Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Poem 1968. How complicated things

                                                        How complicated things
How complicated are things inside our life because those things are creating effect on that person and
His thought on every point because thoughts will show us that side of our life I feel one thing from
Inside mind I feel one thought from inside that complicated effect on our mind because that kind
Of complication will create effect on our mind because complication will show us some good thing
Which will create trouble in our life complicated things will have some effect on life that we may
Don't want to create on any point because complicated things will look so much hard to absorb in
Our future and life so complicated things will have some effect on our life then when things will
Have some reaction on our life I feel just one thing that complicated things are never wanted in life
Because complicated things will have strong effect on life then I feel one thought from inside that
Complicated things will have impact on our mind but they are not moving the way we wish from
Inside complicated things will have some effect on our mind when complication will have become
Part of our life I feel one thought from inside complicated things will show many sides of life but
Then complicated things will show many sides of life but then complicated things are leading to
Good side of life by turning in right way in life after all complicated things will look so much
Great on every point because complicated things will have some impact on our mind but then
Complicated things will have some things which will have reaction on our life because those sort
Of complicated things are basic of life when complicated things will have that basic things will
Have reaction in life because complicated things will lead to new creation to our life since that
Complication will have some good effect on life I feel just one thought from inside that complicated
Things are those basic of life which will show us many things are interesting but still so hard to
Learn in life but still we can't escape from complicated things in life because they are basic need
On every point so when hard things are beginning slowly it will look so good on every point so
I have one feel from inside that basic are so hard to learn in life at every step we need to move ahead
On every point those hard things are showing strange things in life when those basic sort of such
A complication in life because when thing will hard at basic on every point so those things which
Are important inside life when we start to move ahead in life complicated things will so much hard
On every point when complicated things will show us that these are basic of our new structures
Of our life because there are complicated things will began to create new world in life on every
Moment and point we feel one thing complicated thing are those basics which are not that much
Easy to take us ahead on every step of life so then I feel one thought from inside that when our
Thoughts will turn into positive way in life we will understand new ways are our needs in life
Those new ways which are basic on every point then complicated facts which are leading to just
Some effect to us in life then complicated things will create impact inside life but then when
We start basic complicated things needed to create to our life because complicated things are
Just important part of our life but then those hard sort of things in life complicated things will
Show many things in life those things are building new things in life but then complicated things
Are need of every part of life we need to understand them from inside on every part we feel that
We must stay away from complication of life but basic will have some effect as basic in our life
They are that need which can't stay away from life so easy ways which we love needed to be
Just left behind we can take easy way in life but some people just prefer one another way in life
That is wrong way which lead to just crimes that way which started with troubles in life is just
One way that will create new problems for our world in our life we need to find new ways but
Not by taking wrong way in life because it may look easy but finally it will manage to harm us
On every point when we move ahead I just feel one thought from inside that complicated in
Our life are good ways are never easy on any point but that doesn't mean we can get tired of those
Ways in life since those ways will have some effect on our life that complicated things will have
Some effect on our life complicated things will have some effect on our life then complicated
Sort of things will show new ways in life these complicated thing create new fun in life at beginning
You may find them hard in life but when you learn to live with them then only you can understand
Your life so let us welcome complicated ways with morals in life on each moment and point.

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