Monday, November 30, 2015

Poem 2446. Clever one

                                                                 Clever one
My every step starts sometimes to express anger from inside on every point it seem as if on every step
We need to understand our life anger which will enter in my world may have excuse but I know one thing
It never going to be right I have to walk ahead with care at each and every point we need to just understand
Our every section of mind in life will show us at every step what we desire from inside on each step we need
To move with that tide which will tell us peace is need of our life when we start to move ahead on just
Every point life will show us those steps which will hurt our world from inside that heart which is made
Of soft and tender feel will turn in stone on some point due to our need of justice and peace and just anger
Will remain inside that is most risky moment of mind never let that anger rule your mind since justice
Will be done if destiny decide but we need to take every step with peace from inside of our mind when
We move ahead on every moment justice can achieved only when we live with peace on every
Moment and point life will show this world just wonderful feel from inside only when we learn to ask for
Justice with peaceful mind when we move ahead on every step we have different sides of our life we just
Need to understand those movement which are need of our mind those thoughts which will capture our
World on every point with one thinking that world will look great when we will manage to keep balance
In our mind after all those movement which will show those steps which are interesting on every point
Those steps are made with anger which are showing world is most difficult feel on every point of life when
World will suppose to rise with hope of justice in it’s place injustice took front seat on every point we
Have just one thinking which will be created with different thoughts inside our life when we move ahead
Towards that point where world will look so much great when justice will be needed to be done on just
Every point of our mind anger will damage to hurt our thinking which will have so much troubles on just
Each point there are many sort of point which are leading to anger which must be stopped on just perfect
Sort of time when life will show new sort of start on every point when anger will began to hurt our mind
Then those anger which will manage to hurt our thinking and our mind when that anger will show this
World with  so wrong colours which are hurting us on every point that will be harsh to this world on
Just each and every point when those things which will look right in anger seem so wrong when enter
In our life that light which will look so peaceful on every point of our future and our mind when this world
Will look great towards that point anger will enter on every point which will show this world in totally
Different ways and lights when world will show ugly face mostly it is based on anger on every point so
Then that anger will hurt this world which will show that sort of harmful face which we never thought
From inside since anger have power to confuse us on every point when we move ahead on just each and
Every point we need to understand peace as need of our life when anger took place of important thought
We just feel that we are doing every thing right until we don’t come to our sense many times we create
That chaos which will hurt our life we need to make those things right on every point of life we have to
Just move ahead with one thought every scene will look great when it is not seen with anger in life since
Anger can cut our heart in such a way that it will manage to hurt our life we need to understand anger
Is just that thought which will hurt us from inside when anger will burn us it will also burn our life we need
To understand anger on each step and how did it manage to destroy our life which will show this world
In one way that we feel just one thing we need to understand how to keep peace of our mind but it is not
Possible in any way what we desire is just that anger which will hurt us from inside of mind when life will
Show this world new concept we just don’t want to understand in anger on some point we can manage to
Save many things only if anger will be kept away on some point since while asking justice anger will enter
But we must not welcome it on that point we need to understand that anger is our enemy and we just
Need to understand that anger will hurt us on every point when that anger will manage to hurt our world
Then life will show that anger which will manage to have effect on life we need to find new things on just
Every point of life when that mind will show us new harsh feel when anger enter in life we need to just
Understand control is necessary to our life on every point we need to understand those thoughts which
Are created by anger are never turning in right way inside our life when life will show us new sort of light
Life will look great but only when we find justice with our intelligence and with our cleverness in life how
Much world will tell you that you are not that clever never trust world on any point since world will never
Understand true clever feel from inside when life will show that clever feel which we desire on every point
Only when we trust ourselves since world is not smart enough to judge our cleverness since clever have
Their own work they never waste their time to tell others that they are not that much clever inside their life
Control your anger and just learn to answer with smile you are world’s most clever person inside your life.

Poem 2445. Spirit in those eyes

                                                       Spirit in those eyes
When you move in my way I just feel one thing from inside you are not looking at me you are watching
Your dream in me on every time it will not matter what is your age or what is your look on any point but
We all are just those souls who are searching for something and never finding it on any time but then
Why did I feel you can see something in me which can able to satisfy you on that point if you see it in me
Then why can’t I just find it and become happy in my life when you can see so much good inside me on
That single point why can’t world able to see it until now at any point why even those who are near me
Just can’t able to see it inside what can you see which until now not even those who are my best friends
Don’t able to see inside that is one question which enter in my mind when I see that trust and admiration
In some unknown eyes when we see that kind of pleasure in some eyes that they feel we can solve their
Troubles in few minutes of life they just keep moving ahead but on that hope they set their eyes we all
Have those pairs of eyes for each one of us at every point some people are hoping from us that mountain
Which we feel far away from our hand on every point we start to understand on every point we just feel
One thing from inside then at that point where heart will look so pleasant feel on every section of life
So then we start to understand those sort of points which are part of our mind when inside our mind we
Will see hopes of positive thought on every point of life when we start to move ahead on every point we
Have to understand that we have that great dream inside which we have stored can’t be understood on
Just every point those eyes which keep looking at us seem to find that hope which is hidden in well of our
Thinking and mind but question is that what is so much hidden in our mind in such strange way that we
Just never able to see even in mirror since I have watched myself on every point in that mirror I see just
Myself on every point those sort of understanding which will create meaning from our mind then inside our
Mind we start to find many effect on mind there are many thoughts which will show many point are wrong
Inside me on every point so then those mind will have many effect on our life but when we see in our
Mirror which will show image in that mirror on every point inside that mirror I see just simple me with
Complicated mind but then when I start remembering those eyes who have view me with such a pleasant
Hope from inside they see inspiration in me but I just see depression in that mirror when I see myself in
That mirror on every point but on that point I start to laugh from inside may be that one just have thinking
How confident I was looking when I smile that one never sensed my confused mind then I just feel may be
I need to live in that person’s dream inside life why don’t I just learn to same way to smile as that one
Must have hoped when I wished from inside when life will move ahead we need to understand every
Point of life mirror will show different me but I can change myself just with smile since that is only need
Of our life what we all desire from inside is just smile but still on every moment I Just never understand from
My mind when that person see so much enchanting thing in me why can’t I find it to help myself in life
When life will move ahead we need to understand our mind those thoughts which are different section
Of our mind will appeal to different effect on our life inside mirror which will have so much effect  then
At every point but we have to understand our mind mirror is not showing us many things wrong on any
Moment and at every point we see things which we desire from inside so we want to see nice things then
We can see them on every point when I will look at myself in good way I will admire what is inside but
I just never see it since I just like boost my negative point may be I need to look in those eyes and need
To trust them which tell me I got many good sides our good sides are remaining hidden since we just trust
Wrong thoughts and wrong mind which will create troubles for our mind when life will move ahead we
Just need from our mind just one thought that is we need many sort of thinking from inside at every point
We see in one thought many points of life when life will show pure feel from inside we feel just one thing
From inside when we see on every point inside that mirror I see many sort of thoughts which are showing
Which are having effect on life those sort of thought which will have many effect on mind then those sort
Of thinking which are hiding on every point that sort of thoughts which are understanding at every point
But whenever I see those eyes I just feel new spirit inside they just tell I can do it on every effect on mind
Mirror will show wonderful look on every point we just feel one desire from inside so those thoughts will
With us which are given by those eyes since those eyes admire us in such a way that even we can’t admire
Ourselves in that positive way in life so on every point we have just one desire from inside those sort of
Thoughts will have impact on mind that sort of look in eyes will give new spirit to one in every point of our life.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Poem 2444. Mistakes and weakness

