Monday, September 22, 2014

Poem 1699. One rule of life

                                                               One rule of life
Never look behind that is one rule of life some one told that is how you move ahead in life
But I have just one question from my mind when our enemies come from behind how can we just
Ignore what is behind can we let others attack us from behind inside our life how can we just
Watch ahead in life when every side seem to have different concept of mind when we move
Ahead I feel just one thought from inside that what is behind no longer appeal to my thoughts
And my mind when I use to walk ahead I just never feel need to watch behind but now a days
I feel sometimes we need to look behind because there are no longer clear rules of life and
There are no more people who really understand them from inside I just feel one thought from
My mind that when we just look ahead we need to understand what we feel from our mind
What we really feel is just one thought from inside that our enemies are sometimes standing
Behind us on every point we just feel one thing that we need to look behind I just feel one thing
On every point that watching behind is not something which truly touch our mind but still we
Need to move ahead on every point and how can we move ahead when we are looking behind
But we need to look behind on many points those rules of our life which will give us shine
Just never look that much better inside life when they tell us that we must look ahead in life
But still I have one question what about things which are behind on every point we feel one
Thought from our mind when we move ahead we feel things from behind we feel that touch
On every point inside life I just feel one thing that we need to watch from behind on every
Point we feel that things which are moving ahead from behind can be ignored but sometimes
They comes ahead in life but then comes next question how can we enjoy our life on every
Moment we feel that darkness will come forward after for sometime staying behind but that
Doesn't mean we can just always move behind but then that darkness will start to move ahead
In life so then that darkness will manage different sort of things in life that darkness which
Will manage to move ahead some day in life but should we need to look behind on every time
So then darkness will have impact on every point because it is behind but when we want to
Move ahead in life we need to understand those darkness which is behind will manage to hurt
Our walk on every point I feel just one thing from inside that darkness will be that feel which
Will touch our life when it is coming from behind I feel one thought from inside that darkness
Is that fact which slowly manage to show different parts of life that darkness will remain on
That spot which is behind will come some day  ahead but can we just keep looking behind
After all we want to move ahead on every point we feel one thought from inside that those
Darkness which are coming from behind will not help us that much in our life if we let them
Just win over our mind so then these things which will have darkness on every point are still
Standing on back side but if we really want to live our life then we need to look ahead and
We don't need to look behind we feel just one thought from inside that darkness needed to be
Watched but how can we manage to follow that advice that we must look ahead when we
Want success and happiness in life so confused are those thoughts which are regarding two
Sides of life darkness will remain ahead and behind those darkness will have effect on life
Will be remain part on every angle of life that darkness are those shadows which may remain
Inside life they will have so much effect on us that we feel our life will have impact on some
Points inside life when we see that darkness will have effect on life so then these dark will
Give effect on every point but that doesn't mean we can just keep looking at darkness which
Is behind in life we need to look ahead on some points which will have impact on our mind
When darkness will have effect on our future on some time we feel that need to keep watch
On it but how can we live our future if we keep looking behind so sometimes I feel that if we
Want to live our life then may be we just let sometimes our enemy come ahead in life because
We need one thing that is most important in life that is we need to enjoy each moment of
Our precious life so how can we spend it in watching our back on every time so just understood
One thing when people say we need to move ahead and ignore what is behind they never mean
To say that harm will not come from behind they just mean to say that we must live our life
We must learn to enjoy whatever we got in life and it will not happen if we keep looking behind
On every moment and on every point of our life we need to move ahead and that is rule of life.

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