Thursday, November 19, 2015

Poem 2427. Dream part of noise

                                                    Dream part of noise
When we heard some sound from inside those sound which comes in ear on every point from inside so
Those noise will show our mind new feel from inside those sort of noise which will touch our mind will
Just no longer seem like part of our life when noise can be heard in our life after all noise will show us
That sort of understanding from noise which will show this world from inside that noise will have so much
Understanding on every point after all noise will show our mind those sort of understanding from our
Thinking and from inside those noises which are creating images on every point seem to show this world
Just in new style when noise will be showing many sort of thoughts which are having impact and pressure
In our life after all those noises are showing this world in different angle of life when noises will be shown
We just feel one thing from inside noises are having hidden things from inside after all in this world we
Just feel one thing from our mind when we start to move ahead to some area of life we just have one
Thinking and feel from inside in that noise we see many thoughts from inside when noise will enter we
Just feel with it one sort of thinking on our mind when mind will show us that sort of noise which will have
So much power inside when noise will enter world will look so interesting on every point when we start
To hear that noise we want to understand that noise will have so much effect on mind when we start
To hear that noise it will show us new feel from inside when noise will show this world in new style so
On every point we feel one thought from mind that noise will start that imaginations from inside so on
Each point we see new start from inside noise will show new imaginations will have so much great look
On every point when noise will show new start on every point so then at same point we need to just understand
Our thoughts from inside so then on every point noise will show us understanding from inside so then
Noise will create new imaginations from mind we feel one thought from inside so then at some point we
Start to see in new way our feelings on every point those noise will show us wonderful thought from them
Since in those noise we will see many wonderful dream from inside so those thoughts are created by that
Noise seem like one thought form inside in that noise which are showing many sort of feeling from inside
When noise will start from inside that noise will give dreams in life when those thoughts which are created
By noise which are having effect on life when noise will showing dream on every point when noise will
Show dream will create effect on life when noise will show new start to our life that noise will show us
That understanding  at every point from noise will be showing which will have so much effect on mind
When noise will show understanding which will show that incidence which have impact on mind so then
Noise will show many sort of understanding for our mind when noise will show us some dream which
Are created by mind when world will show this world new feel from inside those noise will seem to just
Create feel from mind when that noise will introduce those dreams and creativity in our mind when those
Sort of understanding will enter in life I just feel with every sound we will see feelings from our mind when
We start to understand noise sometimes we understood it right and sometimes just understood it in just
Wrong way in life still imagination will create new feel for life when noise will enter we just began to create
New start from mind when noise will show us new thought from inside so then at some point
Noise will show us new start on every point when noise will enter which will create so much
Feel understanding on every point when noise will show us new start from inside when those noise will
Show different meaning from inside those noise will have so much power inside when noise will enter
We will start to see that noise with wonderful effect on mind those sort of noise will create that world
From inside which will for us create new understanding on every point when we start to understand those
Dreams of noise which will show that noise which have so much effect in life those noise will show us
New thoughts from mind when noise will show this world will look so much understanding in life when
Those sort of noise will show new effect on mind since they will show us those dreams which are truly
Desire from inside when noise will show this world in new style we will feel so much pleasure from inside
Noise will create dream from inside at every point that noise will show us new sort of effect in life so then
Those dreams will be introduced from inside noise will have so much impact on mind since noise will show
New feel from inside when dream will show new start from inside when dream will show us new start
At every point noise will start to show new dream from inside when those noises will open new feel from
Inside then noise will show us new feel from inside so those noises will show us new effect on our mind
Noise are showing beautiful sort of amazing sort of dream from inside our mind in our life at every point.

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