                                                       Mistakes and weakness 
How will each word will have effect on mind we need to understand that word on every point when we
Will move ahead with each word we want to find new world in our life but why don’t we understand it
Will not happen until we look at ourselves in mirror and search what is our mistake in our life when life
Will show us new start on every point we need to understand our life is that form which will have many
Parts which can show us world in different way on every point we have to understand on just every point
We must move ahead in improving our mistakes than thinking what others tell us in life since others will
Just show our weakness and call them mistakes of our life while our mistakes are different than our weakness
In life our weakness are something which are hard to improve on every point but our mistakes are those
Facts which will be things done by us in life we can’t just improve our weakness on every point since some
Weakness are just truth of our life we are best in some part and worst in some part of life it is up to us
In which way we look in life our life will show us new front on every point we need to understand those
Sort of concepts which will show this world new form of life when new start will begin on any point we
Just want to create many concepts of life which will show this world new sort of understanding from inside
When world will see weakness on any point but weakness can’t be always rectified we can turn them
In adjustable way in life but we can’t become best since that is not our skill of life we need to understand
On just every point one fact that we must have to understand mistakes are things which required more
Attention than weakness in life since mistake can be improved in fact mistakes must be improved in life
At every point we feel mistakes are something which will take us ahead on every point when life will move
We just feel one thought from inside mistake will show where we are wrong in life they will show in which
Way we need to find right thing which will improve for us our future on every time there is just one need
From inside to rectify mistake since we have made it in our life but when we see our life with our mind
We just understand one thing that we need some light those sort of lights which will give our world new
Type of shine we need to understand we just need light on every point life is not that much easy on every
Moment and point but we need to understand life will show this world new concepts from inside those
Sort of concepts which will have so much effect on our future at every point we just have to think and
Just have to decide if we want to understand those concepts of mind since mistakes will show us that
We are wrong in life but I just feel we have to accept it since remaining wrong is worst without trying to
Becoming right in our life when life will turn in some way which is pleasant and bright we just sense one thing
We need to understand every part of life those sort of thinking which will have effect on mind seem to
Show this world in good way for our life only when mistakes are improved which are done by you in life
Since life can accommodate weakness on any point but mistakes are those thing which needed to be rectified
Our life will show this world wonderful feel on every point when mistakes are showing new ways of our life
When we start to create new life we just need one thing that is wonderful light on every point when life
Will move to some point we need to just move back and correct our mistake that is only need of life but
When we know then why those weakness which are pointed are hurting us from inside may be since
We listen too much people and don’t listen that much to god who is hidden inside our heart on every
Moment of our life we need to understand world is not that simple as we want it to be in life but that
Doesn’t mean we have to harsh like world we can still find people who are simple in life this world on every
Moment and point when we move ahead on every side of life we just have one feel from inside those
Sort of thinking which we desire from our mind seem like some thing which will create effect on our life
Mistakes needed to be improved on every point but weakness can be adjusted with simple people and
We can find after searching in life we needed to be good and simple one and we can find people like us
If we decide for them we have to search on every point when we move ahead at every section of life then
We need to find those people are simple like us on every point there is one need from inside of those
People who are alike but for that first we need to accept we all make mistake and we need to improve them
In life and if we move with that thought then we can create simple life we can try to correct our mistake
And we can find sun shine but never believe that night don’t have pleasant things inside it have those
Plenty of twinkling stars which will show us power of universe just by it’s sight on each and every point
They have wonderful power at even when we look at them on some point we will see true beauty of this
Universe in our life we need to understand those stars are those shining hopes which we just like to see
On every point since those small and shiny stars are countless still wonder for our entire life on every point.

