Friday, September 26, 2014

Poem 1707. Confused thoughts of mind

                                                      Confused thoughts of mind
When some thought confuse us inside life how easily we surrender to that thought from
Time to time we just have one feeling from inside that we must ignore that thought on every
Moment and point we just feel one thing from inside that when we don't understand that
Thought then why should we need to move ahead with that thought inside life but our life
Is never that much easy on any point in life we need to understand that confusion is one
Truth of life those thoughts which confuse us seem also necessary for life because those
Thoughts are nothing but half work which have done in life sometimes we start some work
And then in middle we just realized that this work is not that much easy on any point that
Work seem so hard so we just decide to ignore that work and keep that work out of our
Life then that problem start on that point suddenly that work will become that peak of life
On which we have that thought which confuse our mind we need to understand that we
Must surrender our thoughts on every angle of life because some thoughts are hard to adjust
Or absorb but they are truth of our life those thoughts seem to touch us from one point to
Another point when I will move ahead in my life on every moment I feel one thing from
Inside that those thoughts which tell that we must not confuse our mind are telling us on
Every point that we must not let our life move ahead in such a way that just seem easy to us
In life and that could be understood easily by mind we need to find many ways in which
We need to understand our life which may confuse us and scare us but still they are proper
Ways of our future and our life when we move ahead we just surrender to our thoughts on
Every point we just never feel one thing that our thoughts are good but they are just too
Complicated to understand in life when we move ahead we feel one thing from inside that
Those thoughts which touch us will lead to many sections of life when we want to move
Ahead we feel one thing from inside that those thoughts which will make problem for us
Will then manage to create troubles for us at every point we all want just one thing that is
Eye opening thought for our life we want to move ahead and we feel we need to move with
That thought which even open our eyes still don't give us that much trouble in life but that
Is not possible and that is not truth of life trouble will always enter on some points of life
When we move ahead without thought we want it to be something great on every point
But that greatness never enter in easy way of life when we move ahead we just feel one thing
From inside that those thoughts which entertain us will look so good to our life but when they
Began to confuse us little bit we just feel that we need to change those thoughts on every
Moment and point we feel that confusion is never needed inside life we just never understand
One feeling from mind that our mind need new thoughts which will please us from inside
Our mind seem to have two part sometimes one have just one thirst of winning things and
Other have one thought that we must not let morals to break inside life so when one precious
Thought enter in those thoughts and their fight it seem so totally wrong that we are stuck
Between so different thoughts of life but if we want to move ahead then we need to cross
Those mountains of confusion in life we need to trust just one thing that is our mind we need
To understand that we are never wrong just situation is changed on some times what we are
Thinking was totally true but it must have changed due to some situations inside our life
But confused thoughts are creating effect on our life when we start rejecting them then we
Are unknowingly rejecting our future and our life just never let those confuse thought rule
Your thinking and mind we just feel one thing that we are not understanding but sometimes
We have understood every thing perfectly and it happen due to thinking of our mind we just
Never understand what we feel from inside but somewhere in our future we will see that
Sunshine if we keep thinking about those confused thoughts on every point I feel just one
Thought from my mind confused thoughts indicate how much difficult thoughts will have
Appeal to our mind when we move ahead we must understand one thing from inside that
Those thoughts which will take us ahead are hard to understand in life may it be for our present
Or future we must learn one thing from past in life that confused thoughts are those thoughts
Which can be truth but they looked different due to change of situation inside our future and life.

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