Monday, October 21, 2013

Poem 1122. Just stood there

                                                      Just stood there
Sometimes in life I just do each and everything still inside my life something goes missing
I just don't know why in life happened such a thing but sometimes in life everything seems perfect
Still we can't able to do that thing as if something wrong is inside basic may be nature have
Some rules which are in our eyes still missing on each and every day I have just one feeling
That special factor is missing I never able to guess what is that thing so I decided that may
Be I should ignore that thinking because when life around is so perfect how can we say
That something is missing when we can walk as we wish when we can talk as we like then
How can I say something is missing but then when you look carefully at things you can sense
In life every time something is not on place it is missing I just have that feeling inside me
On morning and evening why did I feel that something is missing but then I went out to see
Many statues of god because it was day of enjoying still inside me I feel there is feeling
That even on those festival something is missing I just can't understood why people are
Acting so strange and why did they have that strange sort of face until that time I always
Saw them happy and pleased inside my life when they are celebrating because inside life
Festivals are something when joy will come to us because we feel that god is there and
God is visiting but one spot we were stopped because of some selfish motives they say
We can't see god until we have completed what they told us on every thinking and motive
I just have one question in my mind why before god there are always such rules why can't we
Just go near god without any rules after all on many times we are told that we are child
And god is our parents for us then I must say it seem so hard to meet my parent and enter
Inside their room I don't know what you think or what you felt but when some one stop me I feel
So upset that why god is kept this way in life after all don't you think there are some people
Who just have right to get things as they like and we are kept away from god just because
They think we are wrong and they are right but do you really think that god should be limited
Only to some views inside life do you really think that we need to bow before them when
We want to see our god in life I just don't think so in my life I just feel that our views are
On one side but god should kept separately inside our life after all god is something which
Is so nice and when we see god when we need on each and every time inside our life so
When we see that statue of god which is precious for our life because statue of god
Should be seen by us inside our life but when someone invite us to that statue we feel
That we can see it without any cost inside life but when they start enforcing their rules then
Sometimes I feel why don't they keep ticket to show god instead of that in life how easily
To say that god is on our side but do you really think they can able to prove it inside their life
God never call someone low or call someone high in life god just treat equally from all side
So if someone does something wrong and you want revenge why don't you say it in
Straight way in life that I want my revenge is proper sentence for their life and if they want it
Then it is their own route and it is their own choice I will not force them to change their ways
In their life because when person grows up then that person can have their brain and they
Just don't need your advice but if that person come before me and start to give me advice
I just feel that why don't that person do as like in that person's life after all god is not with
That one I can prove it in seconds inside life because if god is with that person then that
Person never act so cruel and object other person to see god inside life because I think that
In eyes of god we are all equal god never discriminate in child but this is one sentence
We always learn in school and manage to forget it because we wanted peace of mind inside
Our life because it will always happen to us when we went ahead in life even if we know that
This thing is not fair still we can't say it because we want to avoid those fights after all in life
On every moment we just think from each and every side that we want to stay with people
So we can't start fight inside our future and inside our life on each and every time so we just
Want to enjoy or live peacefully our life so we just forget our logic and truth and nod on their
Each and every point inside life because we just want to live peaceful and want to see that god
But one thing never cross our brain if we don't fight for justice and just stood their remember
In your life god will come and meet you there where someone is doing injustice and you just stood there.

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