Friday, February 27, 2015

Poem 1972. Bird catcher

                                                                     Bird catcher
How hard you work just to keep me safe but I just began to love adventure when you work to
Keep safe at every step of life you want it to be safe you may not concern about that much
Regarding yourself but I just want to fly with full wing in sky so sometimes I do some adventures
Which are not that much great and now I sense one thing from heart that you are going to hate
How much you want to keep cover of safety on my head but I just do some thing which is not
In your eyes that much great but I just human you have understand that I make mistake I never
Want to disobey but my nature just never want to rest I know you want me to create just peace
But I want to try to others things because I always get encouraged by other human being I know
It is not right but I just always manage to take bait I know one day I will be caught like that fish
And that is making you tense but fish just have to swim and fish will learn from mistakes just
Be sure that every day I learn from my mistake I know I need to learn to talk with peacefulness
But sometimes tide just manage to take me that way I will try my best to play every safe but still
After some point I just can't manage to play that much safe because it is so irritating to play always
Safe on some moment I just feel I want to be happy and my happiness is not always playing safe
But when you warn me I try to act safe you just can't blame me because you are just in that symbols
I just can't understand them on every moment how funny is that life when you want to protect just
Always we manage to do one thing ignore you when you are doing just best but sometimes in life
It is so hard to understand what others feel on every way when we move ahead then we need to just
Understand work is important on every point and on every way so are important our well wisher
And friends but sometimes we just prefer to ignore their warning and when our ways some times
It is some crisis regarding our work or health but we just keep ourselves so busy that you just never
Have enough time to hear our friend actually you are not busy but we just hate to get caged but
I feel in mind we need to understand that is our protection not our cage but those thoughts which
Want freedom never agree to accept that we need to stay that way for our safety they just give us
One feel that we are not getting any thing in return but just one cage restrictions never seem right
On any day but we need to understand they are for us in life by some one who really care we need
To spend time to understand them after all on our life even their future is on some place depend
We need to understand our mind on every moment and we have to move ahead with each thought
To that way where we can see new lights in life on every way we feel new hope on every point
Which will show us new shine but some times you are right we have to walk in safe way in life
But tell me from heart don't you share same thirst of thrill from inside we all have it but in life
Problem is on every point that people just never like to see birds flying freely on every time and
There are some bird catchers who are waiting on every point so those birds which are caught on
Every point that catcher will plan to catch birds on every point those catcher will show us that
Idea of life after all birds are not free on every time we need to understand we needed to that bird
Which will have good effect on our life so those birds need to fly in proper way in life but then
Birds will have to move ahead on every point then birds will have some effect on our mind so
That birds will fly in sky but scared on every point so when we move ahead then we feel just
One thing from inside we need to be those birds who need to protect things on every point so
Then on every moment I feel one fear from inside that birds need to move ahead on every point
At safe place on every point they will also fly but safely in life may be I need to learn that safety
In my life how funny it seem to assume to be birds in life and instead of learning flying we just
Learn how birds manage to caught in life how sad but funny that feel on some times because if
Bird catcher is truth then protector is also truth at same point and my teacher told me that I have
To think in positive way in life because bird catchers were always there but protectors are new
And precious thing in life or may be they are also always there on every point just we never
Understood their value in life we just given importance to bird catcher every time now I have
Decided that protector is great on every point I feel one thought from inside that every point
Protectors should be important on every point so we need to ignore those bird catcher on every
Moment and point protector is great so admire them not bird catcher in life if we act as per them
May be we can find better way and tricks to handle bird catcher on every moment and every point. 

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