Thursday, November 5, 2015

Poem 2404. Our blessings in life

                                                           Our blessings in life
When I watch those fish I just feel one thing on that point only if  I can survive in water that will be
So much great gift in life then I see that bird I just want to learn flying even flower make me jealous
By standing peacefully in life that place in which flower stood never change on any point but still 
I feel it have peace and I can't have that peace in mind I just want beauty of every thing on just at 
Each and every point when I see something in nature which will have so much effect in life when 
Those things which are part of our nature will have effect on mind we need to understand that just
One thing nature will not be helpful on every point every quality will have some effect on our life
Some qualities will enter in our life from time to time we have to understand this different concepts
Of nature on every point but first we have to understand our nature from inside we are human and 
We are never at peace in mind but we have to work for it or we just keep looking at others qualities
And ignore what god have given us in life since that effect which will have reaction on life so we 
Feel one thought that nature will show us different qualities on every point we have desire for every
Quality which will have so much effect on mind when flying and staying under water will be gift for
Someone why we need those all gifts in life when life will move ahead on every point we feel just 
One thing that those qualities which we have are not enough for life when we move ahead in life
We just keep looking at what others got from time to time we have to understand nature will show
This world in different way on every point we just have to understand what we have got with them
We also got one weakness inside we just keep desiring for more and more it will be blessing for us
If we turn it in positive side since then we will use our efforts to get that things creatively in life but
When we choose to take things with force we are doing biggest mistake of life at every point those
Qualities which we have will show us different needs of mind we need to just understand one thing
That we have desire on every point sometimes those desire will show us heaven while others will
Show us hell in life when we use them in wrong way then it will just manage to hurt us from inside
We need to understand what we got is also great beyond some point we need to understand just that
One thought which will have effect in life different qualities are showing good as well as blessings
Will show us shine when we start to understand positive thoughts then we will understand that sort
Of new light those sort of qualities which we desire are something which will have effect on mind
We need to understand life will have different qualities from time to time when we will move ahead
Those qualities will show us heaven which will give this world shine we just desire one thing that
Is achieving things by creative way not by destroying others life since on others grave you can't 
Create your heaven on any point since that heaven will be without pure and enchanting god then 
That heaven will become just useless part of our life what is great about achieving that is one thought
Of satisfaction with it in life when we move ahead with our satisfaction we just feel one thing that 
We need many blessing on many points life will show us new sort of sunlight we have desire for
That light then we must understand value of our quality and we must use them to create new thing
Which will give us power to have others quality in life at every step of life we need to just understand
What we have in our mind others qualities then we must try to use creativity to get them in our life
By caging some bird you can't learn flying but some people just want others to stop having that sort
Of quality since they don't have it in their life we need to understand for getting some thing we need
To move ahead with one wish that we have to find some way in life which will show us many sort
Of beautiful things in life if we start to use creativity in life we are just creating blessings in life 
When we are using creativity of mind to fight our need and desire not try to stop others form using
Their skills in life or not stop others since they are different in life you can cage a bird but you can
Never learn skill of flying since it is blessing of god which can't taken away by force but can be
Created when you start trying whatever may world say but one thing is so true in life those who
Snatch things by force are just biggest loser in life they show you they are great but they have just
Biggest fear in heart on every point they are scared that one day you will move ahead and rise 
They just want all blessing for them but it will never happen in life when we start to move ahead
Together we can make difference in life we will not stop thinking what we feel from inside when
We start to be creative we will win with our mind when god gifted birds with flying and fishes 
With life underwater god have gifted us with mind we need to use it properly in life when we have
Our own blessing why don't we use them in life and create that world which we desire on every point.

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