Poem 2443. Life with smile

                                                          Life with smile
Sometimes understanding life will become so hard task of life or may be all time we are never understanding
Our future of life when our future will show new start on every point we just never understand those
Start on any point but we must not let it stop us on any point from trying to understanding our life when
Our future will enter on some point those sort of need of understanding which will wake up our mind
Towards that point which will be going to show our world that shine which will be required on every point
We need to understand how hard mystery may seem our life still we need to move in it since it is worth
Trying on every section when we learn to enjoy it when we stuck ourselves to sorrows then we just can’t
Able to understand those thoughts of mind we need that understanding which will show this world that
Sort of wonderful feel from inside those thoughts which have beginning from inside will show this world
So wonderful feel from mind when mind will show different sections we just never understand what is
True meaning of life but that doesn’t mean it is not worth enjoying it is that gift which we must cherish
On every point we need to understand what we feel from inside our every word will show our thinking
Just new start on every point even if we don’t understand still we must enjoy our life when life will open
For us new start on every point we feel one thing from our mind that those sort of thinking which will
Have impact on mind then after some point we have to understand every step of life which will show this
World to that point where world will look so great even when it is so unknown to our eyes since just known
Is not worthy even unknown is that mystery which is always worth trying on every point when life will
Move ahead on just each section of life we need to understand our thoughts on that point where world
Will look great to our mind we need to understand world is always worth of enjoying so every moment
On which we live on every time seem as if those thoughts from mind which have thirst of happiness so
Even if you don’t understand that life just learn to enjoy your life to that point where life will have that
Appeal to our mind we just need to understand life on every step by moving ahead on every point this
Life will show new feel from inside we need to understand life is full of promises only when we decide
To enjoy it on every point when life will show us new start we have to understand that section of life which
Will give happiness to our world on every point after all life is that hope which we have from inside and
That hope will give this world wonderful shine not by just understanding but by living it with smile so never
Try to underestimate life since you can’t understand it on any point those moments are those thoughts
Which are created by life that pleasant feel will show this world new start on every point when we start to
Understand that incidence in life which will show this world in new way on every point when life will just
Manage to move on some point we feel one thing that life will have so many wonderful feel from inside
At every step we need to understand wonders of life we have just one hope that life will show our world
Wonderful shine in this world we can see many sort of positive feel of life when positive things will start
On every point that shine will show us world in new style we need to understand world and show it new
Sort of light which we will desire from inside so those points where we feel we are not understanding
Are not that much less in life they will manage to create effect on mind we have to understand that some
Sort of understanding are not required for life we can ignore them and went ahead with life what we need
Is just one thought of positive feel that we will enjoy our life then on some point we will find that power
To enjoy life on every point in that life which we live on every point seem as if life will show this world
New start from inside we need to understand those many sections of life which will show this thinking
Which we never understand from inside so those new feel which will show those world which are so pleasant
On every point world will show many effect on mind when world will open for us wonderful sort of feel
It will be from inside we have to understand our world will have so much good feel from inside so those
Feelings which are having impact on mind when we have to understand fresh feel from mind then life
Will show us new start from inside when life will have those thoughts which are hurting our life are just begin
With one thinking that we must start with fresh and positive feel in our life we need to understand our life
When we are moving with each step to some point we have to understand that life will show this world
New concepts from inside when life will show those positive effect it is just due to our positive thoughts
From inside we need to understand our thinking on every point which will show this world wonderful
Sort of feel from inside we need to understand every concept of mind to take us ahead to that point which
Will show this world wonderful shine to take us ahead to that point where world will be wonderful not
Since we have understood it but since we learn to laugh on every point we need to understand our happiness in life.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Adventure story 217. Counting coins

