Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Poem 1944. Proper ways in life

                                                          Proper ways in life
When life will move ahead with proper point I just feel one thing from my mind that it is just the
Perfect way in our life we need to move in proper way and go ahead with proper point those moment
Which we do in our life should be with one thought that it should bring proper peace in life but
Then on every moment and point greed just manage to capture our mind we just keep moving with
One view from inside that we want to move each step with one hope from mind that we want to just
Achieve that thing which will bring happiness in our life at every step we just feel one thing that
We need to move ahead with positive thought from inside but question is that when some thing just
Goes against our thoughts and mind we will feel just one thought from inside that we want our life
Turn into proper way in life when we want to move ahead those good ways are something which
Will look so better on every point because those ways are so good and at every point they will just
Manage to look so much great in life that proper way which we want to move on every point I just
Feel one thing from inside that proper is that thought which we have in our mind so we need to just
Search in that way and find good things in life when at every step I feel just one thing from our
Mind that proper is that meaning which we have from our mind we need to understand our thinking
And need of proper in life but then we need to judge one thought that we need to create just proper
Sort of life for us on every time when proper means goodness and kindness of thoughts I feel just one
Thinking from inside that proper will differ according to person in life some feel one thing is proper
Other feel differently from our mind when proper thing will look so much great from inside life
While others will hate it from heart on every point we need to understand one thought from our
Thinking and mind but then proper ways are those thoughts which we want for inside but what is
True meaning of proper in our life when we move ahead on each step I feel one thought from inside
Proper is that quality which we have at each step of life but proper will not be same on every point
It will change for me and it could different for you in life until now I use to think you may get
What you wish and I may get what I like in life because it will be so perfect way of life but then
I have notice again and again on every point people want things to turn in just the way they like
They want to get things as per their choice but when it comes to others they just want them also
Act as per their likes and dislikes on every moment I feel one thought from inside that when we
Move ahead I have one feeling that proper means moving ahead in my way of my life but if I don't
Want to trouble others why they have to irritate me on every point and that is when proper become
Wrong in life because when you cross your route and start running in others lines then you are
No longer proper on any point when proper will look so much great when every one run in their
Lines but it never happen in that way in life when we start to move in our lines we just feel one
Thing from inside that lines are those territories which we need in life we need to run in proper
Way and just in our line but it never happen people just love to change ways in life so when we
Move ahead and run in our line we just hope from others that they will stay in their lines but even
Those hopes are getting destroyed from time to time it is not about others running with us but
It is just about letting us run as per our choice but people seem to like to keep us forcing to live
Just the way they like those proper ways are no longer some thing which we want from inside
Because when they cross and start to hurt us we did what we feel right we just manage to find
A way to stop them in life but it is not just running faster but it is also pushing them out of our line
We are forced to do that thing which we hate to do in life we are forced to push others so that
We can move ahead in life when some one run faster and move ahead in their line we can just
Manage to accept our defeat but how can we accept it when they start to cross their line and then
Start to run ahead of us in our own line when we start to move ahead with running those lines
When lines are set in such way that we could able to live peacefully in life then why people
Are moving ahead with wrong thought on every point we just have one thinking from inside
That we need to run just within our lines but sometimes people just want victory and they just
No longer care what others feel from inside they want just one thing that is they should be ahead
In life that is most worst moment of life we need to move ahead on every point and have to find
Some way to run ahead in life we will find that way but worst thing in life is that even when
This is happening audience is not with us they are cheering winner and not supporting us in life
But don't worry my friend that is the way in which true winners are created inside this life.

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