Friday, February 6, 2015

Poem 1936. Cause of not appreciating

                                                    Cause of not appreciating
Some repeated words seem so funny in life specially when one line repeated from time to time
And when people say it is just lie because work is not done on any point it seem so normal but
When we feel repeated lines means work will not get done but strange thing is that when even
After that people believe from inside that their work is going to be completed in life when we
Just move ahead on every point we need to understand one thought from inside that those lines
Which we speaks are giving effect to us and our mind but when promises are not fulfilled it always
Happen that people lost faith in you and that happen with us on every point and when we get down
Our work on that point we no longer need to feel sad in life because when we fulfill it then people
Will say good things about us in life but I have seen many times this hope shattered in life even
After doing work perfectly in life people just say at least that work is done by these people in life
How sad it may feel on that moment or point but never let it stop you from doing your work on
Every point we need to do our work at every moment and each point because that is our duty and
Admiration is that reward which we will receive but don't receive on sometimes but it is just
Something depend on that person's choice some people will give you that gift of reward in life
But some will just don't steal that never tell you that you must not do your duty in life but then
Comes next problem which always hurt my mind I feel one shock from inside when people just
Began to admire that person who have repeated lies when we are treated with such distrust then
Why did that one will receive special treatment in life that is one question that cut in your heart
Like knife that if people don't trust us then why did those people don't trust on every point but
Then on every moment and point I feel one thought from inside words are repeating on every
Moment and point by them they are turning into totally wrong every way in life because those
Words which are repeated in life by them and they are not even fulfilling them in life but still
Sometimes people just give pat to them on shoulder and give one sympathetic smile say that
They will do things properly in life if we give them time so for them there are lot of chances are
For us there is no time this will happen sometimes with you and sometimes with me in life I know
On that moment we need to find cause on every point but just finding cause is not that much easy
In our life when we move ahead on every point that cause will show us true light but then those
World will treat each person in different way can't just always have cause which will show us
Some solutions in life so at every point I have just one thought from my mind that those cause
Will have some reasons in our life I know we need to find cause on every point then I feel one
Thought from my mind when causes are leading to that area of life where we just start convincing
People they are wrong in life and no one accept one thing that they are wrong on any point then
If we want to tell us any thing to them then it will not be understood on any point because when
Things will turn into positive things in life when we start to move ahead on every point so then
We need to understand one thought from inside that convincing those things which we need in
Our life when things will look so much complicated on every point when people are so negative
On every point when we tell them their mistake they just don't understand them in life so what
Will be use of searching of that cause which doesn't make us special in life because we all know
That cause in heart somewhere inside world never look so much hard to understand on any point
That cause is there always inside our mind our thoughts will confuse us on every point we need
To understand just one thought from our mind that cause is not something hidden we know it
From inside what we want is justice in our life but justice is not given to us until we don't manage
To understand cause in life because when we move ahead on every point I feel that cause will
Be useful only when we know how to convince people on every point I feel one thing from mind
Cause will create effect on our mind when we can convince people on every point of life so then
I feel one thought from inside that cause will show many lights but not to us but those people
Who need to understand that they must not trust just limited people in life but we can't do that
Until they will learn it by their own mind so instead of searching for cause we need to understand
One thing from inside that things were never wrong in life until we just don't need to learn
Cause we need to learn ignoring people on some times when they will not appreciating us we
Need to ignore in life we need to do duty that is our need of life appreciation is just one reward
Which we get sometimes and don't get sometimes it is not need of our life when we have faith
On ourselves that we are acting right then appreciation no longer matter inside our mind and life.

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