Our brain properly in life and then only like those birds we will able to enjoy each day of life.

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