Friday, February 20, 2015

Poem 1960. Facts in life

                                                               Facts in life
How interesting is that fact on every point when facts will have some effect in our life when those
Facts will have different effect on our mind they will create that impact on every point I just feel 
One thing from inside that fact are just turning in to worst way in our life when we began to move
On positive side fact will show many angles of life some facts are showing those sides which will
Show this world that effect on our mind that fact will change on every moment and on every point
Fact are part of that world where different things are understood by our mind we feel just one thing
From inside interesting are those facts which will show us that shine which will show us that point
Where facts are creating positive types of effect on our mind fact are having different thoughts of
Our mind and they are showing in life many angles which are always important for our mind when
We move ahead facts will tell us they are having different sections in life those facts which are so
Much confused are something which are taking us to that point where facts are no longer clear but
They will have some effect on our mind facts will show us many sides of life when facts will just
Show us many points so those facts are leading us to that angle which will show us many parts of
Our future and life when facts will enter in this world that facts have so many effect on our life so
Facts are showing many positive sides these facts are having many angles of life fact will show in
This world that interesting effect on our life but then those facts which are showing us those sort
Of interesting effect on our life facts are something so clear as light we can clearly see every thing
In light because things will look so much great on every point things are not moving that much so
Clear and good in life I just have one feel from inside that things should look so much clear and 
Nice in shine because things will have that look which will give happiness from inside but mostly
We feel one thing from inside that facts will look so much real in life they will show us that kind
Of world which will give us shine things will look so much better in that light on every moment 
It felt as if things are not that much clear in that sunlight they are just hidden on every point I just
Feel one thought from my mind fact will give our life that shine which will look so much great when
That light will show facts on life on every moment we just feel one thought from inside that fact 
Will show us many types of effect on future on every point those facts which are trying to create
Effect in our life because facts will show us many sides which are clear in sunlight in life so when
Facts will show in our world on every point because facts are showing us that things in life since
Facts are showing those things which we never dreamed in life fact may seem like pain but those
Facts are showing us many sort of thinking on every point when fact will show us that side which
Will show us many good on every point I just feel one fact from inside that fact will may give pain
On some points but then fact will show us that light which will give our world some kind of pain
From inside after all those facts which will give us that dream on some point where dream will be
Such that it never take us on wrong side when I will move ahead I just never want to move on that
Bad side I want to see facts I feel I can tolerate pain but then I want that shine of truth or may be 
Blackness of truth in life but what is worst about me is I just can't wait for truth in life I just want
That truth before me like fact on every point I will just never understand what I feel from inside 
But I have just one thought from my mind that this truth which seem like pain will show me that
Side on which I just hope to see that world I want to see in life but sometimes it doesn't show me
That world on any point but still my heart beat for just that truth because even darkness of truth
Is welcomed since it will give that rain which will give happiness to my mind when I will move
Ahead on every point then pain will hurt us on every moment so I just have one feel from inside
That pain which we need in world on every point is connected to facts of our life when I will 
Move ahead with facts on every point I just feel one thing that facts are giving my life pleasant
Sort of happiness and shine when I will move ahead with facts I just feel one thing I am so much
Different in real life some times I never thought that I will stood so firm on some ground but 
Then on that moment and point I see myself with facts in such different light how hard it is to
Understand any one on any point because life is that most important sort of thing for our life 
When we move ahead on every angle we just feel one thought from inside that we know ourselves
But facts will show us our that true face which we can never able to guess even while watching 
Mirror in life because it will look so beautiful if you decide to act honest and it will give so much 
Shine but people just never understand that feel because short term benefits seem like ratio of life.

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