Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Poem 1102. Powerful voice

                                                   Powerful voice
Inside life when we heard many voice we think that they belong to us and we can't raise
Them so strong in our life because we are nothing but just small creature in our world and life
So how can our voices have strength so much in our life so on each time we just try it
We just want to raise our voice so loud that we want to hear it by all in life but when we try
This thing before some people in life then we are advised that we should not act that way
And should not try to raise our voice those voice are something which may harm us in life
Because those voices are something which may need advice inside our future or inside our life
Because advices are something perfect for our life we need everyday to remind ourselves
About  us properly and in proper way our voice because even if we raise it in wrong way
We will mess our life after all we must learn that we need knowledge before we decide
That on that moment we need to fight inside our life after all voices are something so
Perfect for our life we can always like voices which are so pleasant and so nice for life
But when we use it against someone it will not be safe at all inside our life because
On each and every moment inside our life we just feel that we need some type of strength
Inside our life but just understand that in life when something big happen it is not
Due to our thinking or our advice that voice is so strong inside our life we may feel
May be we have done it but truth is that it is not our thinking inside our life and
We never have that power to raise such a big voice that voice can touch each and
Every heart inside our life but we still say that we are so great that we made so big voice
But I just suggest you look carefully at that voice because that voice is not so strong
That it can reach to hearts of people so easily in life because we want someone in life
To understand our voice and when people heard them we feel that we are so great
In our life but we are not great and we are not so unique inside our life that we can
Wake up ourselves by some voice so inside our life on each and every moment in life
That voice which win sometimes I feel it is neither your nor mine because even when
We speak I don't feel my voice have that strength that you can understand my mind
But it is not us I think something great power which hidden inside our heart and mind
Which always tell us what we suppose to do in life that voice force you to listen
Some one's voice our voice is never strong enough to make people rise but when
People rise it is just because that great power decides that voice is something which
Even wake up people in darkest night and it will always take us in right way but
Only when that voice decides that it must need to interfere inside our thinking and
Inside our life but when once people listen our voice we feel that we are so great
That we have power inside our mind and on that moment we make biggest mistake
In our future and inside our life by thinking that we have power to awake that strong
Type of voice which can wake up every one when it is needed in their life and
Which can give us success on every moment and we feel so sure that to wake up
Every one we just need one voice that voice will show us true meaning in our life
It is so true that we need one voice but we make one mistake when we decide that
It is just one human voice when some voice have power to wake up all it is not
Human voice it something unique and it don't need any help when that power decide
To rise in life after all no human have so much strength inside life that they can
Wake up every one just by voice so if that power have so strength and voice then
That power will not need every time same person that power can speak from any person
Or any mouth in life so try to understand that power and that voice instead of keep
Deciding who is wrong and right in life no one is great and no one is perfect in our life
Every time we may need to say thing against every person inside our mind so inside
Our life on every point just think that we need to understand that strength not that
Person who spoke in that voice because I think that great voice is in each person
And in each life but when we keep faith on one person then we start to betray that
Strength and voice because no one can be considers as owner of that strength and
That voice those days are far away when owner decide to come in our life because
We all know that we are not in that bad situation that we want to trouble that power
Which have given us on each and every thing to properly run our important and precious life. 

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