Sunday, February 15, 2015

Poem 1950. Challenge

Some people will just challenge you from time to time just never say never to us in life so then
When we move ahead on every point with that challenge which we need in life but sometimes 
Those challenges just manage to scare us on every point I feel one thought from my mind that
This challenge is that thinking of our life which will take ahead on each step with one thought
That we need to move ahead with one challenge which we need from inside when we took each
Step of challenge like exam in life we feel just one thing that we can move ahead on every point
With one thinking that challenge is need of our life but sometimes people give us challenge just
Because they want to move ahead in life but then challenges are something which let before then
Just with one view that they want us to tell we are nothing in life when we take such challenge
Then we made mistake in our life because it will be something which we lose on every point and
On those points we need to understand with our mind that when we take this challenge we must
Not be scared of losing in life that challenge which we want is not something just to tell us that
We are not winning in our life we need to understand that challenge is some thing so wrong on
Every moment and point those challenges are something which are given to us just with one 
Thinking and view that we need to lose in them and then feel sad for our life we must remain
Stuck in this trap on any point we need to understand that this trap is something they made 
With one view that is destroy us in life some challenges are not truly challenges they are just
Set so that we will just fail in life never just feel sad when you lose in that challenge on any
Point of life we need to understand our thoughts and mind which tell us on every day that this
Challenge is that thought which will show us light on every point of life when challenges are
Set with one view that they are not going to be completed and then we feel pain in every view
Then we must not feel respect for that challenge on any point we just feel one thought from inside
That challenges are different thoughts of mind which will show us light but when they are set
With wrong intention they are just decided one thing inside life that challenges are those thoughts
Which will give life true shine but we need to keep challenge truthfully on every point so those
Challenges will look so much good when we set them in right way of life but sometimes they
Are truly challenge they are just some intention to hurt us in life you can just back out from them
But there is one way in life in which we can do more better fight we can just move ahead and
Challenge that person with smile and say we are loser but that is not crime when we understand
That losing is also our right slowly we can understand that on some point we need have one
Thought from our mind that we can take challenge with one view from mind that we need to
Move ahead with positive side challenge is that part which will always have impact on our mind
We need challenge on every point but not one which needed to be just won in life some challenges
Should be just to practice our mind that even in worst situation we will manage to survive in life
When we take that challenge and never think losing will make us less in life when we understand
Losing is not our failure it is our pride then we only win because we are understand one law
Of our life that trying is first step of winning in life and only loser is that person who is trying to
Win never try mostly they won in life but when they are loser they feel that thing worth trying
Then only it will make them winner on every point and then only we can understand what we
Feel from inside just taking challenge is great work on sometimes when people are not ready
To take challenge in life we need some one who is ready to take challenge and not scared of losing
On that point that is first step of becoming true human being in life we need to understand our
Thoughts and mind which tell us every moment trying is worthy of many things in life we need
To understand our thoughts and mind our thoughts will take us ahead on each point we need to
Just move ahead with one thinking from mind that challenge is one thought that will have some
Impact on our life but never happen as we thought from inside because we can never guess when
We receive challenge in life sometimes we receive it just as if it is some game and some times
We receive it like some threat at that point but just always remember try to take both challenges
In same way and in same tide because those challenges are those concepts which will have some
Effect on our mind so we need to take every challenge in positive way in our life on every point.

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