Friday, November 13, 2015

Poem 2417. Dream from our mind

                                                      Dream from our mind
Can we set our dreams in others eyes how wrong is that thinking on every point it is okay to see some dreams
In others eyes because then you are not forcing them but just searching for them in life when we
Start to see them in others eyes by their own wishes it is perfect and fine but when we force them to see our dreams
It is totally wrong in life since they are not their own but dream which are forced by us so never just belong to them
On any point dream will show us new start on every point of life when dream will show us those sort of understanding
Inside life after all dream will show us new feel from inside when dream will show us new start on just every point
We need to understand our dreams are just for us we must not force them to understand our thoughts on just
Every angle of life we need to understand what we feel from mind when our mind will show us that sort of feel
We are forced about some dream from inside when dream will show us different effect on life when those
Part of world which will have one thought from mind then we have to create good feel from our life that
When good thinking will enter how good may be that dream but still we need to keep us in life we have to
Understand dreams are not for others when others decide that they don’t want that dream in life since
That dream which we accept by us in life should be accepted by our heart not forced by others in our life
We have to choose with our mind what we want in life just accepting what others tell will not be that much
Enough on every point when life will show us so many points we just feel one thought from our mind that
Life will show us that feeling of softness from inside when we start to move with one step from inside
Then after some point we need to understand that mind will have so much power inside we have to just
Understand dreams will show us new start of mind when dream will have so much happiness from inside
But then dream will have so much power inside at every point those dreams will have so many sides we want
To understand our mind with one thought from inside that dream which are created by our mind will truly
Show us new light which will show us new start in life when life will show us new beginning from inside then
Those dreams will show different feel at every point when dream will have so much understanding of mind
When life will show us that dream which show us new look on every point have that great feel when we create
Those dreams will show us new start to understanding in life after all dream will show us new start at just
Each and every point we need to create those dreams by our thinking and mind when those dreams will just
Create for us new life we just understand one thing that dream will have different meaning from inside so
Those thoughts will form effect on life when those thinking will have so much impact on mind then those
Sort of thinking will show this world that sort of understanding for our mind in that mind there are so many
Different thoughts and sections of thinking inside when we just hate some dream we just feel one thing that
We hate that dream from inside so those sort of dreams which will have so much understanding in life when
Dream are created we need to create those meaning from inside those dreams will show us new sort of
Thinking for life future will show us new beginning from inside when life will have so much understanding on our
Thinking and mind we need to have dream which will show that dream with impact on mind so then those
Sort of thinking will show new part of mind which will have those sort of understanding on our lines when
We start to move with one thought from inside when we have just one thinking from inside which will show
Our life that point which will create dream which will have effect on our mind when life will show us that sort
Of thinking in mind when dream will show us new start to our life when we think that dream from our mind
But when that dream will have impact on mind I just feel one thing from inside those dreams are just having
That sort of impact on mind when life will have different effect on mind after all those thoughts which are
Hidden in mind when we start to create effect on our mind when dream will become one thought from inside
Since dreams are showing us many sides when they are created by us on every point when those sort of
Dreams which are made by mind we will have so much effect on life when we start to move to that point
Then suddenly those dreams which seem forced in life when dream will show us new start on every point
When other people will create dream which show this dream on our mind that will show us new start
In our life when some dreams are forced from inside when dream will create new feel from our mind in that
Dream we see so many effect on our mind then those dreams will show those feelings in life when those force
Lead us to that dream from inside when those dreams will show us new world at every point when we start
To understand our world at every pleasant style we have just one thinking from inside those dreams will show
Our world wonderful sort of impact when they are made by us in life so create those dreams which will show
Our world that point where life will show there are many meanings hidden inside those sort of dreams will
Have so much effect on mind when dream are forced on every point when dream will lead to so much troubles
In life since dream will show us new start on every point when they are made by us never force them in life
Since every one deserve wonderful sort of dream on every point those dreams will show meaning from inside

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