Thursday, November 12, 2015

Poem 2416. Start with right thought

                                                    Start with right thought
Some words and some moments are making us alive we need to understand on every part our life we need to 
Just understand on every point which thought is that thought which can give us bright feel in life since those thoughts are just
Showing us new light we have to understand those thoughts as basic on every point when life will show us new start on just
Each and every point we desire one thing that we need to understand thinking from inside when mind will have so much effect
On every point we have to understand that thought which will make us alive must be right since if it is something wrong or some thing
Which relate to greed on any point slowly it will turn in misery of life we need to understand just on every point our thinking which will
Show us wonderful light we have to understand what basic of our life those thoughts should be just something which are so worthy on
Just each and every point there are always some basic need of life we have to understand that need should something which will just
Manage to give our life shine we have to move ahead with just one thought from inside that on just every point we need to understand
Those thinking from our mind when life will show us those bright sort of feel in life we have to understand those thoughts are not
Just due to our basic thinking but they are also due to many moral thinking which we desire on just each and every point when life will
Move ahead we have one understanding from our mind that we need to move ahead with one thought that mind will show us those
Bright thoughts which will show our world wonderful light we need to understand basic effect on our life so then we feel just one thing
From inside when we start to understand mind that basic thought will show us new start on just each point at every point when that
Sort of thoughts which will have so much impact on our mind we need to understand one thought from inside that at every point we
Just need to understand our mind when thoughts will show us new thinking from inside life will show us new concepts will have so
Much understanding from inside when basic thoughts will show new start in life so then those sort of thoughts will have so much effect
On our mind when life will show us new sort of understanding in life when we will began to create so much effect in life after all those
Thought which will begin our life should be based on something which will start on every point those sort of thoughts which are
Creating effect on our future at every point will look so much great at every angle of life when we start to move ahead at just every
Moment and point those sort of feel which will have so good effect on life when I will start to just one thought from inside on
Just point those thinking will show us new start at some point where world will look great and see so much white feel from inside
When thought will look great effect on mind we need to understand thought will show us pure need from inside on just each moment
And on just each point we need to understand that thought from inside when life will show us new start on every point we feel
Just one thing that when basic thought will start life will wonderful after every point we need to just understand our thoughts
And our mind when we start to move ahead on every step we feel just bright sort of shine when world will look so much
Great we need to understand from inside just one thing that world will look good only when we start to understand what we
Desire from inside we desire just those pure feel which we have in our mind other things are just those understanding which
Will create impact on our mind at every point we just see one thing that we need to move ahead towards that point where
Life will look good only when we understand that life which will show us that need from inside which we desire is just from one
Thought or thinking of our mind we have to understand from that one thought start our life so it must not come from small
Or limited factor it must come from right thinking of life when at every step we move towards that hope which we feel from
Inside of mind that we want money and power but it will not make us winner on any point since when we get those things
They are great but they are not for just ourselves they have duties attach with them on every point when you get them then
You get one list of work to keep them or to use them properly in life so how much pleasant may they look but they will give you
Reward only on that point when right thought will start your thinking and you will understand that those right thoughts are
Our true desire from inside of our mind we have to understand just one thing from inside that right thought is true power of
This thinking and mind we need to understand right thoughts will show us that light which we never understand until we see
That light from inside those thoughts are showing this world that point where we can use truly our power and money to
Make things good and right when someone will turn them in right way that is just due to basic right thought from inside
How much people say that money can confuse you in life but when you got basic thought from inside then that
Money will not confuse you in life at every step we feel just one thinking from inside that we need just one thought
Basic thinking that what is wrong and right when life will show us new understanding from inside we just feel one thing
That right will start from inside of mind which will move ahead when we start to take every step to that point where
World will look so much great due to our positive thoughts from inside those thinking which will show us that sort
Of thinking which we desire from inside will just show us one thing that basic should be great and it should be bright
It must have that power which will spread that shine towards those point where world will look so much bright when
One good thought will begin it will show light in every room which have darkness as it never once thought one thing
That if that room belong to me on any point when room is full of darkness we just feel one thing from inside that
Those room which are totally dark will look great and shiny but we never once thought they should owned by us on
Any moment and point since great thought before which I like to bow is that thought which just want to give shine
Never think on any moment I am giving light to whom or what will I get in return on any point since that thinking is not
Just pretending it is truly nice thinking in life and we just desire true drops of rain those drops of dew will not help us that
Much in life when we touch that dew it will vanish on every point while rain drops will remain there in form of stream
Or in form of river on every point those drops of water which stays with us forever are those which will be ours on each
And every time we need them to turn in river so we need many who start with right thought while one just begin it in life.

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