Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Poem 2401. Part of history

                                                             Part of history
Why I just never understand what I feel from inside until I will not understand my thoughts and
My mind when in this world we want to find something pleasant which will appeal to my mind
When I will see that look which I will desire from inside I just feel one thing from every point
Those thoughts and understanding which will appeal to our mind we feel just one thing from inside
Those thoughts are showing us new start on every point those thoughts are hidden many sides on
Just every point understanding will show us new start at every point after all understanding will
Show us new beginning in life when those sort of thinking will create effect on mind we feel just
One thing from our mind that life will show us new start on every point when life will move ahead
With one thought from mind we need to understand that thought but on sometimes we just keep
Hiding from that thought since it will have so much which seem like burden to our mind but still
We need to understand that thoughts and mind when on some steps we will move ahead with just
One positive hope from inside we have just one understanding life will show us new sort of light
On every point when one understanding develops we want it to take us ahead to that point where
World will look different since understanding will manage to show us different way of life we have
To understand on just every point one thought that world will show us new start which will show
Our life new beginning is hidden just inside our mind we keep searching that way which will be
Something outside but we never understand we have that power hidden inside mind at every step
This world will so much nice we have to see this world as something so wonderful on every point
When understanding will show this world perfect sort of shine we feel world will look so much
Wonderful when understanding is hidden on every point after all understanding is on every step
Beginning of our mind when we understand others then we understand our life but sometimes this
Life seem as if one thought which just manage to touch our mind by understanding in life we need
To understand those ratios of life which will show us understanding is need on every point we have
To just understand those thoughts of mind which will make our mind so perfect that we will see
We can move towards that shine where world will be wonderful on every point we have to just
Think again and again at every point world will show us new start is that thought from our mind
When world will look so much wonderful for our mind and new understanding will began to just
Create effect on life when world will show us new thoughts from inside we never feel or understand
That need of world is just hidden inside us on every point we have to move ahead towards just one
Thought from our mind understanding will show our life new sort of beginning to our mind when
We start to move ahead on every point understanding will show us that we are not that much useless
On every point of life we have to create new feel on every point after all new start will show this
World wonderful feel from inside when life will have so many sort of feelings from inside so many
Sort of feel which will show us new understanding on every point when life will move ahead we
Just have to understand we are never less in life but sometimes world just convince us that thought
From inside world will convince us that we need to move ahead towards light we need to just
Understand that thought of mind which tell us on every moment we need to create power of mind
Those words which told us we are useless are mostly not worth paying attention in life we have
To understand we can learn things and move ahead in this world on any point we are that part of
This history which will look so good on every point when we start to move ahead with one thought
That we are not less important part on any point we can do what we want only if we decide since
History is never story of one person and it is not autobiography of one person as people show you
From time to time history is that part where many lives are bound together and form new chain on
Each and every point we need to understand life which will show us new understanding from inside
We have to understand what we need on every point since life will show us that thought which
We will desire on every point that is we want to be part of history but we believe we can't become
That hero or heroin on any point but history is not regarding one person so why should we judge it
In that way on any point we have to understand our thought on every point we need to just think
Again and again on every point just one thought that we need to be part of history then we need
To act hard on every point history never based on just one person so be sure you can make change
In your history on any time may be it will not mentioned in book but if your life is changed for
Your good and better then I feel that will be enough for our life no need to see one chapter in book
On any time since that part of history is not history but it is your life so happiness is enough for
You in life no need to be inside book on any point just act wisely and be happy that is perfect life.

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