Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Poem 1943. Betrayer as friend

                                                              Betrayer as friend
Sometimes our friend did that mistake in life that we find so hard to accept it in life but question
Is that what we suppose to do on that point we need to accept mistake because that one is our true
Friend in life and we have thirst for true friend in life so we have that friend as part of our life
We need to understand on every point that we need that friend on every point but when they did
Some big mistake on some point then our thought will manage to create that strange effect on our
Thinking and mind we need to understand every thought from inside which tell us this is our friend
So we can quit them in life in middle point but if our friend doesn't understand wrong and right
What can we do when our friends close their eyes on that moment we need to leave their side but
Question is that should we forgive that friend in life sometimes our soul says no and same says
Our mind but it goes against our teaching in life which tell us on every point that friends need to
Understand each other in life so then I feel one thought from inside that friends are some thing so
Precious in life but when they does something wrong it will manage to destroy us on every point
We just feel one thought from inside that friend are those people who are special to us on that
Moment and point when we are on down track of life but when at that moment some one left us
Behind and then after sometime that one come in sense in life how much may some teaching told
Our heart that we must give chance to them in life from heart we just feel one thing that we can't
Able to manage it in life our problems which are creating impact on our mind will seem like just
One thought for which we are alive we need to understand one thought from our mind that we need
To move ahead on every point with one thought that our friends have quit us in middle of that point
So how can we forgive that one in life I just feel those people are so great who do it in life when
Some one learn to forgive fully from heart that will greatest thing in life but when we can't forgive
I feel still need to smile on that point we need to pretend this world that those fellows are forgiven
By us in our life those fellows who are so much great to us are creating so many troubles for us
In life I just have one feel that on that moment we learn to give artificial smile which mean just
One thing that we have learn to put mask on our face from that point and we have learn to create
Troubles for us in our life I feel just one thing from my mind that those mistakes which are so
Great for us are something which are just telling us that our friends are that much well wisher as
We have thought from inside our friends are not our friends but just Midas of our life and when
We feel that then forgiving seem like out of question for life and on that moment we just manage
To put one mask on our face at that time we just feel one thing from inside that we need to just
Pretend since people are forcing us in life but one thing is truth that you can't force person to just
Forgive some one in life that person may look so honest to whole world but not to you in life
Some times when once stab you have understood one thing on which place that one have hidden
That weapon called betrayal which cut our life knife is most horrible for world only when it
Manage to come before world on some point but for us we have sensed it in life but we just
Can't convince world without proof that is one hard truth of life and sometimes even our proof
Don't appeal that much to our world on any point those proof which truly touch our soul will
Tell us on every point that in this world we need to understand our thoughts and our mind only
In one way that is we need to use mask on some times we need to give this world some moment
And some time to get them convince that one is wrong in life but when we suffered once then
It seem so hard for us to suffer losses once again to show world that we are right on that moment
Our anger with depression will enter in our life but if we know what is happening in our mind
Then we can just manage to give that artificial smile because we need to understand that some
People are so good and pretending on every point and world never understand until it suffers
That some one is how wrong in life they just keep claiming that we can forgive people on some
Moment and point which  is so hard to explain world that forgiving some one is hardest task
For our life at each moment with which we decide to forgive that one we are moving near a one
Big black hole which will just destroy our future on every point but world will never understand
And that's why many stars get attracted to that black holes from time to time we just can't change
That rule on any point but we can to just one thing that we can manage to survive my using
Some interesting rules of life which tell us that we need to use mask and still need to avoid that
Person on every point so we need to understand this skill and keep betrayer as friend for some time. 

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