Thursday, September 18, 2014

Poem 1693. Mistakes of special person

                                                   Mistakes of special person
Some people are so special for world in life that their mistakes are kept hidden at heart of our
life and those people are admired on every time sometimes we keep some people on so high
Position in life that we began to feel accepting their mistake is our crime people just don't let
Any one point out their mistakes in life and then worst things start to happen on every point
When we move ahead we feel just one thought from inside that special one get that place in
Our future and life that their mistakes are never pointed and pointing their mistake become
Our crime how sad it feel from our heart in our life that we just never permitted to point out
One mistake in life even well wisher does it sometimes with just one view that mistake will
Not get repeated in life but when we point out then we see true colors of life and we understood
One thing that those people are not that much special in life because special people never does
Such a big mistakes in life when special people does those special things in life we just assume
One thing from inside that crime which will have impact on our life never look so much harmful
On any point but we know from heart that it is not truth of life those mistakes will become
Something which will harm us on every angle of life we just keep assuming on every point
That mistakes are those things which will have reaction on our life and after sometimes we will
See that we have done biggest wrong thing by hiding those mistakes in life because when you
Hide one mistake then next mistake will visit you next time because slowly people make it
Their habit to do mistakes in life on every point we just feel one thing from inside that mistake
Will create effect on us at every point those mistakes which will take us behind will enter slowly
But still we just try to keep that person on that special position of life we just keep assuming on
Every point that mistakes which are done by special person should be hidden on every point
I feel one thought from inside that special people are always great for our life but then when
We move ahead on every point can we consider stones that thrown on us by them as flowers
In life I just have one feeling from inside I never able to do that so I feel it is better to point out
Their mistakes on time so that they don't throw stone on us by mistake in life it is not about
If some one do with intention or mistake in life but stones always harm and that is rule of life
So we never let any one hurt us in that way of life we need to understand that thing from inside
We need to understand that stones will just hurt us on every point they will never help us in life
They will cut us on every point but still if let some one special throw it on us in life finally one
Day we will scream against them from our heart and mind so why should make some one so
Special that their mistakes become pain at heart on every time we just have to keep searching
On every point that mistake will have reaction on every angle of life I just assume one thought
On every day in life that mistakes are those things which will have effect on every part I just
Feel one thing from my mind that we must not do such mistakes which will hurt us on every
Angle and on every part we just assume those mistakes are that part of our heart that can be
Ignored but it is not easy to ignore mistakes from our heart because how much we may claim
That we have soft heart still each stone which hurt us manage to harder our heart on every part
How much we hurt others will tell our thoughts that we are standing on which part we just
Never understand that we are not winning just by keeping some one great on our side but
We also need that one to do some great work from heart just hiding their mistakes will make
Them weak on every part I just feel one thing from heart that different things will have impact
In life I feel one thought on every point that things will have effect if mistakes are ignored in
Our life when people are moving ahead on every angle of life with just one logic it was to get
Things as per their thoughts on every point we feel that mistakes can have impact in life and
On every point we feel that life is not moving ahead on every angle of life when I will move
Ahead on every point we feel just one thought from inside that when we ignore mistakes
We are giving chance to them inside so I feel one thing from inside that much mistakes must
Not be ignored by us in life how special be some one but mistakes will just do harm to us
In life so we need to improve those mistakes from time to time we feel just one thing from
Our mind that mistakes are those thoughts which capture our days and nights because for
Improving them we need to make efforts in life we feel just one thing that mistakes are
Those parts which will touch us on totally wrong point and take us on confused way in life
So never ignore mistake in life try to correct them even if they belong to special people in life.

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