Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Poem 2412. Complicated simple ways

                                                  Complicated simple ways
Different ways and different thoughts of mind will show us different feel in life those ways which
We see as common in life sometimes become wrong for our life so then at some point we find those
New ways which we need from inside we need to understand different ways are our need of our 
Thinking and mind we want to find ways which will have effect on our mind we need to just have
To understand our mind when mind will show us new start of our mind when ways will have so 
Much effect on mind but those ways which will show us new start in life so we need proper sort
Of ways on every point mind will show us new start from inside when we decide to understand 
Our life in good way on every point some ways which are so interesting in life since on every point
We feel one thought from inside thoughts will show us that sort of feel from mind since those sort of
Thinking will have effect on our mind we want to use common and simple way in life when we just
Start to move ahead on some point ways will have so much understanding in life normal ways will
Have so much obstacles on every point those sort of obstacles which we need in life will just have 
One thinking from inside that mind will look great on every point but then after some point we need
To understand simple ways are no longer for us in life we have to take hard way when destiny decide
We have to take those hard ways to move ahead in life we want those simple ways to move ahead 
Towards on every point where simple ways will show us new start in life when simple ways will 
Show us those ways which will start to show us good start of life we need to understand on some 
Points hard ways will become truth of our life we have to take those hard ways in life just to have
Good ways in life we feel simple ways are no longer for us on any point but we have one sort of 
Understanding that complicated ways are perfect for us in life we must forget thirst of simple way
In life when we don't understand simple ways are not our thinking which will have so much effect
In life when complicated ways are introduced in life we sense simple ways are showing so much 
Nice sort of understanding on every point when complicated ways are showing our life that sort 
Of understanding on our mind when simple ways are showing us movement of life when those 
Simple ways will show this world new start on every point we sense just one thinking from inside
Our mind those simple ways will show us new start on every point we need to understand just 
One thought from inside simple ways are never that much simple in life we need to just understand
Complicated thinking which will have so much effect on mind when simple ways will show us 
New start in life we sense one thing that complicated thoughts in life so simple ways are just 
Showing us new simple way in life when we start to understand complication in life we feel just
One thought from inside simple ways are not our ways complicated ways are our destiny on just
Every point so those thoughts will show us future are those which are created by complicated ways
In life we need to understand simple sort of thinking will have so much reaction in life so those 
Sort of simple ways which will show this ways in life when simple thinking will show us just one
Thought from our mind so then simple ways are showing complicated ways to show us new sort
Of future in life when we start to move ahead on every point in life so then we have one simple
Thinking will show us simple things are up to us to decide so then on some point simple thinking
Will show us new start in life when complicated ways will show us new thinking in life when
We start to move our life we can decide which ways are simple in life some ways which are just
Managing to show us new start in life are upto us to decided when we feel even complicated ways
Are simple in life we can move ahead on that point where world will look great on every point 
We just have one thought from inside simple ways are those which are decided by world in life
But simple ways are those which we decide by our mind we need to understand that complicated
Ways are sometimes lead to simple ways in life when life will move ahead on just every point 
We have to decide which way is great for our life after all those ways are showing our life just 
One thought from inside complicated ways will look great when we watch them in simple way
In life it's up to us how did we look at world on every point when life will show us so many sort
Of different effect in life when simple ways will have so much understanding in life so then at 
Some point simple ways are complicated on every point when ways will show us so many sort
Of troubles in life we need to understand simple ways are also complicated ways in our life so
Complicated ways are simple after some point we need to understand ways treat them as simple in life.

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