Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Poem 1941. Stubborn and ambitious nature

                                                Stubborn and ambitious nature
Can you come to tell me my friend what is wrong with our life I know you can tell me something and
I can tell you something but I feel I have find the problem that is we are too stubborn to understand
Each other in life just with one view to convince other we do many things in life our affection don't
Help us since we just never guess which one need to treat problem with respect in life on every
Point I feel one thought from inside that stubbornness is that fact or that part of my thinking on each
Point not because I hate some one but because I have suffered enough by trusting wrong people in
My life so you feel you know best and my experience told me otherwise you trust your heart while
I trust my logic and facts on every time I know sometimes emotions took front seat that have happen
Also with me in life but I can't become someone who is emotionally blind on every point those facts
Which touch me and my mind are always tell me trusting just what people tell you is wrong thing
In life once you can fool someone but you can't fool some one twice one fact will remain there on
Every moment and point that stubborn is my that quality in life which I need on every point but that
Tendecy will have some impact on life I feel thought of stubbornness is something I have from
Inside those thoughts which capture my mind are not something which I will take so lightly in life
But still on every point those thinking will have impact on our life that is also one power which
Help us to keep away evil from our life those thoughts which will power to fight on right point so
On every point I just feel one thought from inside stubbornness seem to have one thought on every
Moment and point because they are so good and blessing on some times when we move ahead on
Every point that stubbornness is that quality which will have impact on every point so then I feel
Just one thought from inside that this idea will show important on every positive idea on every point
So then I need stubborn thought which will look so great on every point because that quality which
Will have two sides on every point I need just one thinking from inside that I need that thinking
Which will show us that effect on every point seem like something so good on some point so those
All things which will look so much great at every point seem so much interesting at every angle
Of life I just have one feel from inside that stubbornness may look in others so wrong but we just
Love it inside us every time so if we love so much our stubbornness and we just don't want to quit
That stubbornness from inside then we might like one thought from inside that we need to move
Ahead step by step in life those thoughts which tell us we need to move ahead on some point are
Always stubborn so we can't leave them behind but we can always do one thing in life we can just
Adjust things on every point we can manage to understand other things in life because those things
Which are thought of other people inside life so then we feel one thing from inside that when we
Feel one thing from our mind that we need to understand stubbornness on every point so then
Those concepts will have reaction inside life when other people will see many thoughts on every
Angle of life but then I feel one thought from inside other people will also have same stubborn
Thoughts on every point I feel we need to understand others that is need of time we can change
Our thinking but we can accept others will have their thinking in life our heart will have need
Of understanding things on every point so then I feel one thought from inside other people will
Manage to create impact on our mind because when in our mind we feel that others will have
Their thinking on every point those thoughts which are like rock on strong on every point but
Then we need some strong thought which will show us positive sort of feel from inside so then
When we move ahead on every point stubborn thoughts will have limit on every point but then
These stubbornness is that quality of life which is always existed on every point so then those
Many types of thoughts which will look some thing so confusing in life because that stubborn
Thought will have some effect on our mind but then that solid quality which is so stubborn on
Every point of life because that kind of quality which keep us on one point will look so much
Great on every point because those quality which are so precious inside life since that those
Hard quality will have some effect on life but they are there on both points we need to understand
Those qualities inside life will look so double reaction in life so I feel one thing from inside
That some tough quality will have some effect on our life that quality will have good as well as
Bad reaction in life we need stubborn quality even in life but for keeping it we need kindness
And understanding in life if we have them then stubbornness will look like ambitious nature in life.

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