Friday, February 6, 2015

Poem 1935. Trust on written things

                                                     Trust on written things
When universe will turn into some thing so then there are many planets on every point each
Will have that look which differ in life but then those different colors will have some impact
On our life because those planets will have many types of colors which will have effect on
Our life since each planets will have different colors in life there are many effect on our mind
Due to different colors on our life some colors will please us from inside while some colors
Will just don't look that much great on any point but when I see at those planets I just feel one
Thing from inside that in sky we see many colors on every point but then in sky there are many
Planets which are in sky and look same on every point they are having same types of shine on
Every point that silver shine will have some effect on our eyes then in sky we see those planets
Which will have silver sort of shine so then in sky there are many plants which look same
When they are far away on every point because then plant will look so many great feel on every
Moment and point so then in that sky all planets will look so silver look on every point so then
Planets will look so same on every point but then in sky I will see many things on every point
Many colors of planets will have some effect to our life each planet will have different sort of
Color in life but then when see it far away that silver look on every point because different
Color will look so much great but then it is far away from life silver look will have that start
Of our shine so then when on every point we are seeing different things when truth are different
In life but when we read about those colors we keep faith on them at every point and start to
Point out at that planet and say it have that color on every point when we start to admire their
Look and shape on every point even if we don't see those things still we trust them since they are
Written in book we keep our faith intact on them at every point we need to move ahead while
Keeping our faith same on every point but those colors which are told us regarding planets on
Every point it is truth of life we feel one thought from our mind that those colors which will
Have some effect on our life when we see from binocular those things we trust those observation
In life but then we feel just one thought from inside that when we see those things due to proof
On every point we feel one thing from inside there are many colors will look so great on every
Moment and point but then proof will have some concepts in life when we need to see something
Which will have some effect on our life because those looks which will have some effect on
Our life in sky we see them in silver but those people who have since them in colors are just
Managing to see them on every point when we need to see colors those are due to faithful people
Inside life then we see many colors which we see photos that will have effect on mind but then
We move positively in life those stars will not look as we thought from inside those colors which
We have guessed for our planets no longer look that much good on any point so those stars
Which suppose to show us nice look of life no longer will have some impact on our life those
Stars will not look that much great on any point they will have that plain type of shine but
We trust those colors which will appeal to our mind we feel one thought on every point so
We need to find those colors will have some special trust because they will have some reaction
On our mind colors are inserted in our life with faithful people on every point those colors will
Have some effect on our life but we belief of them due to faith in life because those colors that
Will have impact on our life we have some effect on our life then these colors will look so
Much different on every point when we see them in picture on every point but then we feel just
One thing from mind that we need to keep faith book on every point when those things are
Having different colors on every point it was just of silver colors on every point but then those
Colors will look so much effect on our life but then there are other things which are so important
On every point but then that faith becomes our bad habits sometimes we just began to believe
Every thing which is true in life because when we move ahead on every point so we feel just
One thought from inside that those things which we read are not true in life but then when
We need to understand on every point that we must not trust every thing which we need in life
We have to find on every point those concepts which will show us things in life some are right
And some are wrong in life so I feel one thing from inside just trusting what is written is not
Right we need to first understand how much truth is hidden inside then only we can trust in life.

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