Thursday, November 5, 2015

Poem 2403. Right concept in life

                                                        Right concept in life
How funny it seem when someone try to tell us some concept which is wrong on every point when
We know totally everything on every point how can they convince us those concepts which we know
So well from inside we need to understand our every concept on our each step of life what we know
Is something which will be totally known to us on many points life will show us different concepts
Of mind we feel one thing that so much understanding of mind that those concepts will show us just
New sort of understanding in life but when once we have read that chapter on every point so we just
Need to understand some point we have to tell this world new way but once when we have just
Understood that concept then we can't just read it again in life we have to understand every thought
Which our thinking and mind life will show us different styles but once what we know just can't
Be denied you can act selfish and ignore it in life but selfishness will not make you winner on just
Every point it will create trouble in your life so many just don't act so much selfish on many points
But some will forget honest efforts in life we have to understand just one thought from inside that
Those concepts are showing us new understanding in life we have to just understand one thought
From inside those concepts which are truly applied to us in life are something which will have just
One thinking from inside then those sort of concepts which truly known to us in life those sort of
Concepts will show our life new sort of light we have so much knowledge of truth then we have
To understand it in life then our mind will show us new start to our life when life will move to that
Sort of point we have to understand our life when we see many true concepts we can't just able to
Understand our mind when life will show us different effect on mind we have to understand that
Once we know the truth we just can't close our eyes those sort of looks which will please our mind
We have to understand one thought on mind we need to understand mind will show us many sort
Of pure concepts in life inside our mind we can't just began to lie on every point we need to just
Understand every section of life since those concepts will show us new sort of feel from our life
When mind will show us new start on every point those minds will need so many understanding
In life when we want to understand we have to turn life which will have so much power inside then
Life will have so much effect on mind on those points which will show us new understanding in life
We have so many sections on life after all in mind we can see many sections in life we have just
Understand that we just can't lie on every point so then at some sort of thought from inside we just
Start to move to that point which will show understanding in life we have to accept those thoughts
On every point we have to just understand our mind when many concepts will show us new start
On our mind we have to see that once we see true concept we just can't deny it on every point when
Life will move ahead then on every point we need to understand life in new way on each concept
Of our mind those life which we spend in good way on every point we need to accept those sort
Of concepts for our mind which will look great when we understand our mind at every step we
Will began to form our life towards that point where we can see what we feel from inside those
Sort of concepts which we have from mind so many concepts which are hidden on every point
That mind will show our world new sort of light which will create so much effect to our life when
We start to understand good concepts in life after all good concepts which will have so much effect
On mind then may be they goes away but still their shadows remain on mind we just have thirst
For that concepts inside when life will show us new understanding for our mind when mind will
Have so much effect on our mind which will have so many sections and rules in life since on just
Every concept there is one purity of mind it will have so much understanding from inside that we
Just feel one thought from inside that we want that right and truth how many things may be offered
With lie they just don't please our mind we have to understand our thinking from inside we have
To think on every point just regarding one thought from inside we have to create so much effect
On our mind we just began to show us new feel from mind we want desire for those good concept
From inside of mind we have to understand good concept will have so much appeal to mind then
Those concepts will show us new feel from inside we feel one thought from inside that we know
Right concept but others don't understand that we know right so they keep on trying but once you
Know right thing no use of closing your eyes so just say right thing on proper point we have just
Understand what is right and it will show us new ways of life we have to understand those sort
Of concepts in life right way is something once seen can't be forgotten again in life that will become
Need of life on every point and it will show us new sort of understanding for our life we need to
Just understand what is meaning of life until we don't understand our precious life on every point.

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