Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Poem 2402. Loser who is right

                                                      Loser who is right   
Sometimes we win on some point and sometimes we lose in life we need to just understand one sort
Of thought from inside that we are losing from time to time so losing must not shock us on any point
Since losing is that need which we desire from inside on every point when life will
Show us different sort of choice when we have right to decide to choose or reject it in life then at
Many points we feel we can be free on any point to move from one sort thinking from inside so then
At some point we have to move from different sort of point we need to move up with just winning in
Every life after all those winning will show us new light when right sort of understanding in life at
That point where we start to lose we just forget that right people will convince from inside our mind
Those positive sort of thought will show us that sort of understanding from our mind we feel just one
Thought from inside then mind will have so much appeal in life when we start to move to that point
We will start to have so much understanding in mind when we start to lose in life those sort of feel
Which people give us on every point will show us that sort of feel from our mind which tell us on just
Every point right and correct will show us wonderful understanding in life after all those things will
Have so much reaction in life so those losing will show us new sort of understanding in life when
We start to lose then we began to understand at every point losing will have so much effect on mind
When we lose life will began to just depend on others and their thinking in life may be losing will
Show us we are not right but that thought is never right just because we are right that doesn't mean
We can win on first time sometimes we lose and after some time we will began to think on just each
And every point losing is that fact which happen after some point it will have so much effect on just
Our mind at every point right will not have correct effect in life but then right things in life will just
Show us wonderful feel in life when those right things will appeal to our mind we need to understand
They will not win on every time finally they will but it is not easy war of life it will show us that sort
Of new feel which we desire is just one thought we must act right when we act in right way just never
Assume that winning will show us that we are right sometimes we will lose and people will say that
Since you lost you are wrong in life when life will move ahead on every point with just one thought
From inside when good and right things will have losing will have so many understanding in life
Those losing will have so much appeal in life those losing have so much impact on our mind so
We need to understand some sort of thought from inside in just one thought we can see many sort
Of thoughts which will form effect in life when we start to ahead on every point but then those
Different movement will show us that those movement will have so much understanding in life
Those effect on life when those life will have so much understanding in life so in that life we can
See many sides we feel different sort of understanding on mind when we have so much on just
At every point losing will create so much appeal to our mind that we began to think on every point
When we start to lose at some point those losing will create troubles in life since those troubles
Which are sponsered by losing that it tell us we are not right even when we are right we just began
To think we can win on any point only when we are right but it never was truth of life but when
Things turn in wrong way we just began to feel our life will show us new start for mind that on just
Each point losing will become that thought which will show us our world in new style will just
Manage to tell us winning is true desire of mind but it is not reward which we will get on every
Right thing in life we have to understand our life will show us many concepts when we understand
Those concepts which will cause to losing in life those concepts which are right sometimes just
Show us losing as basic of life we can lose on many moments and on many points but just one
Point that losing will show us new start in life then at some point right concepts will have so much
Understanding in life when life will show us different feel when losing will show us just one door
To right concept in life when we start to move ahead at some point where right will show us new
Sort of right in life after all losing will show us new sort of beginning at every point then winning
Will show our world just our success not our right thought on any point sometimes some plans
Will work but that doesn't make them right many times right will have to turn so many concepts
To losing in life so we need to understand our new thought of mind we feel just one thing in life
We need to understand concepts to that point where world will show us new light but then losing
Will have so much effect on life but never assume winning will make you right since just look
Of success will not make us winner it make us just to need  to understand right way is understanding
In mind then right thought will be made by morals on every point of life which will good effect
On mind only when we start to move together with right concept winning is not counted that much in life.

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