                                                                Counting coins
Nilima started counting her money. She made one habit in her life that every time whenever she saved. She used to count that money while keeping it in pouch. She knew that it was not much because larger amounts were either invested in jewelry or already deposited in bank. She made one habit that every day she saved some coins from her household expenses and put them in her pouch. She knew that they were nothing but tiny investment but in her eyes they were bigger things. She just wanted to create some of her own investment. When she saw counting them, suddenly Ramesh came inside bedroom. Ramesh "What are you doing?" Nilima immediately tried to hide them. Ramesh looked angry " What is it?" Finally she put them before him. He smiled " Why are you hiding those coins as if they are treasure?" "They are nothing to you but they are gain from my hard work through out day." "Okay Okay..Sorry. Come on let's count them together." "What?" Nilima smiled happily."Yes. It will be fun."  "Like childhood." They both laughed. They kept counting those coins. They just kept laughing and joking on every count. It was so funny. They soon began to share there every childhood secret. It was so funny. Nilima and Ramesh became children again soon their kids heard their noise. They came running in their room. " What is it?" "Nothing Pinky?" Pinky and Rucha looked angrily at them so it was clear that they wanted to become part of it. So they told them about counting. From that day it had became their habit. They all started counting money at night. It just became their every day habit. Slowly Nilima started to do it alone again since every one started to get busy with life. Girls had their life and Ramesh began to get busy with his office work. Still she kept counting her coins and Ramesh kept looking at her with smile. It was perfect life. Ramesh never sensed any thing wrong until sudden Pinky brought one day a boyfriend with her. He was from rich family but as soon as he entered in home. They sensed that he was no good for their daughter but she was influenced by him that one thing was clear that she was not going to left him. Ramesh was so angry. He just kept screaming on Pinky every day since Pinky started coming late home. They even sensed that she was drinking. But even on that point Nilima kept her cool. She suggested Ramesh that it was Pinky's life even after convincing her so much if Pinky just wanted to marry him then they should let her do that. So they arranged their wedding. It was worst day for Ramesh. He was now related to those people whom he never wanted to talk but Nilima told him that they could keep limited relationships with them. But Ramesh knew that it was not possible. He knew that Pinky would just kept returning to them with her troubles. He knew that it was worst decision of their life. But still they survived. They managed to console Pinky every day and kept pushing her marriage. They knew that it was hard but they had to do it. When finally Pinky gave birth to a daughter that matter which they hoped to settle just managed to get worst look, since Pinky's husband started having affair by then. They just had to console and handle that situation. Ramesh could sensed that it was creating effect on his health but still he just kept going ahead in life.
   During whole time Nilima kept her cool. She was a perfect in every situation. She wanted to understand every one's heart. Every thing was alright just because of her. She couldn't let any one get upset. Slowly every thing started to get settle step by step. Finally Pinky settled in life with her daughter and husband. Pinky took hold of her husband's business. Then finally every thing was settled. She sensed one thing that she had to adjust with her choice. Every thing was settled. Ramesh was so relaxed when suddenly Nilima came out. Nilima " Our maid is planning to go away from here." " So. What am I suppose to do?" "Nothing. Just telling you that new maid will be coming so just be careful with things." "I just don't get it. You feel that this new maid will be thief then why are you keeping thief." Ramesh was screaming now. He did it even before he sensed it. This was happening with him again and again. He was getting angry on every point but he felt it. Ramesh " I am sorry. I don't mean to scream but..""I know that after that incidence with Pinky. You are not yourself. Can I suggest something to you?" "Sure." "I feel we need vacation." Ramesh smiled. He loved this idea. He knew that even Rucha would want one. Ramesh " Where do you want to go?" " Any hill station will be fine. I just want some pure and cool weather which would give fresh feel." "What about Simala?" "Perfect." Then Nilima ran to Rucha to tell her. Nilima was always like that. She could manage to get happy in every small thing. Ramesh smiled happily. He started calling his friend who made perfect arrangement for them in one farmhouse. He wanted every thing to be perfect for them. He needed every thing arranged by caretaker. He knew that it would be new experience for them. They never hired farm house ever before but this time he wanted to relaxation for his family. So he didn't question regarding money. He wanted happiness to his family so he settled every thing. From that day every sorrow was forgotten from their house. They all just wanted to get ready for vacation. They all were just thinking about dresses. Ramesh was watching every day Nilima and Rucha discussing about their clothes. It seemed as if it was some grand function which every one was going to watch. But Ramesh knew that it was not function but their dream that was becoming true. For few days they would just enjoy. No one was going to load them with problems. For few days Nilima didn't had to worry about maid. Rucha didn't had to worry about her college and her friends. He could clearly happy to avoid his daughter Pinky who was worst nightmare for him. He was not even scared of his boss any more as he was scared of Pinky and her family. He never wanted to see their faces but he had to deal with them daily. He just wanted to stay away from all. He always had one feeling that how could Nilima tolerate this all. He knew somewhere in heart Nilima was also hurt like him. But she never showed it on her face since she didn't want to increase his troubles and she didn't want to hurt Rucha in her life so here she was always smiling like some supportive angle. He just loved her for this. But somewhere in his heart he scared that one day it all would come out. But then he felt if he took her on vacation every thing would be fine. He looked at Rucha and Nilima they both were fighting regarding which shirt would look great on him. They were packing his bag now. He screamed " Come on pack them both. I can carry one extra shirt. It will not weight that much." They both smiled happily and packed both shirt. He felt lucky to have another nice and wise daughter like Rucha.
     It was not easy for Ramesh and his family to achieved that hotel. Whole time they just kept getting tense that Pinky would managed to hurt their plan. It was such relief when finally they managed to pack their bags and got out. First thing they did was switch off their cell phones. Then they started looking around. Nilima felt so relief in that atmosphere. She was feeling so much relief. She started to sense to feel those air that was having so much wonderful touch. She looked those scene which were having so much freshness. She just loved them. Slowly she started breathing fresh air which had fresh power that would make her feel happy from heart. She felt so happy as if that air took few years of her life. She felt that air was giving happiness to her life. She started once again remembering those days of her youth. She began to remember her life. She started thinking about those days when she used to enjoy every moment of her life. Her childhood, her youth, those days when her girls were young. She just felt as if she was in heaven every thing was so perfect on those points. She remembered how did she use to count coins. Then she suddenly remembered her coins. She started searching for them in purse. She was so scared when for moment she thought that she left them behind. But those coins were inside her purse. She found coins. She was so relaxed. She felt so happy to touch them. They were precious proof of her happy days. She started touching them and relaxing when Ramesh touched her. Ramesh " What happened? Why are you searching your purse?" "Nothing big." "But you looked so upset." She gave him smile. "Nothing honey just relax." After seeing her smile Ramesh felt that he was getting anxious unnecessarily. Nilima just touched those coins and counted them. She felt so happy. She sensed some positive aura from those coins as if they were blessing of some great saint. Then she felt that it might be feeling just due to her honest efforts while saving it. She worked so hard to save them. It was like earning them. She didn't waste her money on many things. She looked many things with hands. She ever on many times stitched those curtains and those bed sheets. She saved that money. She put all those coins in her purse. They were her true hopes. Rucha "Mom what are you doing?" Nilima " Nothing sweet heart." "Come on let's play cards." "Of course." Nilima started searching for cards. It took her long to search for cards. Finally she found them. She took out cards. They started playing with them and they were once again so happy. It was so nice day. They went in their cottage. It was as perfect as their dream. They went in room. On that entire day they just enjoyed. Then they had dinner and finally they came to sleep in room. Once again Nilima took out her coins. At beginning Ramesh felt that it was strange that she wanted to count those coins even on vacation but then he just nodded. Even Rucha joined them once again they enjoyed those counting of coins in perfect way and became a picture perfect family. It was wonderful vacation for them each day they enjoyed every thrill and counted those coins at night. It became sort of funny ritual for them. But they just didn't mind it was okay and nice.
    After that vacation Ramesh was so happy since every one was so happy. Then their life returned back to routine. Nilima had to find new maid. It was working okay. Until one day suddenly that maid vanished without notice. Then Nilima felt suspicious. She started looking around. She sensed that many valuables were missing. She was so shocked. She never sensed that this maid was taking things. After all they were not that big but today she went away so Nilima sensed that she must had some thing too precious. She started searching when Rucha came in room. " What happened Mom?" "That maid? She took things." "Oh my god that's why when I asked her about that watch which looked just like mine, she just vanished. Mom it was costly!!" Rucha started crying. " Now don't you worry. I get another one just like it for you. But you must say we are lucky that she didn't able to take jewelry." " Mom but it was so nice. It was my birthday present." Nilima kept consoling her. Nilima knew that it was not going to be easy. But in her brain she was scared that this maid might had found more important things like her precious coins. She just wanted to check them but she knew that she couldn't leave Rucha alone so she just decided to wait until Ramesh return from office. She was so tense. Then she decided that she might call Ramesh in office. Luckily Ramesh took it immediately. As soon as he heard this, he immediately informed his boss that he had to go home. He reached home. Then he started asking about all valuable. By that time Rucha was consoled little bit. So Nilima started helping Ramesh to search. They searched for all valuable. Most of them was there. Ramesh took breathe of relief when Nilima screamed " My coins..they are missing." "ohh..don't worry.." But Nilima was not there to listen to him. She was searching for them. He sensed for first time that something was wrong. She was throwing away many valuable things just to get those useless coins because they didn't value that much. Then he thought that she might worked for them in hard way so she felt that. Ramesh " Just relax. We will search for them tomorrow. Now we have to eat something. Why don't you cook dinner?" "No..No..I need those coins. If I don't count them, then I can't cook dinner properly." "What?" "I need some coins." Ramesh took some coins out of his pocket and gave them to her. She began to count them. She started to feel relax those coins are so helpful and relaxing for her. She just wanted to touch them. She had one feel that they were her life support. Ramesh and Rucha were watching her in strange way. She was counting coins like some addict took drugs. It was so wrong. Ramesh decided that he must had to do some thing about it. He knew that he must stop that coin counting habit of Nilima. He decided that he should start it from tomorrow. But then he sensed one thing that he must had to do something even today. Since she just kept counting them again and again without stopping for second. She seemed to be lost in world of those coins.
  It was horrible. Nilima was suddenly out of this world. It was so hard for them. Ramesh immediately called Doctor. Doctor looked Nilima strange way. He tried to convince her to leave coins behind. But she just didn't leave them. She kept telling Doctor that she needed them. She even started telling Ramesh that it were giving happiness to her. She started telling him that all her memories and happiness was just in mind. It was so hard for them to believe. She looked so normal few moments ago. They never sensed that she was so much troubled from inside. Ramesh knew that she must had some emotions jammed inside her mind. But he never thought that they would burst this way. It was so hard for him. He started crying which made matter worst for Nilima. She began to get more and more scared and started counting those coins more desperately. Finally that Doctor gave her injection to put her to sleep. Ramesh told every thing to Doctor. Ramesh " I felt that she would had troubles in her heart. But never sense that coins are showing them. What am I suppose to do?" "You can take her to psychiatrist." Ramesh felt scared in his heart. Name of Psychiatrist seemed like a wrong thing for society. But somewhere in his heart he knew that he was educated man and he must not act like that. He had to understand that small mental problems were nothing but like small physical problems. But still he was scared in heart. He started wondering how could he hide it from all. First of all he wanted Pinky to stay away from this.But then he decided that first he must contact Psychiatrist. He called that Psychiatrist. He took appointment from receptionist. When Nilima woke up, she was looking normal. But she still felt strange need of those coins. They both decided that she was not fully well. They told Rucha that she could wander around market or stay at home while they visit psychiatrist. But Rucha didn't want to attend Pinky so she decided that wander in market. It all was decided. But they all were scared that Pinky might disturb their plans. They decided to leave early. It was hard day for them. They all were scared in heart. They sat in room for their appointment. Finally they went inside. That Psychiatrist gave pleasant smile. It relaxed them. Then they told every thing. Nilima started crying. " I want to be pole of family and I just turn weak point." "Now just relax. You are not weak point. You just pressure yourself too much. That lead to this trouble. But don't worry. You will be fine. It is not big problem. You are suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder which is quiet common in stress circumstances. It will solved. I will help you in dealing with this." "What about Pinky?" "What about her? You can't expect troubles to be vanished. I will teach her to deal with them. No need to tell any thing to Pinky. Just let me handle Nilima." They smiled. Then Psychiatrist talked with Nilima , it really helped her. She was feelings okay. But she was still not relaxed. Nilima " I still want to count coins." Psychiatrist smiled. " You can't cured on first visit. Just give me some time." Nilima nodded. She knew that she had to trust Psychiatrist but she was scared. She knew that was her trouble. She knew that she must increase her trust so she decided to trust psychiatrist. She nodded and smiled. She knew that she was in safe hand. She started listening Psychiatrist's every instruction.
                                                          The End  

