Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Poem 1953. Art in our life

                                                           Art in our life
It's up to me what I see in that light I have understood one thing on every point that sunlight can
Show us things but what we understand from them is just our choice for some even heaven is hell
If they decide to see that way in life we can't convince some one what they want is wrong in life
We just have to choose our way and decide how will we move ahead in life you may like to play
Cards or not in life but on some occasion life is same way on some points they have given some
Cards in your hand you will have to play with them in life how much you try to convince others
To exchange cards how much you need them to win the game and how much useless may be those
Cards for them still you never get them on any part it is truth on every part that those things which
Are given to us on every part will remain truth for our thinking and our heart I just never feel one
Thing on every part that we have to play with only those rules which will touch our heart when
We try to understand every thought on every part I just have feeling from my heart that when we
Start to move ahead hoping that others will convince and help us on any part is just task which
Will be useless for our thinking and heart our each moment will take us to that part where our
Success will become one important part because that progress which we feel from our heart so
We want others to join it but it is not possible for our heart because at each point we have to move
In our way and in our heart now we can see one thing which will touch our heart is that fact we
Need to move with one hope from heart that we can convince other and then we feel one thought
From heart after all those feeling which are needed to be convince never seem to existed on some
Thinking on every part when we move ahead one thing from our heart so then we feel one thing
From heart that other people can also help us in life but that is not hope which will look so much
Interesting inside life because that hope is totally wrong on every point since that hope will just
Have one feel which will have impact on our life but then others will look so much great on every
Point when we hope that they will join us in life but we need to understand something important
In our life others may not join us on some point we need to adjust cards from time to time in life
Then cards will lead to that effect on our mind which tell we must learn to play within just our cards
We need to play in those things which we got in our hands on every part that art which will look
So much great will be so useful inside life when other people have some skill we can't win it by
Our mind because then we want to move ahead on every point so then I feel one thing from our
Mind art is so much great on every point but art will have some effect on our life when we have
To move ahead on every point so then I feel one thing from inside art will have power on us just
When we have it from inside we can say those people who are at our side can help us in our life
But never try to borrow any thing from those who don't belong to your side because convince will
Just convince person for few moment and time but that person will become your need from inside
When you want something you need try with your strength in life you need to move ahead with
One thought from inside that those steps which we take in our life are not taking us ahead as per
Our thinking and our mind we have to move with each step in such careful way in our life that
On every point I feel one thought from inside that my cards are not something on every point
So those cards will show us different concepts in our life because those cards will have interesting
Look so we need to understand one thing on every point that cards which are having so interesting
Things if we give important skills which are precious in life because when some skills will
Have power on every point but then every where we went ahead on every point but then I feel
One thing from inside that art will have some impact in our life because that art will give some
Power to our life so we feel one thought from inside that art is one thing which we need on our
Own or from some one who really is on our side just by convincing others to have power inside
So those facts will lead to that point where we can see many arts which are leading to thought
From inside art will have that effect on our mind but when it will belong to us but then when
We have that art will have power only when it will belong to us on every point so then we think
That we are having understanding on every point others will have some impact on our life so then
We feel one thought from inside art will have artificial effect on our mind because that art will
Just manage to create wrong impact on our mind but then art will have so much effect on our life
Because art will belong to others to our life so then art will be great when it belong to you then
We can use that art which will touch us on some occasion at sometimes inside life at every point.

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