Monday, February 23, 2015

Poem 1964. Concepts with peace

                                                            Concepts with peace
How interesting are some concepts which relax us in mind but some people just don't want them to
Become part of their life we want to relax but they just want to move ahead in life some people want
Us to see those concepts which will take them ahead in life but sometimes those concepts which just
Truly touch our mind are those concepts which are giving effect to our mind we need to understand
Just one thought from inside that some concepts are made in such a way that they will give our life
New meaning on every point some people just never understand any concept of our life while some
People just feel that concepts are our future and they will be some thing which give smile to our 
Thoughts and mind but at same time some people feel that concepts should be such that will make
Us true winner in life I just want my concepts to be something which will relax our mind I want 
Those concepts to give our world perfect look and shine I want my concepts to be understood by
Other person not because I want to boss them but because I want just my peace of my mind but then
Some people just want every thing which so much desire that they feel they must understand that 
Concepts will have different ideas for our life those concepts which will give shine to our future
Are something so perfect in their life but what kind of shine you want is something different on 
Each and every point concepts are telling us again and again on thought of our mind that concepts
Are those thinking which will give this world true sort of shine we need to understand one thought
From our mind that concepts are that thinking which will take us ahead to that world for which we
Have desire from inside of our mind those concepts which may make us winner are not always with
Morals and right on every time when such a thing happen I just feel one thing ignoring just those
Thoughts and concepts is wise for our mind we need to understand on every point that concepts are
Those thinking which will give our world wonderful shine only when they are peaceful for mind
But some people don't have desire for peace on any point they just want those concepts to give 
That world different type of shine we want our world to sparkle on every point we want those 
Thoughts to create one concept which will show many sort of looks to our mind we never want 
This world to create different thought for our mind we just want one thing that is happiness for
Our mind but some just never understand that winning will not make happy but it will just create
Strange kind of thirst for our mind we want to move ahead to totally wrong point of our life since
Those concepts are leading to totally wrong point we need to understand one thought from inside
We need to understand one thought from our mind that concepts are some thing which will just
Look so much great inside our life we need concepts to create impact on our mind they will show
Us many thought from inside which will show us we need to move ahead on every point just with
One thought from inside that we need to move ahead with just one thought we need to gain things
In our life our thinking will show us many concepts in life which will show us that word gain
As important on every point since gain is that part which will have some effect which will be so
Much unknown to our mind because concepts are those parts which will look so nice only when
We set those concepts as peace marker of our life we just feel those concepts are our best helper
On every point because they are that part of our world which will show peace to our mind we 
Can't convince people but one thing is truth of life peace is most precious thing on every mind
Because it is like need of life same way as water needed for body on every point we feel one 
Thought from inside that water will fulfill our thirst of body while peace will fulfill our mind
Without it we can hardly able to live nicely in our life because that peace will just mange to show
Us that thought from inside which says peace will help us to that point where whole world will
Show our mind one concept in life peace is that thought which we need from inside at every 
Step of life I see peace as basic need of my life peace will show this world that side of life that
Will show peace as power of mind it will make us happy from inside so peace is that wonderful
Concept from inside since peace will show this world that thought which will take this world
Ahead on every point because peace is that need which will manage to show us that shine with
Pride which will give happiness from inside peace will show us that point where happiness will no 
Longer just concept but truth of life peace will make us winner on every point of our future and life.

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