Friday, November 27, 2015

Poem 2442. True need of mind

                                                     True need of mind
At every step of life I feel you are following me on every point when I move ahead I just feel heat of trouble
And burn of pain on some times but then few days I just learn one thing from inside troubles are those
Sort of thoughts which are so nice feel on every angle of life those troubles will form so sad effect on life
But when it touch others it was far more harmful than me on many times when we start to understand
Those feel from our mind just one thing from inside since that thought will have many effect on our mind
When we feel we are getting troubles and they are harming us in life then life will show new start on just
Every point we have to understand impact from mind which will show different thoughts of mind those
Feel will create impact from inside troubles will start to hurt us on many point when those troubles will
Just enter in life we feel one thing from inside that our troubles are large but they are never that big as
They enter without help in life when some one help you then troubles seem nothing for your mind not
Because troubles are reduce but since that one will show your need on every point when we see that
Sort of need in life just grab that moment and understand one thing from mind that you can move ahead
As per your choice but one thing will remain same that is need of that person who really want you to move
Ahead in life but when all around you start to show you are not needed never just believe it on that point
Since some people just have habit to confuse you so that you can never realize your need on any point
Those thoughts are thinking which will give your world shine no longer touch you when they start with
Your negative feel in life in this whole world many thoughts will have so much effect on mind then at some
Section of mind we just never understand need on any point we have to understand what we want from
Inside we need to tell our world what is required for our mind but then after some point we are just cheated
By those thinking of mind that our life will not show just what is inside it will confuse our mind on some
Moment and point we just began to feel one thought from inside so those thinking will have so much
Power from inside those sort of troubles that are hurting us from inside that troubles will began to show
Our world new start from inside but then at some point troubles will show good effect on mind then we
Feel one thought from mind troubles will bring sadness in life those sort of thought which will capture
Our mind then different thoughts will show many sections of mind when that sort of thinking which will
Start on some point we have to understand our mind we need to create new appeal in life so then those
Sort of thoughts which make our mind active on every point but that movement of mind then I will start
Assume one thought from inside that life need you on every point never let those sort of thoughts which
Will show new start on every point when that sort of feel will show new bright feel in life when those
Sort of thinking that will show our world new shine that will have many reaction on every point but only
When we start to understand life will give our world new shine those sort of thinking which will have so
Many effect on mind since those thoughts will have so much understanding on mind that we are needed
But when people want to stuck yourself on every point that sort of feelings will have so much power in
Our mind and life then at some point when troubles will show this world new sort of shine which will just
Introduce this world in new style we are not moving ahead with that thought from our mind which tell
Us when we have began our life when we start to see new shine when we just want to understand every
Point in life after all life will have so much effect on life since that life will have pure sort of things will
Just show fresh feel of mind when life will show new start to our life we feel one thought from our mind
Inside that thought we have many feelings on every point then at some section in life when those sort
Of good feel to our mind when we start to show our world in different feel from inside so those sort of
Thinking which will start fresh feel in life after all those thoughts will show us that sort of thinking in life
Many people need to understand many sort of new start on every point those thinking will have so much
Effect on mind when life will move to some point on that point we want to understand thought from inside
We are needed on every point if we have pure heart and caring nature we are most important need of life
Whatever may people say but peace will be need of life when we start to understand we need peace which
Will show new thinking from inside that peace will show wonderful touch in life that sort of peace which
Will required to our life towards that point when life will need peace but some people just don’t understand
Peace as important in life we need to understand our thinking from inside we have to understand that
Sort of thinking which will give happiness in life we need to understand every moment and point but then
At some point we will win in life where we can see we are need of life never give up until you can see
That point since finally people just want one thing that is hope and peace of mind but understand it they
Just take some time and you have to show patience for it on every point inside our life that is truth of life.

