Sunday, November 29, 2015

Poem 2443. Life with smile

                                                          Life with smile
Sometimes understanding life will become so hard task of life or may be all time we are never understanding
Our future of life when our future will show new start on every point we just never understand those
Start on any point but we must not let it stop us on any point from trying to understanding our life when
Our future will enter on some point those sort of need of understanding which will wake up our mind
Towards that point which will be going to show our world that shine which will be required on every point
We need to understand how hard mystery may seem our life still we need to move in it since it is worth
Trying on every section when we learn to enjoy it when we stuck ourselves to sorrows then we just can’t
Able to understand those thoughts of mind we need that understanding which will show this world that
Sort of wonderful feel from inside those thoughts which have beginning from inside will show this world
So wonderful feel from mind when mind will show different sections we just never understand what is
True meaning of life but that doesn’t mean it is not worth enjoying it is that gift which we must cherish
On every point we need to understand what we feel from inside our every word will show our thinking
Just new start on every point even if we don’t understand still we must enjoy our life when life will open
For us new start on every point we feel one thing from our mind that those sort of thinking which will
Have impact on mind then after some point we have to understand every step of life which will show this
World to that point where world will look so great even when it is so unknown to our eyes since just known
Is not worthy even unknown is that mystery which is always worth trying on every point when life will
Move ahead on just each section of life we need to understand our thoughts on that point where world
Will look great to our mind we need to understand world is always worth of enjoying so every moment
On which we live on every time seem as if those thoughts from mind which have thirst of happiness so
Even if you don’t understand that life just learn to enjoy your life to that point where life will have that
Appeal to our mind we just need to understand life on every step by moving ahead on every point this
Life will show new feel from inside we need to understand life is full of promises only when we decide
To enjoy it on every point when life will show us new start we have to understand that section of life which
Will give happiness to our world on every point after all life is that hope which we have from inside and
That hope will give this world wonderful shine not by just understanding but by living it with smile so never
Try to underestimate life since you can’t understand it on any point those moments are those thoughts
Which are created by life that pleasant feel will show this world new start on every point when we start to
Understand that incidence in life which will show this world in new way on every point when life will just
Manage to move on some point we feel one thing that life will have so many wonderful feel from inside
At every step we need to understand wonders of life we have just one hope that life will show our world
Wonderful shine in this world we can see many sort of positive feel of life when positive things will start
On every point that shine will show us world in new style we need to understand world and show it new
Sort of light which we will desire from inside so those points where we feel we are not understanding
Are not that much less in life they will manage to create effect on mind we have to understand that some
Sort of understanding are not required for life we can ignore them and went ahead with life what we need
Is just one thought of positive feel that we will enjoy our life then on some point we will find that power
To enjoy life on every point in that life which we live on every point seem as if life will show this world
New start from inside we need to understand those many sections of life which will show this thinking
Which we never understand from inside so those new feel which will show those world which are so pleasant
On every point world will show many effect on mind when world will open for us wonderful sort of feel
It will be from inside we have to understand our world will have so much good feel from inside so those
Feelings which are having impact on mind when we have to understand fresh feel from mind then life
Will show us new start from inside when life will have those thoughts which are hurting our life are just begin
With one thinking that we must start with fresh and positive feel in our life we need to understand our life
When we are moving with each step to some point we have to understand that life will show this world
New concepts from inside when life will show those positive effect it is just due to our positive thoughts
From inside we need to understand our thinking on every point which will show this world wonderful
Sort of feel from inside we need to understand every concept of mind to take us ahead to that point which
Will show this world wonderful shine to take us ahead to that point where world will be wonderful not
Since we have understood it but since we learn to laugh on every point we need to understand our happiness in life.

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