Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Poem 1932. Waiting for truth

                                                           Waiting for truth
When I will want to say the truth it will show effect on life when truth will have some impact
We feel it will create effect on mind at every step I want to say truth but it will not help me on
Every time because some times truth will not listen by other party so it seem like waste of time
But then we have to think again that does truth win on first time if you read history honestly
Then we can understand history on every point at every step we just feel one thought from inside
That history which we read will tell us people will not be honest most of times when history
Want to shine with truth mostly obstacles are truth of every point honesty and truth never win
Easily in fact mostly honest one is consider liar in life because dishonesty has become such a
Strong part of our lifestyle that honesty will seem like crime when it is crystal clear who is truthful
Still people just like lies so when you start way of truth never expect flowers which blossom
On every point truth will only expect one thing that is painful rocks on every time because when
You tell truth you have one with written in your fortune on that time that you will get true friends
So suddenly number of your friends reduced on that time may it be just one or two in life but
Still I just feel one thing from my mind that truth will give my world so perfect sort of shine
Truth will show us that angle which will show our world true good concept in life when it comes
Before us it will good for our life when we move ahead we expect truth to look great on every
Moment and point we just have one feel from our mind that truth will show us different sort of
Thoughts on every point truth will show us hard ways in life because it is not welcomed on many
Occasions and on many points people just hate truth from inside they want to listen just those
Words which are false but pleasing to their mind we want to have one thought from our mind
That truth will win on every point but that thought mostly turn in wrong way in life instead of
Hoping that truth will win we hope that what ever won is truth in life and so winner become best
Thing on every point but that world where truth is existed just manage to create wrong impact
On our life I want truth to be winner on every point but that doesn't mean every winner is truthful
In my view and eyes because many times false win on first moment and on first point and truth
Will win only after efforts in life we want to be winner but truth is that treasure which will not
Include so easily in life we want it to become that part of our world in which we can see many
Important uses of life we want truth to become that shade which will help us on every point and
We want that truth to become that part which will give our world that perfect look on every point
I just feel one thought from inside that truth will take us ahead to that point where we feel just
One thing from inside that truth will give this world so many truths on every point so then on
That point we never understand truth from inside we feel just one thing from ever point that
Those truths which are hidden will lead to that angle of life where truth will show those thought
Which will show us truth of life after all truth will show many things that have some effect on
Our mind that truth which will lead to winner but not at first point so those feeling which will
Have positive things in life when winner will look so bad on every point but then I feel one
Thought from inside winner will turn into some thing great only after losing in beginning in life
So truth will never win so easily in life we need to wait and watch for long time to judge those
Truth of life we just love to jump on conclusions on every time we need to understand one
Thought that we need to wait and watch before saying some thing in life because many times
Right things will turn into wrong and wrong things will turn into right when we get these things
Will have some effect on every point I just feel one thought from inside because truth will just
Show many sides of life because truth will have some positive effect on life I feel just one thing
From inside that truth will have that power which will take us ahead on every point because
Those truths will show our world on every point because world will have some shine but that
Shine will come only after long effects in life I feel just one thought from inside truth will just
Manage to come ahead only after some time but then when I will move ahead I feel one thought
From inside that those truth will look so clear only when we understand from inside so when
We need to move ahead on every point then we feel one thing from inside that we need to wait
For few days on every point I feel one thought inside truth will look so much great on every
Area of life truth will look so much great on every point when we understood that truth will look
So nice on every point so truth will look so much pure when we find truth with time we need to
Understand truth on every point it will come in our life so we feel that truth will look great in life.

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