Poem 2441. Softness of mind

                                                        Softness of mind
Some thoughts and wishes never went away from life like those balloons are wanted still from inside some
Things are same inside our mind we still want them now even as child when we see those sort of thoughts in
Our life those many things which will show our thinking from inside then at every point we feel one thing
From our mind that when we start to find thing in life when we went ahead on every point we just keep
Needing that things which will be needed since from childhood on every time we need to understand one
Thing from inside that childhood will have so many wishes inside but some wishes are going ahead on
Just every point those sort of wishes which are having so much reaction on our life when we start to move
Ahead on every point then childhood will start on some point in that childhood some want will move away
From our life so then at every point childhood will have so much effect on life since those childhood will
Some need which are just need of child when childhood will remove in life since on that point our need
On that thinking which will show our need at every point then we start to create childhood with many
Sort of need but some need are not to remain on that point they will come to us as child but then those
Sort of thought which will show us new life that are moving to new point where we need to understand
Our thinking from inside some points are need of just moment but some are need for our entire life like
Need of affection and kindness stay with us in life but we just keep needing it for us never want to give
Those things to others on some point some will understand that sharing will increase it in life but some
Will just kept storing it for them never understand it will vanish with time we can’t store kindness it is
Some thing which should be given to others only then it is increase in life when we move ahead on just
Every point so we start to move ahead on every point kindness will have so much effect on mind but then
Kind feel thinks from inside our mind when those kind and generous feel will start to capture our mind
When life will start to turn at some correct point we need to understand just one thought from inside those
Sort of thinking which will have impact on mind will start to show this world one feel from inside that
Sort of effect which will show our mind that kind of shine which we will desire from inside when we start
To create effect on our life when that feel of kindness which will show freshness on life we need to just
Understand our thoughts on every point since kindness will show pure feel to our mind when life will show
New start to our life when life will show new thinking on every point we need to understand those sort
Of thoughts which will show new thinking from mind when we move ahead on every point we have just
One desire of those soft thought from inside but we just never accept it since we are so scared to show
Our softness since it may prove weakness of our mind after all we all learn from start on every point when
We start to understand one thinking from our mind we need to understand at every area of life when
We began to create new form from our mind when we start to understand many sections in life then on
Every point we feel just one thing softness will not make us easy target in life it will just show us true facts
On every point when we start to understand pure thought from our mind life will show that pure feel
From inside when life will show us new feel from inside heart will give this world wonderful shine we just
Desire on every point one thing from inside that at every step we need to see different parts of life when
We start to move ahead in life which will have power in life so those sort of thinking which will show us
New start on every point so then those sort of thinking which will show many sort of power inside life
So that power which will show this world with bright side of life then we feel one thought from inside so
Desire will show wonderful feel from inside so those thinking will show new start for our mind then those
Feeling which will show new wonder in life that are showing new start in life so those feel will have so
Nice impact on life which will show kindness will show nice feel from our mind we feel one thing from
Inside those sort thinking which are important in life since many thoughts of life that will show nice pressure
Will make us winner on every point we need to understand those sort of thinking which will have just
Effect on mind since mind will show new feel of kindness we desire from inside we must not leave it behind
Since we want to give our world new start on every point which will help us in life at every point of life
Since softness never make us weak we need to understand those power from inside so then at every point
We need to understand life which will show us new world from inside since those world are moving 
Ahead on every point so we need to judge our life not by escaping softness but after accepting it in life
Since when some one cheat you then you see one true face in life and then you are one step near to true friend
In our life after all false friends needed to be gone before finding that true friend in life who will stood
With you on darkest point and dark point is need to see that friend in life we need that softness which
Will show us true friend in life that will show this world true strength and power from inside of our mind.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Poem 2440. One thought in life

                                                        One thought in life
When thoughts will creating with new start from inside those thoughts are showing world to new feel
From our mind when thoughts are made they are showing new world from inside those sort of feel which
Will show new effect on our life when those feel which will open window on every point when life will
Show new mind from inside those sort of thoughts will have that spirit from inside it will open for us that
New start on every point those thoughts are showing different but why are we so involved in those thoughts
That sometimes we just forget our life thoughts become us and we just manage to show world that we
Are not aware in life we just keep those thoughts which are showing us dreams on every point when we
Start to understand on every point when thoughts will manage to rule our mind sometimes we just forget
To act and move ahead in life when on some point world will differ and create new feel when we act in life
But when we are busy behind one thought we just forgot to act as per our choice those thoughts which
Are dominating our mind will seem as if something which will show in new way our world from inside
When thoughts will have different feel from inside mind will show those feel which are creating those
Understanding will show new start on every point thoughts will showing that are having different thinking
From inside those thoughts which hold our mind are not moving in positive way of life they are just creating
Different feel from inside but some thoughts are showing new world with different style of life when we
Start to move with our thinking of life which are showing new sort of feel on every point but not just after
One thought we have to include every thing in life just one thought is not enough in life we have to just
Understand one thinking from inside that thoughts will show different meaning on our mind so then we
Want to have so much effect on our life when we start to understand thoughts will show bright feel in life
But only when we understand our life it is necessary to understand our thoughts from inside which are
Showing this world new start from inside in one thought there are many sort of feel from inside which
Are having different issues and we need to understand those points from our mind when we start to just
Understand our mind when we understood our life we must not understand it just by one thought from
Our mind those thought which took hold of mind seem as if those thoughts are having great power inside
So those thoughts which will capture our mind needed to be forced with thinking from our mind when
We start to move ahead in life one thought will began to create effect on mind when mind will start with
One thought it is just confused life since life is full of people that is having impact on mind when our thought
Will began to show us strength we needed on every point which is going to make us winner in life so then
At every point we think just one thought from inside when life will began one strong thought from inside
So then that thought which will have so much reaction in life when those thoughts which are having together
Feel from inside so then at every point one thought which start to move us on every point when life will
Show new start on every point so then those thoughts which are many on every point since those thought
Which will have power inside life from one thought we can’t form our life when we start to move ahead
In life when we start to form our life one thought is not having effect on our mind will just manage to
Mess every part of our life we just never understand what we feel from inside but one thing is so clear
On every point we have just one thought from inside when we start to understand our thoughts and mind
Which are creating with many thoughts they are showing new understanding in life when life will show
New start on every point when life will show new world it is due to accommodation of many thoughts
In life we need to understand our thoughts from inside when we start to move ahead to some point those
Thoughts which will began will show our world new feel from mind since life will show so wonderful feel
From mind since every point will create which have wonderful feel from inside  our mind are created by
Wonderful feel of mind when life will show thoughts we just feel one thinking from inside those thoughts
Which will show different feel from inside life will never understood on any point we have to understand our
Thoughts and mind those thinking will have impact on life when life will show us new start from inside
One thought is not enough we need to create many thoughts to create our life try to include every thought
From inside since we need every thought from inside so those sort of thinking which will show us new
Start from inside so many thoughts will have so much power on every point but many points will show
New concepts of mind we feel one thinking from inside then at every section of life which have so much
Effect which will show much feel from inside from one thought we see good concept of life which will
Open new start for our mind when we start to move ahead we have to think with one thought from inside
One thought will open for you new start for our entire life we need to understand those thoughts are
Points which are needful on every point of life since that will create new feel in life so never close on just
One thought in life always try to keep open mind on every point since those thoughts are having effect on mind.

