Monday, November 23, 2015

Poem 2434. Illogical work in life

                                                       Illogical work in life  
Some concepts will lose logic in life when those concepts are showing different facts once in life some
Concepts are interesting effect in life in every concept we see those sort of thought on our mind which
Will show different facts on future every time but some facts seem so much clear and perfect for life but
Give us few days on every point then we will see that logic is not existed inside we need to understand
Our thought from mind that logic is that thinking which will have effect on our future on every point when
We move ahead on every point we feel just one thing from inside that logic is that thought which will
Have effect on our mind we need to understand logic will be never existed on those steps of life when
We start to understand our life we need to understand logic on every point of life will be that concepts which
Will seem so good for our mind but I feel just one thing that inside that concept many facts are not that
Much real for our mind when we start to understand our thinking and our life we just assume those facts
Which will have effect on our mind when logic will enter on every point I feel just one thing that logic is not
That sort of thought which will help our mind when logic will manage to create effect on life I just feel
One thing that logic is need but it never was part of our life since some concept seem truth but they are
Far away from truth when we understand it in life we need to understand that we are not lost we can
Always find new logic in life since life is full of many concepts on every point but when those concepts
Which we like seem to show different meaning they will began to create effect on mind when life will
Just manage to give our world shine that life is not that much easy to our mind when we work on some
Thought and concepts for it we just forget our days and nights then it turn wrong it will hurt our mind
But it will not be truth of life since logic will differ on every point we have to understand some times our
Work will be wasted in our life those sort of logic which we have in mind but then those logic which are
Hidden in every thought from inside those logic which are showing different meaning to our mind when
We start to understand our logic what we desire is just one help to our mind that logic will show us new
Sort of understanding which will show our world new feel from inside after all logic will created by those
Sort of new feel from inside that logic will enter in some work but in some sort of work it will never enter
In our life after all those feelings which are logical on every point we sense one thing that logic can be
Found in every moment of life when we start to understand since we work hard we can’t say we must
Win in life we need to understand logic will show new light only when we move with our hard work we
Feel one thought from inside that every work will show some logic but if that logic is wrong we need to
Just delete that work on every point after all those logic which have impact on mind we need to understand
Those logic which we assume in our work sometimes just don’t exist in life our work will be wasted on
That moment how did we act it will show us future on every point that sort of logic which is hidden in our
Thinking and work will show effect on our mind when work will have so many understanding from inside
We just feel one thing only if we work for logic we should be doing worthy thing in life but when we don’t
Do worthy thing then we must quit that thinking from inside we need to understand one logic that work
May be wasted but if it is not worthy then it never deserved our attention on first point we have to work
On every moment and sometimes it will turn wrong and sometimes it will turn right but we must not insisted
Our every work should prove useful in life some work will be totally wasted and wrong for our life we
Need to quit them on that moment and point when we work we must understand our mind which will
Tell us just one thing that life will look good if we give it chance to understand every concept of our life
In each concept there is one truth hidden on every point when we work it will show us many sides but
We have to understand sometimes work can be just useless after some point we have to work on just
Every step with care in life but when work seem wrong just ignore it never think that you must use it in life
Since when wrong sort of work is used it will create trouble for life we have to understand work is always
Precious for us but sometimes it seem to lose logic so quit it on that point wasted hours can’t come back
But why we have to think about them and waste more time after all every thing which happen in life will be
With some logic so think positively and wait until you will find some thing logical in illogical work on some point
Never keep thinking about it since that is waste of time after some time you will see why you have to work
So hard on some point when life will move ahead we have to understand every moment from mind we
Need to think on every moment one thing that work must be something worthy in life but we can’t guess
What will be it’s worth so never force some worth on it and never use that work when  that  will
Not suitable on that point wait until you will find proper time since that is positive thinking of life which
Tell us we must believe our work will become logical and useful after some time and wait for it in our life.

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