Sunday, November 15, 2015

Poem 2419. Effect of luck

                                                             Effect of luck
Sometimes even in bad luck we have our luck of our life when sometimes luck will turn in totally different
Way inside our life we need to understand sometimes it happen just bad luck will give wonderful feel to
Our thinking and heart we just began to create so wonderful start when life will look so much great we just
Have one desire from heart that life will look so much great on every point when luck will differ on just
Each and every part when life will show us new start we just began to create luck on every part so then
At every part luck will create so much impact on our heart when life will create so interesting sort of feel
From our heart when sometimes luck turns down that it is our life’s wonderful part since on time of crisis
Will show us nice thought on every part when life will show us new start we just feel one thought from
Our heart when life will have so much bad luck it will have hidden luck on every part when life will show
Our life new start we just sense one thing from our heart that life will show us new beginning from our heart
When life will show our world that wonderful sort of part we have one hope from our thoughts and heart
That life needed good luck on every part when luck will turn into right part it will just turn things in totally
Different sort of thought from our heart when we start to understand luck on every part so then those
Sort of things will have so much luck for our heart but even good luck will show us new start on just each
And every part when good luck comes we are on top but sometimes bad luck will show us that sort
Of start which will show our world on thought from heart when bad luck will show us new start which
Will look great on every point when life will have so much effect on our heart when we start to think on just
Each and every part bad luck will turn to that positive part just since on that point we will see truly who
Will stood with us on that needy part sometimes when we are far away from some part we want to that
Part just because we want to help that person from our heart those relations which never have much
Thoughts on our mind and in our heart seem to create so much effect on our heart that we just began
To understand luck will have so much impact on our heart that on some part we feel one thing from our
Thinking and heart so then bad luck will look so interesting in every part which force us to turn that part
Which we never thought from our heart we began to help some one about whom we just thought that
We are never on same boat on any part when troubles comes we truly understand our heart we will just began
To see impact on every part we start to understand our mind on every part one thought from our heart
That life will show us that feel of wonderful sort we start to understand one thinking then at some part
We want to see effect on bad luck on our heart how complicated it our mind on every part so we want
To understand thought on our mind at every part but then we start to understand that even those which
Are once unknown to us also deserve our attention since when they get hurt we also began to get hurt on
Some thinking and part we just never understand our thought will have so much effect on every part then
We start to understand that good luck will have so much understanding on our heart then luck will have
So much effect on our heart when luck will have so much wonderful feel on every part so then on just
Each and every part when life will show us many parts it never show us that power of any sort so on just
Every thinking we will have one feel from our heart how different world will look when troubles enter
On some part how easily life will change and with it changes our heart we just never able to decide on
Any moment and part so life have so much effect on our heart we just began to feel that even good luck
Will have so bad effect on our heart when bad luck show us what we feel from our heart then only we can
See what we truly want from our heart at every moment and at every part we have just one desire that is
To understand thoughts from mind and heart then life will have good sort of luck will have so much understanding
On every part when good luck never show us truth sometimes bad luck shows us those part of our heart
Which tell us nothing matter much but kindness is most precious for our heart but still sometimes even
That kindness will manage to leave our heart since people will act in such way that our heart tell us that
How much we may wish but kindness is not deserve by them on any part so then one thought will manage
To touch our heart that may be we just don’t need to think about anything on any part so we just feel
One thing from heart that bad luck is needed to change our life and sometimes it even changes for good on
Many part since bad luck will force us to take help from those parts where we never hope we can find
Some friends who will touch our heart then we start on every part we feel one thought that luck will have
Effect on our heart we can see that we never know when luck will wish on us and it could be from any part
We need to understand luck which will have so many effect on our heart that luck will be bad then that
Luck will have effect on our heart since luck will differ on every part when we start to show luck with just
One thought from heart luck will be good on each and every part when we see even in bad luck there is good part.

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