Thursday, October 31, 2013

Poem 1141. My thoughts and ambitions

                                          My thoughts and ambitions
How easily we win inside our life only if we understand situations of our life because
Inside our life from time to time we feel that we are going away from thoughts which are
Given to our mind after all inside our life from time to time we just feel one thing that
We have to understand for our life what other person's doing with our life because
When other person starts to push us on some point we began to think that we need to prove
That we must need to prove that person we are right so wrong is that thought inside
Our mind that from time to time we just feel one thing that we must waste our time in
Convincing someone that truth of life which we don't like at all inside our future or
Our life so from one point to another point inside our life we just feel that we know
All the truth of our life because those truths are something which will affect our mind
And from time to time we just feel one thing inside our life that we will never rise our
Sound or rise our voice for some thing like that in our entire life so from one moment
We must understand our thoughts inside our life that we should not waste life just in
Explaining some one that this person is wrong and we are right because it will create
Problems inside our life and from time to time we just feel one thing inside our life that
Our problem will not get solved until we began to learn proper things inside our life
But when we start teaching other lessons inside their life slowly we began to lose touch
With our own education inside life but from one moment to another moment inside life
I just feel one thing that instead of teaching other we need to more teach our selves in life
Because our teaching will not take us ahead on any type of point and our teaching will
Never help us unless we are fully learned inside our life so from point to point inside
Our future and our life do you really think just teaching other people will help us in life
No my dear friends I don't think this way inside my life because from point to point
I just understood one thing inside our life that we can't win success inside our life and
We can't win profits which will not really matter for our future and for our life so on
This spot I just found one thing inside my life instead of teaching others I am began to
Learn once again those lessons of my life and out of those lessons first one is that we
Must learn to listen and not to speak sometimes so if we began to lose them what will
We do inside our future and our life because from time to time inside our life I just feel
One thing I wasted so much time in telling other person what I thought about my life
That I began to think from one point inside my life that I am spending too much time
In telling other truth and right so maybe on some point I just have to think about going
Ahead in my future and inside my life I must learn to ignore them who are going wrong
Way inside their life because let them go as they wish but we must not let other people
Think that we are on wrong track inside our life so from time to time inside my life
I just feel one thing that I wanted to all alone after one thought of learning sometimes
In life so maybe this is some spot when I just keep my ear open and mouth shut for
Some time but sadly neither my eyes nor my ears seem to shut fully inside life so from
Time to time inside our life we need to find someone who will listen to us and that is
Our wrong thinking and our wrong point so inside our life on each and every point
I just wish that I must learn more if I want to win my future in my life maybe I should
Forget what will happen to other world inside my life after some point only then I can
Learn about life because when I start telling others then I will just lose inside our life
Because when we learn in our life we feel in strange way that we have lost many fights
But if we try to win them maybe our time will not permit us about it inside our future and
Inside our life so what ever may happen around me on that point I just feel I need to
Concentrate and need to learn how to go ahead with my thought and ambition inside my life
But now I also need to understand one thing inside my life that I must let go what others do
Because if I doesn't do it now then I can easily manage to harm my thoughts and ambition of life.

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