Thursday, February 12, 2015

Poem 1946. Three sides of life

                                                            Three sides of life
Beauty is always said one thing on every point that it will always help you on every time but then
Come next question is it true always in life because jealousy of many people then become best friend
Of our life whatever may be you have skill but some people just keep telling you on every
Point that since you are beautiful you get that thing and it is not your efforts just beauty make you
Winner inside life while those who don't got beauty just blamed on every point that since they just
Don't have beauty their wise thinking will not help them that much in life so even if you have beauty
Still you get blame and if you don't still you get blame in life so may be people just like to taunt
To you on every point it never matter you got in your life sometimes taunts will enter to you on
Some part of life when they got something it look so great to them in life but if we got something
Then for that they give such excuse and show as if it is crime it is just our mistake that we paid
Attention to them in life beauty never look that much great on any point beauty is that trick which
Will always touch our mind may we have it or we don't have it but still it managed to hurt us
When people taunt about it in life either we feel lack or we feel that it is not our credit in life but
One thing is truth on every point that we have right on what we got it in life if we got it then it is
Our treasure and if we don't then we got other replacement on that point which will take us ahead
On every step of our life that beauty which manage to our mind on that point where we feel so
Much hurt from inside on every point when some one say something about it on some point and
Then we feel hurt from inside because beauty is that strength which can manage to hurt us on every
Moment in life we feel that beauty will help us but not every time what we really need beauty which
Will be part of our life so that is real beauty which have some impact on every point so then I feel
That this real beauty is in heart on every point but that beauty will not have effect on our mind but
Then that true beauty which is real on every point we want that beauty but still we just move around
Outside beauty on some point but then I feel why hate outside beauty on any point if we like it then
It is also natural on every point of life that beauty which touch us on every angle of life I just have
One thinking from inside that outside beauty will not matter that much in life but if we like some
Sort of thing why reject it in life just by stopping our heart and telling lies we are doing one thing
We are just confusing our mind when we move ahead on each step then that beauty will look so
Much great on every point when it is rejected by us just because others told us from mind so when
We just don't understand something in life we must not do something just because others told us
That we need to do it in life we need to tell our heart to act as per it's wish on every point but that
Doesn't mean we can act wrong in life sometimes we act perfect and sometimes wrong in life but
One thing must be sure that others must not suffer due to our choice because when we choose
Something we need to adjust with it for sometime so when we choose we must go with it only
When we have power to walk with it in our life those moments for which we have thirst just
Told us every time that we need happiness but for it first we need to convince our mind which
Thing is good and which is wrong in life should be convinced to our heart on every point we need
To understand what we feel from inside from our mind then only we can move ahead in life as
Per our thinking and choice we need to move ahead but not just because others told us in life
When we sense that beauty is nice we must respect it and when beauty is not necessary we can
Ignore it but never tag with any concept to your life just go and then watch situation and then
Only you can decide on every point that when we move ahead with positive thought from inside
We need to convince ourselves that beauty truly don't matter in life but if we find some thing
Of our choice we don't reject it according beauty on every point because beauty will have some
Appeal on every point but it must not only one thing to decide some thing in life don't hate
Every beautiful thing or don't like just beautiful thing in life just understand one thing that when
Ugly thing will not ugly when you like it in life it will be beautiful from that point because
Then beauty will touch us on every point because that beauty will become that beauty which will
Mean something from inside when we like something truly from mind we must not reject it
Until that thing seem to reject you on some point or it will be something which belong to some
Other person in life so then I feel one thought from inside that beauty will look so much
Interesting on every point so then I feel beauty will show us true happiness when we judge it
Not with our eyes but with our mind then beauty will appeal to our mind so I feel one thing
From inside that beauty will touch us on every point when it comes from our heart and enter
In our life we need that beauty from inside for which we want to move ahead on every point
We need to understand that beauty which our heart need from inside other beauty will not matter
And we will not hate beautiful thing or common thing or ugly thing in life because life always
Have three sides and each part is always important on every point of our life from our mind.

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