Thursday, November 19, 2015

Poem 2428. Solution in sorrows

                                                       Solution in sorrows
Some thing create new world for us in life it help us to stay away from sorrows which are on some part created
By world and created by our mind we never realize when sorrows took front side and began to start for us
That fight which will show us different looks of life when sorrows enter in our world we need to just understand
One thought from inside that those sorrows are two parts of our life one part is pleasant and another
Part is not that much nice we need to understand sorrows as need of our life when we start to move ahead
On just every point we can see two sides in sorrows of our life when sorrows enter we will see this world
In new style not because world is changed but some times it is showing true colours and some times it is just
One thought from our mind we never know what is truth of life but on every moment we can sense that
We desire something good and nice for our life but when sorrows enter we just forget that light but it is
Always up to us how will we take that ride since sorrows never come alone some says they bring so hard
Pain with them but some says that they bring solutions with them for their life and it’s up to us just how
We will take ahead our life on every point we need to understand our thoughts and mind when we move
Ahead we need to understand our life in every sorrow we have some hope hidden inside we never want to
Understand sorrows on any point in each sorrows there is darkness many point but it’s up to if we just
Keep counting those pains or get over it and find that solution to give light to our life we can move ahead
And keep blaming world and keep saying one thing that our sorrows are bigger than our life but still one
Thought will remain truth that we will not understand sorrows will have solution on same point but then
We start to understand one thought from inside that in sorrows we can just find graves on every time
But some people are there who have found their heaven in those sorrows on every point I have just understood
One thing that it’s up to us what we do in sorrows on every point if we decide we just keep digging our past
And finding our mistakes and become digger of graves one day we just dig grave for us in life but if we
Just decide we will find way to go out then our own heaven can be found in our most troubled time of life
We need to have those thinking which will have so much understanding from inside when we seem to
Have effect on our mind when sorrows will have so much effect on our life those sort of understanding
Which we have inside those sorrows which have different effect on mind when those sorrows will enter
With them mostly our understanding will vanish from our life at every point we feel just one thing from
Inside that sorrows are reflecting different parts of life when we start to move ahead on just every point
Sorrows will show different sections of life those sorrows which are hurting us no longer seem to show us
That light which we desire from inside sorrows are those parts which have different sides we just need to
Understand sorrows which are showing new effect on our life when sorrows will enter we feel one thinking
Every thing will be lost in life sorrows will show shadows but we need to get over them with our life so
Then that thinking will show us new start on every point those sorrows are showing new start on every point
Inside those sorrows we will show us new start from mind when that sort of understanding which will
Show new understanding that thinking when sorrows will look great with our thoughts and mind when
Sorrows are having different sort of sections in life after all those sorrows will differ with every point to that
Side where life will show our world that sort of thinking from inside sorrows are those unique parts when
Our skill are tested in life on those spots we will understand how good we have understood this life since
On those points we have to start to pretend and start to hide that hiding will just create worst of effect
On our life those sort of understanding will show this world new start on every point when we start to just
Move ahead in this world but we are not moving truly from inside we are just hiding on some sort of thought
In mind when we will began to understand sorrows which will just keep us on one point for world we are
Moving ahead but we are at same point of life then when we stop at one point it is just from inside no one
Will sense it but just we in life we are never moving but pretending sorrows does that to us in life just
We are sitting there while moving before all in life we need to understand that is not our style how much
Pain may hurt you and how much it may dig grave for you just remember one thing from your mind that
You can come out of that grave if you decide we can move ahead when we set our mind that at every point
We need to understand those sorrows are not our defeated points we have to understand those points
Are that spot which will take us ahead in life sorrows will enter but we need to find from them that light
Which will capture our heart and show us new start on every point we can come out of our grave when
We decide we need to truly move with our determination to find solution since every sorrow have one
Solution hidden inside and it is one tested fact of life many other people have found them and won in life
So we can also do it and manage to see shine for our future and our life on each and every point of our mind.

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