Poem 2439. Emotions in life

                                                     Emotions in life
Those sort of emotions which comes and goes away in life we feel just one thought from inside so those
Sort of emotions which will show our world new start on every point when emotions will show new thought
On every point those thoughts will have so much understanding from inside when we start to just understand
Every feel from our mind but then we start to understand every thought with new effect on mind when
We start to understand our thinking we just feel so confused from inside those thoughts will show this
World with new thinking from inside when life will show us many emotions which are having impact on
Our thinking and mind when life will show us new start we have one thinking from inside those emotions
Which are so pure from inside when mind will have so many emotions which will show our mind in such
Good start on every point after all those thoughts which are creating emotions which will show new sort
Of understanding from inside so those sort of beginning which are creating impact on mind when we start
To understand our mind then those mind will show us new sides on every point in our mind when we
Start to find new way of life when life will show our thinking which will show new start from inside so
Those thoughts are creating impact on life after all life will show many emotions on mind then those sort
Of emotions will have so much appeals in mind so then at some point those emotions will lead to many
Sort of future effect on life when we start to understand we have to start to move ahead with one thought
From our mind that will tell our life one thought from inside when we move with emotion we just enjoy
Each and every point we need to understand every sections of life when emotion will take away our thoughts
On every point life will show different colour which will appeal our mind when life will move ahead on
Every section will form interesting in our life so those sort of feel which we need from inside we feel just
One thought from inside so many sort of emotions will show that freshness from inside we need to understand
Those feel which will create impact on life in every incidence we see many sort of incidence in life then
At every effect on mind we feel just one effect on mind which will open for us new way of life when we
Move we just feel one thought from inside that thinking will have so much feelings from inside so then
Those effect on mind will show our life different effect on life we feel just one thinking from inside that
At every point life will have interesting feelings from inside those sort of effect on our life which will show
New feel in life when we start to understand every step of life so those sort of freshness will manage to
Touch our mind when we start to move ahead on every point with one thought from inside so feeling
Will have effect on mind those sort of thoughts will show our life that point where life will differ on just
Every point  then emotions will have so much reactions in our mind then those sort of feelings
Which will open our mind seem as if those emotions will show new start to understand on every point
When we start to emotions on every point those mind will show new effect on mind then those emotions
Will start to create effect on mind then those emotions will creating impact on mind then those emotions
Will change our life when emotions will capture our life we feel just one thing from inside our mind will
Just tell us one thought from inside when thinking will show different concepts in life we start to just understand
That sort of mind which will show new start on every point we need to have open mind which will show
Our world wonderful feel from inside so those emotions will turn our future on different point on that
Emotions we will see different impressions of life we need to understand emotions will rule our world
On every point when we move ahead in life we need to understand emotions from our mind when life
Will show many ways on every point we need to understand on every point this life will show us so many
Different ways of life then those emotions will change ways of life which we desire from inside
When life will show different emotions in life then emotions will show life which will have
Just understanding which will show so many powers from inside emotions are those concepts which we
Desire from inside those emotions are taking us new thinking of mind but when they are made with proper
Thinking they will show us bright side but when we use anger instead of kindness in life those pure sort
Of thinking which are wonderful in life so those emotions will show our world in different way in life so
Those sort of thoughts will create world with different point we need to understand our thinking from
Inside at every point we want our thought to rule our mind which will show this world with one thought
From inside soft emotions will make us strong with our power of mind we need to understand that soft
Sort of emotions are our true power of our life we need to understand those emotions from our thinking
And our mind we need to understand those emotions will open which will show new thinking of our mind
So try to understand and retain soft emotions from our mind which will show new start to our thinking and life.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Poem 2438. Creating paradise in life

