Sunday, November 29, 2015

Poem 2444. Mistakes and weakness

                                                       Mistakes and weakness 
How will each word will have effect on mind we need to understand that word on every point when we
Will move ahead with each word we want to find new world in our life but why don’t we understand it
Will not happen until we look at ourselves in mirror and search what is our mistake in our life when life
Will show us new start on every point we need to understand our life is that form which will have many
Parts which can show us world in different way on every point we have to understand on just every point
We must move ahead in improving our mistakes than thinking what others tell us in life since others will
Just show our weakness and call them mistakes of our life while our mistakes are different than our weakness
In life our weakness are something which are hard to improve on every point but our mistakes are those
Facts which will be things done by us in life we can’t just improve our weakness on every point since some
Weakness are just truth of our life we are best in some part and worst in some part of life it is up to us
In which way we look in life our life will show us new front on every point we need to understand those
Sort of concepts which will show this world new form of life when new start will begin on any point we
Just want to create many concepts of life which will show this world new sort of understanding from inside
When world will see weakness on any point but weakness can’t be always rectified we can turn them
In adjustable way in life but we can’t become best since that is not our skill of life we need to understand
On just every point one fact that we must have to understand mistakes are things which required more
Attention than weakness in life since mistake can be improved in fact mistakes must be improved in life
At every point we feel mistakes are something which will take us ahead on every point when life will move
We just feel one thought from inside mistake will show where we are wrong in life they will show in which
Way we need to find right thing which will improve for us our future on every time there is just one need
From inside to rectify mistake since we have made it in our life but when we see our life with our mind
We just understand one thing that we need some light those sort of lights which will give our world new
Type of shine we need to understand we just need light on every point life is not that much easy on every
Moment and point but we need to understand life will show this world new concepts from inside those
Sort of concepts which will have so much effect on our future at every point we just have to think and
Just have to decide if we want to understand those concepts of mind since mistakes will show us that
We are wrong in life but I just feel we have to accept it since remaining wrong is worst without trying to
Becoming right in our life when life will turn in some way which is pleasant and bright we just sense one thing
We need to understand every part of life those sort of thinking which will have effect on mind seem to
Show this world in good way for our life only when mistakes are improved which are done by you in life
Since life can accommodate weakness on any point but mistakes are those thing which needed to be rectified
Our life will show this world wonderful feel on every point when mistakes are showing new ways of our life
When we start to create new life we just need one thing that is wonderful light on every point when life
Will move to some point we need to just move back and correct our mistake that is only need of life but
When we know then why those weakness which are pointed are hurting us from inside may be since
We listen too much people and don’t listen that much to god who is hidden inside our heart on every
Moment of our life we need to understand world is not that simple as we want it to be in life but that
Doesn’t mean we have to harsh like world we can still find people who are simple in life this world on every
Moment and point when we move ahead on every side of life we just have one feel from inside those
Sort of thinking which we desire from our mind seem like some thing which will create effect on our life
Mistakes needed to be improved on every point but weakness can be adjusted with simple people and
We can find after searching in life we needed to be good and simple one and we can find people like us
If we decide for them we have to search on every point when we move ahead at every section of life then
We need to find those people are simple like us on every point there is one need from inside of those
People who are alike but for that first we need to accept we all make mistake and we need to improve them
In life and if we move with that thought then we can create simple life we can try to correct our mistake
And we can find sun shine but never believe that night don’t have pleasant things inside it have those
Plenty of twinkling stars which will show us power of universe just by it’s sight on each and every point
They have wonderful power at even when we look at them on some point we will see true beauty of this
Universe in our life we need to understand those stars are those shining hopes which we just like to see
On every point since those small and shiny stars are countless still wonder for our entire life on every point.

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