Friday, September 12, 2014

Poem 1683. Sorrows and happiness in life

                                                       Sorrows and happiness in life
I just want to see beauty of that life which never have sorrows inside but every one told me
There is never such life each life have some sorrows inside but then some one told me that
Every life is such a life because if we began to laugh on our sorrows then we can have such
A nice and interesting life I just want to understand beauty of my life then I just understand
That how can I see in my sorrows some positive side those people who live happily their whole
And full life learn to watch happiness and learn to ignore sorrows of life when we move ahead
We just never understand one thing from our mind that why happiness is something which
Is capturing our feeling while sorrows are those things which can be ignored in life when
I will move ahead on every point I have just one feeling from inside that all happy thoughts
Are creating effect on our life they are managing to create reaction on every point because
On every point when we turn our sorrows into happiness from inside then we are confusing
Our thinking on every point we just never understand what we feel from inside that how
Many times unknowingly we have turned happiness into sorrows without much efforts in life
But when it comes to turning sorrows into happiness inside life we feel it is so hard on every
Moment and point when we feel one thing from inside that we are not getting happiness but
We are gathering sorrows from our mind when we move ahead step by step inside life we just
Feel we have sorrows inside life we just never understand when this things happen in life and
We just never understand when we have turned happiness into sorrows in no time but when
Some one suggest that we should look at our sorrows with smile we just get so much angry
At that advice because we just have one feeling that this person have not suffered so this one
Never understand what we feel from inside so when we need to understand that we are not
Suppose to turn other way in our life we just feel one thing from inside that our sorrows are
Something so important and just belong to us in life that sometimes I feel sorrows are something
Which we have fall in love with some times I just feel one thing from inside that sorrows are
Like those arrows which will cut our heart from inside we still we preserve our sorrows on
Every moment and on every point I just never understand how can we appreciate sorrows
So much in life I just feel so strange when I have realized even when we remember some
Pleasant memory of past we just began to crying it is not that we have lost someone or some
Sort thing which hurt our mind it can be just going of our friend to abroad or for growing up
Of some kid I just never understand why should be have to feel sad on every point at pleasant
Memories should bring out some tears instead of laugh inside life we just never understand
What we feel from our mind we feel just one thing that we are sad because we have lost so
Many things in life but then when if we think in details I just feel one thing from my mind that
Those sorrows which are so touching to heart are not that much truth of life we need to have
To change them on every part of life I just have one thought from my mind that sorrows are
That part of happiness which we just cherish in life we can just see happiness and ignore sorrows
On every point but instead of that we just do things in other way we turn sorrows into that
Happiness by searching  sorrows in our happy moment of life on every point I just feel one
Thing from inside of mind that happiness are those part which we want to keep alive for
Our bright future and life but we have just lost that art of keeping it alive somewhere while
Living our busy life when we have to move ahead on every point but while doing that we have
Forgotten true meaning of happiness inside life we just keep claiming that we are searching for
Happiness but we are just remembering what we have lost inside life on every moment
We just feel one thing from inside of mind that sorrows are something so wrong on every
Moment and point but when sorrows capture our thoughts and mind I just feel that only
Sorrows will remain other things will vanish in air of life we just never understand that how
Wrong is our set of mind that sorrows which are shadows of darkness inside life I feel
Just one thing from my mind that sorrows never make us winner then just bringing that
Darkness inside our life which will manage to stop us going ahead in life on every way I just
Feel one thing from inside that we need to search for happiness on every point of life and
We need to move ahead and search for happiness inside even sorrows then only we win in life.

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