                                                     Creating paradise in life
Some things to use to touch on every point will manage to lose their strength after some time that is truth
Of our thinking and life that some points will have troubles in life before understanding those sort of thoughts
In life which will have so much effect on life those impact and those sections of life which have reaction on
Our mind at every point life will show different thought some will stay with us and some will not stay with
Our thinking and inside of mind since some things are best for us on some point we need to understand them
As part of some time some thoughts can’t stay with us for life we have to quit them after some point when
Those things are just things it is easy to adjust in life but when those factors of people it will create so much
Troubles in life after all those strength which will show new start for our life we feel just one thing from
Inside that we need to understand strength of our mind which will show us new start on every point when
Life will move ahead we just desire on every moment in life after all those sort of understanding on every
Part of mind when those thoughts of mind will show this world understanding from inside I just have one
Feel from inside that those things which will touch me to show miracle of my life when I will move ahead  then
I just need one thing from my mind that is called strength which I will desire on every point those sort of
Thinking which will touch my mind are those thoughts which use to rule my mind once upon time when
I will move ahead I just desire one thinking from inside those thoughts which will touch me are showing
This world in different way since they are basic of our life we need to understand our thoughts and mind
When we went ahead we need to understand from inside what we desire is nothing but peace of mind
But when some point left behind one emptiness takes it’s place in life how you will replace that person
Whom you never want to replace will decide your future from that point how much we wish that we just
Don’t want to replace but life is that circle in which replacement is need of time you have to accept it as
Truth and accept it with smile we have to move on every moment with one thought from inside that those
Things which are part of our life will show us new start on every point when life will show us those wonderful
Feel of success that will show this world wonderful start for our life when we will began to move ahead in
Our life we need just one thing that some replacement of that person in life since empty place will never
Look good in garden of life every dead plant needed to be  replaced by new one in life how easy
This is to say but how hard it is to do in life sometimes we can replace but some times we just have to
Adjust with that emptiness in life but when we replace then we must replace it with proper choice just
One wrong plant will manage to destroy beauty of garden and once planted we just can’t replace it on
Any point when life will move ahead we have just one desire of mind that this mind will have so many
Thoughts hidden inside those thoughts which use to give happiness to our mind seem to create new feel
From inside our life we just need to replace but sometimes keeping it empty seem so nice even some
Garden have empty slot and they look nice if it is placed proper in middle and bushes surround it in good way
Then it is nice same apply to our life we need to understand thoughts of our mind when we start to move
Ahead in life we just desire one thing that we must find right way in life after all those thoughts which will
Give our future true meaning on every point seem as if they are having many meaning inside so when
We start to move ahead in life we need to understand that filling empty place is never simple thing for life
And it is not just for us every one will have to tolerate it on some point even those who are just watching you
While you are suffering in life may be you can see their hidden gladness and smile just try to understand that
They are never your true friends of life your friends are there still with tears in eyes but they will not show
Their tears to you since it is your hard time friends never show back to you when you need them in life
And those who show back to you are never your friends in life when we move ahead on every point we
Just have to decide what will happen in our life that tears which we don’t see in those eyes are just because
They don’t want us to get upset in life when at some step we just began to imagine our mind we will see
Many thoughts of mind which are part of our thinking on every time when life will show us emptiness just
Remember our friends are with us on that point and keep your hopes high and try to adjust with that emptiness
In life you can do as you feel right you can replace or you manage to give it suitable place in garden of life
But never ignore it since you feel too much sorrows when you watch that place in life since it is worst mistake
Of your life since on empty place any sort of bush can enter on that point it will create lot of troubles for
Your thinking and your mind when we start to move ahead just remember one thought from inside we
Need to understand our mind we have to handle that place with our mind just ignoring will invite more
Troubles for life so move ahead with one thinking from inside that you can find paradise in life and then
That thought will create paradise for life since it is need of every moment of life on each and every point.

Poem 2437. Introduction of feel

                                                      Introduction of feel
Those sort of feel which will introduce us in life question is that how will you understand them on every
Moment and point one thought from our mind that feel which will start to create some effect on life will
Be introduce on every point when we start to understand feel which are showing world with different
Point those thinking will introduce world with different point when thinking will start to show our life
One thought from inside that feel are creating many types of lives which will show world new sort of days
On every point life will show our thinking that feel which will show our thinking from inside so those sort
Of understanding which will have impact on mind then mind will show different sort of understanding which will
Cross on many seconds in life when world will show new fact on every point which will cross many sort
Of understanding and plans of life when feel will show many sections in life when life will start to show
Our world that sort of understanding which will give world new light when world will show us new sort of
Understanding in this world on every point then world will show many effect on our mind when that sort
Of understanding which show world to a interesting point is important for our mind when we start to
Just understand our thinking and mind we need to tell our world we have desire from mind when life will
Show us new start on every point we have to understand life will have those feel which we never guess
In our life some thoughts are positive and some thoughts are negative they are different and enter on
Every point so different sort of thoughts will enter on same point which will show our world two point on
Just one point those different thoughts will cross and create different feel on every point when those
Sort of thoughts which are having different effect on life which will have reaction on our life when we
Have different feel that will introduce and lead to some point which will show our world in that light which
We never able to see by our life when life will start to come ahead on every point when feel will enter
In our life which will show reaction on our mind then those sort of feel which will show this world new
Sort of style we feel one thing from inside that this feel which we never able to guess in life when life will
Show new start we just began to understand it in life we never able to guess what we want from our mind
When life will show us new start we need to understand our thinking and mind our life need to have some
Understanding on every point when life will start to show new start from inside we want it to look great
On every point when life will start to introduce us many points suddenly life will become some thing
So different that we never able to guess it will turn on that point but life is that need of mind which will
Never touch our thoughts and mind those guess which we have to understand our thoughts from inside
We have to think on every point how to take ahead our life when life will show so many impact on mind
So those thoughts which will have effect on life so then those feelings will turn out life just out of control
On every point when we began to think on every point just one thought will enter in our life we have to
Just think again and again on every point those concepts of mind which will show world in just different  sort
Of style it is not bad but it is not even worst on any point those movement which we make in our world
Are not moving ahead as per our thoughts on every point when we move ahead on every side of mind
Mind will have different thoughts which will have reactions in life after all life will create totally different sort
Of feel in life those sort of feel which will show world with different thoughts from inside so life will show
Important feel from mind when our mind will show interesting point it is due to our moving ahead in life
That feel will show our world to that good point but we just sometimes reject that feel from our life when
We start to understand our mind those sort of feel which are so unique on every point but those sort
Of thoughts which will show this world wonderful feel in life which have so much impact on mind then
On some point those sort of thinking which will have effect on our mind that feel which will introduce
Is may be good or may be bad in life but then those different feel will differ on every point in our life so then
On some point that feel will show our world difference but we can’t able to guess which way it will turn
In our life we need to understand our thinking and mind when life will move ahead we have to just understand
Effect on mind when some feels are hurting us we have to act properly in life then those sort of feel which
We will see in life manage to show our world on totally different point when life will have different effect
On our mind but then life will need to understand those thoughts of mind when we start to understand
That new feel will show us those feel which will have so much power in that feel on every point so then
Those feel which are from our mind since those feel will show new start on every point since those sort
Of feel from mind when feel will have so much impact on our mind when feel will show new light we like it
But when it turn in wrong way it will have effect on mind we need to understand our mind we have to
Just understand one thought from mind that feel is need of our life we have to understand feeling will
Be important inside our life since feel will improve our life on every point and show wonderful feel in life.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...