Friday, October 11, 2013

Poem 1106. Face reading

                                                  Face reading
Can just in two words you can understand what I want to tell and felt and
Can just one gesture tell you that what is written inside my mind and can you
See all truth just by my one sight because you can do this I feel that you can
Adjust with anything inside your life and keep everyone happy from heart
Which so precious to our life but one thing I think from heart that you can't
Adjust inside life because life is something important and thoughts are mirror
Of our thinking and our life because those thoughts are something which are
Always part of our life inside every day of our life some people claim they
Understand other person's mind but I think it is just guesswork which affect
Our thinking from days to nights but we can never guess what another person
Have in mind and many times it seems so useless because thought never remain
Same inside our mind so if we don't understand others thought in life then
Why sometimes we are told in life that we can't have success as we decide
But when whole world tell us in many books about life that person can understand
Your thought in life how easily you began to believe at least your close one's
Understand your thought in life and when you read all those things on many
Days and read those cards again and again you feel so sure that you are right
If someone really attached to you then that one must understand my mind so
One day I thought inside my life I will try my first attempt in life because
Inside our life on every point I just feel one thing in my life that may be I will
Try that thing on my mother for first time after all I read all those poems about
Mother and her supreme power to understand her child's mind after all mother is
The greatest person in your life with whom you have spend lot of your days and
Your night and she is the one who grow you up and attended you on also those
Times when you can't able to speak because baby never speak inside life so
If your mother can understand your cries then she must understand your mind
So I feel sure about this thing inside my future and my life so on that day
I thought I will not speak let my mother understand my mind so when I saw those
Sweets I decided that I just keep looking at mother and wait until she will ask me
If I want those sweets on that time I was looking at those sweets with such
Intense eyes that I feel sure that my mother will sense my eyes after all in all those
Poems and songs I know ideal mother understand heart without telling them
By mouth inside life because telling by mouth was so easy but I want my mother
To understand my thoughts and my try but even after spending so many hours
My mother hardly understand my thoughts and my feeling inside my mind
Even after all those try I just feel that it is not right because my mother love me
From all heart I just know that from all life but still when she understand me
Then I thought that I got it wrong and slowly all sweet vanish before my eyes
But my mother don't able to guess need of having that sweet then my mother
Must be not that perfect even when I thought that my mother is wrong so
I started to giving her some try and inside our life on every try I got it wrong
Because my mother didn't able to guess my eyes when I asked my mother
Why can't she guess my eyes she started laughing loudly and said how can
I trust something written with such blind eyes don't I read about fairy every day
But can I ever able to see them in my sky I was so shocked them when I understood
Books can lie mother said that they are not lying after all mother can guess after
Some try anyway she had kept some stored sweets but not for me they are
There for tomorrow to try but since all are eaten she gave me something which are
Stored to try so on that moment I did some try but what I get in return is nothing
Good news for my mind I just understood one thing sad that book sometimes
Manage to fool us and my mother told after that they were not lie then are just
Exaggerating but I have just understood one thing from my heart that I just
Can't trust that concept inside my heart so from that I understood one thing from
That day we must not trust what we read but when I see some people I think
Maybe they need to have this discussion with their mother before from other
They began to make such big claim but since I am not related to them I just ignore
And every time went ahead after all we can't interfere in life of other and their ways. 

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